

A Chapter by Rae

Not only is Ali's attitude towards Mason ablaze, but something dear to Ali is ablaze as well. But what could it be?

    I had put all my things away that I had packed. After what had happened, my mother was being extremely nice to me. I knew she was guilty, but she didn’t have to be so nice about it. She cooked me a meal as soon as I got home.
    I sat up in my room and heaved a sigh. I wished I was back at Bengt’s house. Maybe then I could ask Hasse if he was really a mind reader. I hoped he was. Then it would make perfect sense when he said, “You’re not alone”.
    Bengt and Emelie looked sad to see me go. Bengt is now one of my best friends, and Emelie is like a second mother. I can see them any time I wanted to.
    Barry was sitting next to me, begging me to blog about what happened. I guess I should. I got onto my laptop and logged on. I wrote:
“Dear Internet,
            My owner’s mother was indeed looking for us. She found us at last, and we had to say goodbye to the boy and his parents. I have to say, I really liked them. They were all so nice. I wish we could have stayed.
            Normally, I would not think this, but my owner seems so down about it. She really thinks of them as a second family to her. I would never say it is a shame for her mother to have found us, but…
            Anyway, that is not all that had happened today. There is another new boy at my owner’s school. His name is Mace, and he is a very scary individual. Apparently, he had stalked my poor owner around school. She had to find her new friend to keep the other boy away from her. I am frightened for her safety. This boy, this Mace, seems to be a psychotic man. Who know what he will do to her if he gets his hands on her.
            However, she doesn’t believe that telling the authorities will help deal with him. She is stuck on the idea of letting her new friend be her bodyguard. What do you think she should do? Please help.
~Barry the Lion”
    I sighed loudly and thought to myself. What if Mason never stopped following me? He had to though. He couldn’t follow me forever, could he? I needed to calm down. He just transferred into our school today. He could have been only wanting me to show him around.
    No, that couldn’t have been it. Not with the creepy way he thought when he found me. Why would he target me anyways? Maybe he just wants to get back at me for not wanting his attention on me. Now I really do not want his attention on me, but I have it, unfortunately.
    My screen made a noise, telling me that someone replied to my blog. If it was who I thought is was, then they would give me some good advice. It was V&W, thank goodness too. And they both replied separately. The first one read:
“Dear Barry,
            I’m glad that you two were found, but there are more important matters, such as the one where your owner is being followed. There is no telling what a creep can do to her, just like you said. Honestly, telling the authorities is the best choice. Even when it seems that it isn’t, it is. No one would like her or her friend to get hurt, so please tell her to tell the higher-ups at the school. This is a very serious matter. By the way, the name ‘Mace’ sounds vaguely familiar. I’ll have Valeria check into it. Tell us what happens, please.
    Going to the authorities was the best, at least, that’s what Wendy thought. Sure, it sounded like the best option, but what if they don’t believe me? What if they say they will watch him and they don’t? Honestly, I doubt the authorities could help. Mason seems like the kind of guy who would go to the ends of the earth to get what he wants. Even Mr. Skylark knows that he was convicted of something, though he doesn’t know of what.
    I quickly scrolled down to look at Valeria’s. I normally took her advice over Wendy’s. Wendy seemed to be more opposite of me, and she was definitely opposite of Valeria. I found Valeria’s and read:
“Dear Barry,
            When you said ‘Mace’ was his name, Wendy and I automatically thought of a boy named ‘Mason Jensen’.  Is that his full name? Mason was convicted on several    accounts of theft and one arson. Even though those are some serious crimes, he got next to nothing because his father is a politician, and his son’s convictions would        make their family look bad. He was never convicted for stalking, but I wouldn’t put it past him.
            Honestly, I think Wendy is right. The authorities will keep their eyes on him, especially if they know about his convictions. What I’m worried about is if he follows her home after school. If he knows where she lives, then that is very bad. I think she should speak before it comes to that. Who knows, he would try and attack her in her sleep. I hope this advice was good for your owner. Please be careful.
    Valeria had a good point. If he follows me home, then that is the end of it. He will always know where I live and can come find me. I was glad that they know more about him, but how did they know more about him? And why did they know him so thoroughly? Perhaps they knew him from somewhere. I had to find out. I replied:
“Dear V&W,
            Yes, Mason Jensen is his name. How do you know so much about him? Did you used to know him? Your knowledge of him is very thorough. Maybe he was on the news at one point?
~Barry the Lion”
    Not more than five minutes later, they answered back. This time, they answered on only one message. It read:
“Dear Barry,
            He used to live close to us a few years back. Our parents knew his father because he was the mayor of our town. He wasn’t always such a delinquent. He was actually pretty clean-cut when he was younger. We were older than him by a few years, but we all hung out together. When he grew his hair out, much to his father’s dismay, he began doing drugs and getting into trouble. Eventually, he began stealing things. The police overlooked those when his father paid them off. It was only when Mason had set fire to the school for expelling him. He was expelled for drug dealing, and it was not pretty. The whole school burned down, and when police arrested him, they decided to arrest him for his robberies too. His father was furious that his payment did not stop them. In the end, Mason ended up on the news and was sent to Juvenile Hall. He got out early though, due to his father. However, since the schools wouldn’t let him in, his father sent him to live with his grandparents miles away. Now he has ended up in your owner’s school.
            Please tell her to be careful around him. He is highly dangerous, and he will do just about anything when he is angered. Be safe and good luck.
    I was speechless. They really did know all about him. What if he sets the school on fire? What is he… what if he finds out that I know? I had to tell the principal at the very least. Maybe Mr. Skylark can vouch for me since he had seen it happen.
    “Ali!” my mother called to me from downstairs, “I made you dinner!”
    I sighed. I was still full from the last meal she made me. She probably wants to fatten me up so she can eat me like that witch from Hansel and Gretel. I laughed at the thought, but in my head I knew I couldn’t necessarily put it past her.

