![]() AmaterasuA Story by Rae![]() This is the world I created back in 2008. I re-written it and this is the final product.![]()
Hello and welcome to the world of Amaterasu. Amaterasu is a rich and rural world filled with magic. This world I had created began with my first book, “Friend or Fiend”. Since then, I adapted the world in the story to be a whole world from which many of my stories could come from in the future. Without further ado, here’s some information about Amaterasu.
Countries of Amaterasu Adalwolfa: The country of darkness, that only appears at midnight, is known for its legendary school for bounty hunters and assassins called the “BH:A Academy” located in the capital city of Nacht. Though the school raises killers of justice, there are many mob bosses and murderers hiding in the shadows of this country. The only way to enter, or exit, the country is at midnight. Aleta: A country of clouds in the sky that is a level down from the home of the supreme gods. In its capital city of Brisa, the Court of the Goddesses, where the goddesses hold their meetings, stands tall. Aleta is home to mostly birds, since no humans live so high up from the ground. Aya: Otherwise known as the Blue Kingdom. Aya, with its capital Aoi, is a country of colors. A decade ago, the kingdom was warring with its neighbor, the Kingdom of Sakura, over a territory dispute. After King Jose took the crown, the warring ended and peace came back to their land. Bonheur: The country of happiness, whether one lives in the rich middle or the poor outskirts. The capital, Amour, lies within the protective borders of the rich. Even though the rich and poor sometimes don’t get along, everyone strives to be happy with whatever life they were born into. Ersilia: A country surrounded in dense forest. It is said to reach their capital, Impianto, one would need to be chosen to find it. The thick trees make it hard to spot the supposed golden city within the country. Within the forest, if one finds a large flower, bigger than a thick tree, they would have found the birth place of a goddess. Katsu: Otherwise known as the Green Kingdom. When war threatened the country, the queen stepped up and defeated the foes with her wit and cunning. The capital, Isao, is where Queen Priscilla lives. During the war between the Blue and Red kingdoms, the queen stayed neutral. However, she hid the princes from both kingdoms within her borders, which would have been a direct war declaration if she had been caught. Fortunately, the war ended and her kingdom was safe. Lolita: Otherwise known as the Underworld. If one would imagine Lolita, they would think of darkness and fear. However, they would be entirely wrong. Lolita was designed for the dead souls of people to live in peace after death. The capital, Muerte, is a beauty beyond compare with its decorated skulls and bright colors. Lolita a paradise for the afterlife. Nereus: A country that lives entirely underwater. It is the second biggest country in all of Amaterasu(second to Lolita), and its capital, Aikaterina, is bursting with sea life. It’s the country for the fish folk consisting of but not limited to: mer-folk, fish, whales, sharks, and tons of plant life. Humans don’t usually visit, since they can’t breathe underwater, but if one got a hold of a special pearl that the Goddess of Water gives to special humans, then they could visit the country with no problem. Neva: A country devoured in a white blanket of snow. It’s also known for its ghost sightings which have made it a sort of tourist attraction. Every bit of the country is covered in an endless snowfall, including the capital, Nieve. The humans that live in this cold country are thick-skinned and can barely feel the icy chill as they work. Petrona: A country that is constantly watching its neighbor, the active volcano of Mount Infierno. The country was built around the volcano because of the flourishing plant life around the base. The capital, Fuego, is built a hundred meters away from the rim of the volcano. People are in constant danger of being blown away, but the Goddess of Fire has been merciful to them so far. Sakura: Otherwise known as the Red Kingdom. Known for the capital city, Ai, and its cherry blossom trees, Sakura is a country of beauty. However, a decade ago, this Red Kingdom decided to feud with the Blue Kingdom over territory. The prince, Eric, ran away and hid within the neutral Green Kingdom with Prince Jose of Aya. When the war became too much, Prince Jose went back to Aya and took his place as King. Instead of going home to Sakura, Prince Eric married King Jose, and the Kingdom of Sakura had Prince Eric’s former fiancée, Lady Karen, become the queen. Zhao: The country of light, which only appears at noon. The capital city, Wen, is a true beauty of pure light. It is said that the country of Zhao and the country of Adalwolfa exist at the same place, but they appear at different times. The only way to enter, or exit, the country is at noon. Goddesses of Amaterasu Nick: Supreme god(and only god) of the Goddesses. He was born alongside Dayana. Nick is impatient at times and can be a bit childish. He or Dayana sometimes give a female goddess powers, thus turning her into a goddess. He wears different military uniforms from various countries of Amaterasu. Dayana: Supreme goddess of the Goddesses. She was born alongside Nick. Patient, mature, and often motherly, Dayana is considered the better of her and Nick. If a female proves promise, she or Nick will give her goddess powers. Dayana wears a pure white gown to give her a heavenly look. Ashleigh: (Main) Goddess of Darkness. She governs over the country of Adalwolfa and brings darkness to the world at night. When she is not in her country, she often visits her fellow goddess in the underworld. Since she can only appear in darkness, she must sit at the opposite end of Vanessa, the Goddess of Light. Ashleigh’s form is a misty black, but a gown of darkness can be seen on her. Gabriella: (Minor) Goddess of Dreams. She watches over the country of Aleta and brings sleep to those who can’t. Gabriella is often seen sleeping on her clouds as she drifts over Amaterasu. If she gets angry enough, she can cast a powerful spell for Eternal Sleep, which is why she should not be underestimated. She constantly wears full-fledged pajamas with a sleeping cap and slippers. Sarah Smith: (Minor) Goddess of Mountains. She is in charge of the country and kingdom of Aya. Though only a minor goddess, she has a legendary past alongside her two goddess friends, Sarah Do, Goddess of Wind, and Victoria, Goddess of Victory. Recently, she has ended her decade long feud with fellow goddess, Sarah Do. Smith is unyielding, like a mountain, and becomes easy to argue with at times, which helped lead to her feud in the first place. She wears simple yet colorful jackets, pants and boots for her life in the mountains. Leticia: (Main) Goddess of Wealth. Ruling over the rich part of Bonheur, she does her best to bring happiness to all citizens of her country. Although she rules alongside Maria, Leticia often butts heads with her fellow goddess whenever they try to debate. Leticia is good-hearted in nature, but she can be a little greedy. She wears royal satin capes and other garb that flaunt riches. Maria: (Main) Goddess of Trickery. She became the goddess that rules over the poor part of Bonheur when she tricked her fellow goddess, Leticia, Goddess of Wealth, to give up some of her riches to the poor. Nick, fascinated by her smart and witty mind, made her the co-goddess of Bonheur, much to Leticia’s dismay. Maria is always wearing peasant clothes of a tunic and breeches. Though she is filthy everywhere else, her long braided hair is always immaculate. Kaitlyn: (Main) Goddess of Earth. She governs over the forest country of Ersilia. Born of a seed in the ground, Kaitlyn was a goddess that was made by accident. Dayana gave some of her power to a seedling that wouldn’t grow, and the seedling grew after hundreds of years into a large forest. Within that forest was Kaitlyn, completely clueless about the world. Because of her beginnings, Kaitlyn is naïve to the world and sounds overly optimistic at times. She wears flowers and vines in her hair and on her body to cover up. Victoria: (Minor) Goddess of Victory. Watching over her country and kingdom of Katsu, Victoria is the one humans pray to when they go to war. Even though she is only a minor goddess, she has a legendary past with her friend goddesses Sarah Smith, Goddess of Mountains, and Sarah Do, Goddess of Wind. When her two friend goddesses began a feud, Victoria stayed out of the battle in fear of having to pick sides and losing one of her dear friends. The Goddess of Victory is humble in nature, though she is sometimes cold and cruel due to war. Victoria stays in her full battle armor as if any minute she can be thrust into battle. Tanya: (Main) Goddess of Death. Due to no one wanting the job, she took up the role of overseeing the underworld country of Lolita. When both Dayana and Nick began Rock-Paper-Scissors as to who would collect dead souls into their underworld, Tanya, who was in a dark area of her life then, told the celestial beings that she was up for the task. Her job is to collect