    I woke up with a sharp pain in my neck and an upset stomach. I had a feeling that today was not going to be a good day. Memories from last night floated into my head.
    I really was not in the mood to deal with a stalker today. Yesterday I was scared beyond believe, but today I was moody. There might even be a chance that I hit Mason if he gets too close to me.
    The doorbell rang, but I stayed in bed, hoping my mom would get it.
    “Ali!” my mom called up, “Bengt is here!’
    Bengt was here?! I jumped out of bed and hastily dressed myself. I gave Barry a kiss goodbye, grabbed my backpack, and bolted down the stairs. Sure enough, Bengt was waiting for me at the door.
    ‘Good morning, Ali!’ Bengt greeted me.
    “Morning, Bengt,” I greeted back.
    My mom gave me a pout and said, “Ali, are you sure you want to go to school with Bengt on his bike? You don’t want me to drop you off in my car?”
    “I like riding with Bengt,” I told her, “Bye, mom.”
    “Bye, Sweetie.” my mom began, “Will Bengt be taking you home?”
    I nodded and shut the door. Bengt skipped gleefully towards his bike with was parked on the sidewalk.
    “Bengt,” I asked, “Can I ask you something?”
    ‘You just did, Ali,’ Bengt said playfully.
    I glared at him and continued, “How do you know where I live?”
    ‘I asked my dad,’ Bengt explained, ‘He figured out where you lived somehow and told me. He’s mysterious like that.’
    Perhaps it was because he was good at stalking. Or maybe it’s because he can read minds. I still haven’t confirmed that he could read minds, but I was pretty sure he can. All those times he mind blocked me could have been for the same reason.
    ‘Ali?’ Bengt broke me out of my trance, ‘We’ll be late if we don’t hurry up.’
    “Alright,” I said, getting in place on the handlebars. Bengt hummed a tune in his head as he pedaled off to school. The ride was pretty quiet until Bengt decided to talk about Mason.
    ‘Are you alright, Ali? Are you thinking of Mason?’
    “I wasn’t until now. Thanks a lot, Bengt.”
    I sighed when Bengt winced behind me. I knew Bengt meant no harm, but I really did not want to think of the stalker who I’d see at school in a few minutes.
    ‘I won’t let you out of my sight today,’ Bengt promised, ‘You are too important to me to get murdered or kidnapped by some freak who thinks it’s okay to stalk other guys’ girlfriends.’
    I thought it was sweet of Bengt to say that, until he said his last line.
    “Excuse me,” I started, “but since when was I your girlfriend?”
    ‘Since you told me you were that time at the store with that one blue- haired guy.’
    I slapped my forehead with my palm. Was he seriously still going on about that?! How long ago was that anyways?!
    “Bengt, we aren’t together! I only told you to pretend!” I barked.
    ‘But I am pretending!’ he argued.
    “I only told you to pretend then!” I sighed loudly. It was really no use to argue with him.
    We arrived at school, and the first thing I see is Mason waiting by the gates. He stared at me as Bengt and I slid into the courtyard on the bike. We swerved into the bike ramp, and I hopped off. I waited for Bengt to put the chain around his front tire.
    ‘Ready?’ Bengt asked as he finished.
    I nodded and saw his hand outstretch towards me. I raised a brow at it, asking him what he wanted.
    ‘Aren’t you going to hold my hand?’ he said.
    I growled, “For the last time, Bengt, we are not together. Hand holding is for couples.”
    Bengt pouted and looked at me sadly. I growled again. He was trying to guilt trip me. How dare he. However, I took his hand into my own and huffed.
    “This is the only time, got it?!” I said, walking off.
    Bengt smiled and followed after me.