the dead souls and guide them back to Lolita where they could live their afterlife in peace. Tanya is rather dark and reserved, but she likes the company of fellow goddess Ashleigh, Goddess of Darkness. Tanya keeps a black robe on with a long scythe in her hands. Kasi: (Main) Goddess of Water. Governing over the underwater country of Nereus, Kasi often changes moods between roaring anger and gentle calmness. She was the first female to become a goddess by Nick when she almost drowned trying to escape conviction of a crime. Kasi is great friends with fellow goddess Kaitlyn, Goddess of Earth, and despite being opposite elements, she is also friends with Alejandra, Goddess of Fire. Kasi wears a scuba suit without the headgear and flippers. She also carries around a surfboard. Stephanie: (Minor) Goddess of Snow. Although she rules over the frosty country of Neva, she is compassionate and warm, unlike her goddess title. Stephanie is also quite docile because she is acquainted with the narcissistic Goddess of Love, Kelyn. Stephanie wears a large, fluffy coat along with snow pants, boots and mittens. Alejandra: (Main) Goddess of Fire. She oversees her country of Petrona as she sits on top of Mount Infierno, her active volcano. Hot-headed, yet surprisingly cool, Alejandra is a goddess of maturity. She is often bothered by her fellow goddesses, yet still retains relationships with all of them instead of being alone. Kasi, Goddess of Water, was initially suppose to be her rival, but the two of them get along quite well. Alejandra especially likes the Goddess of Water’s scuba outfit for some strange reason. Alejandra wears shirts with cut off sleeves and normal pants with boots. Sarah Do: (Minor) Goddess of Wind. She often sits and watches the cherry blossom trees blow in the wind while she rules over her country and kingdom of Sakura. She is a minor goddess with a legendary past shared by her two goddess friends, Sarah Smith, Goddess of Mountains, and Victoria, Goddess of Victory. A decade ago, she began a feud with the Goddess of Mountains over territory lines. Recently the feud was ended by the princes of their kingdoms. Do is kind, yet dogmatic, which was a leading factor in the feud. She wears simple dresses that blow gently in her wind. Vanessa: (Main) Goddess of Light. She governs over the country of Zhao and brings light to all those in Amaterasu. Vanessa gladly gives light to those who ask, but sometimes she can flash by people without a glance. Since she can only appear in strong light, she must sit at the opposite end of Ashleigh, Goddess of Darkness. Vanessa’s form is a glimmer in the sunlight, but humans can make out a golden gown if they look hard enough. Rachael: (Minor) Goddess of Animals. She doesn’t have a certain place to look after, which is a good thing because she is a nomad at heart. She might race through the forests on her large elk, Duke, or she could sing to the birds that gather near as she feeds them. Whatever she does, it will always have animals involved. Rachael's most noticeable features will be her fiery red hair and wild look in her emerald eyes. She wears a simple tunic and breeches, along with a bear pelt around her waist and rabbits’ feet around her neck for luck. Kelyn: (Minor) Goddess of Love. If she had a country to monitor, she wouldn’t have time to groom herself or stare into her intricate mirror she keeps around. Kelyn is rather conceited and self-centered, though when it comes to love she can be quite generous, if she’s in the mood. She is well-acquainted with Stephanie, Goddess of Snow. She often has Stephanie listen while she tells of her woe and love stories. Kelyn wears a simple red dress with a rose in her hair to show off her beauty. Angelina: (Minor) Goddess of Flight. The most recent goddess and the youngest one too. She has no place to guard, but she does visit every country as she delivers the letters of the goddesses. She became the goddesses’ messenger when she begged Dayana to save her older brother in return for her own life. Dayana, moved by the message, saved the boy and made the young girl a goddess at the tender age of 8. Angelina is the only one other than Dayana to have angel wings on her back. She wears shorts, a tunic, hat, scarf, a messenger bag, and sandals to complete her childlike look. © 2013 RaeAuthor's Note
9 Reviews Added on April 20, 2010 Last Updated on November 10, 2013 Author![]() RaeAboutSome interesting facts about me: I'm non-binary and use They/Them pronouns, I'm a Taurus, and I have severe depression that self-sabotages me every waking moment. I've been writing since I was in 5.. more..Writing