    School wouldn’t start for another half hour. I sighed as Bengt stared at the boys restroom across the hall to Mr. Skylark’s class. I could see it in his eyes that he had to use the restroom, but he was stubbornly not going because he didn’t want to leave me alone. Either it was that or he just didn’t want to let go of my hand.
    “Bengt,” I said, “Use the restroom. You’ll be out in a few seconds anyway. I’ll be fine.”
    ‘No,’ Bengt said stubbornly, ‘I promised that I would not let you out of my sight. I intend to keep that promise.’
    I sighed. Honestly, he was being stupid. There was no way that Mason… I probably should not think that. Last time I thought that, Mason found me quite quickly.
    A sweat mark streaked down Bengt’s face that looked of discomfort. He must have had to pee pretty badly.
    “Bengt,” I said, “Just go use the bathroom already. I’ll be out here when you are done. I’ll even shout for you if Mason comes along, okay?”
    That seemed to reassure Bengt. He nodded and walked over to the restroom, opening the door. He looked in and said, ‘Ali! There is no one in here! You can sneak in with me, come on!’
    “No way!” I shouted, “Just go pee already! You are wasting time!”
    ‘Okay, okay!’ Bengt closed the door.
    I leaned against the side of the restroom door that did not swing open. As I was leaning, I heard peeing noises from inside. Well that is gross.
    “Hey, Sweater girl,” a familiar voice called.
    Well look who it is. I was still not in the mood, and with Bengt within shouting distance, I was feeling pretty confident.
    Mason strode up to me, but he wasn’t too close. He must have sensed the slap he would receive if he did come too close.
    “Did you do the homework for Carla’s class?” he asked normally.
    I was shocked. Was that all he wanted to ask me? No, it couldn’t be. If it was there was no way he would have stalked me yesterday.
    “Yeah,” I conversed normally with him, “I did it. Didn’t you?”
    “No,” he said, “Let me see it.”
    I scoffed, “Excuse me? You want to copy my perfect homework? Why didn’t you do it yourself?”
    “Because I didn’t want to,” he replied, “Now give me your homework so I can copy it.”
    I glared at him. I got off the wall and stood up straight, leveling up with him. “Look,” I started, “I don’t care what kind of badass you think you are, but let me tell you something here. I don’t let people copy off of me, and I never will. I’m surprised you even got into AP in the first place.”
    The princess did not look amused. Mason got closer to me, but I did not falter.
    “Well, well,” he stated, “You are certainly different than the chick I followed yesterday. Did you finally grow a pair?”
    So he is admitting to me that he followed me? What an idiot.
    “No. And I can see that you haven’t either,” I retorted.
    Normal people who say that I was “cruising-for-a-bruising”, but I digress. He was the one who would bruise. I was sick of him already, and it was only the second day.
    The bathroom door opened, and Bengt walked out, looking satisfied. He glanced at me and then at Mason. He quickly went over and stood by my side.
    ‘Ali, you told me you would yell for me!’ Bengt whined.
    “Who is this?” Mason asked, glaring at Bengt.
    Bengt was a good foot taller than Mason, which seemed to be intimidating because he backed up a bit. Not to mention that Bengt matched his glare and looked just like his father.
    “This is Bengt,” I replied, “He’s my boyfriend.”
    Mason chuckled darkly, “So this is why you are acting all high-and-mighty. You think just because your boyfriend is here means that you can talk to me like that. You’ve got another thing coming.”
    “Puh-lease,” I sneered, “Why don’t you go off and get your politician daddy to get someone to do your homework for you? After all, he used his money to bail you out of juvie, didn’t he?”
    I was being really snarky, and I had a feeling that I shouldn’t be. Wasn’t I stressing this morning about him finding out what I know? Well he certainly knows what I know now. I am really proud, which makes me really stupid sometimes.
    “How do you know about that?” Mason asked, “There is no way you could have found that out by yourself!”
    “I have my resources,” I answered.
    Mason growled and tried to take a step closer, but Bengt got in the way. Mason went in for a punch, but he was sent a few steps backwards and finally to the floor when a punch hit his face.
    My hand ached from what I had done. I just punched him. It was reflexes, honestly. I took a hold of Bengt’s hand and walked off.
    We were walking for awhile when Bengt bumped into me. I looked up to ask him what was wrong, and I saw him wobbling everywhere.
    “Bengt?” I asked, “Are you okay?”
    He looked at me and smile, saying, ‘I’m fine, Ali… I’m just not feeling very well… When I went into the bathroom, I threw up a little, but I’m totally fine.’
    “What?!” I gaped, “There is no way you are fine! We have to get you to the nurse!”
    ‘No!’ Bengt begged, ‘Please, I’m fine, really I am.’
    I scrunched up my face with doubt, but I said, “Alright, but as soon as you start feeling worse, you tell me. Okay?”
    Bengt nodded, and we continued to walk.

    I didn’t see Mason all day, which was good. Though when Ms. Carla asked why he wasn’t in class, I was a little scared. He must have been planning something. It was after school, and Bengt was taking me home.
    I felt bad about making him pedal. He did throw up today, and he looked slightly fatigued. I wonder what was eating him up.
    A firetruck raced past us, and turned down my street. I was getting very nervous. We turned the corner, and I froze. There it was, my house. It was set ablaze by who-knows-what. Bengt stopped his bike, and I hopped off.
    “What happened?!” I cried to no one in particular, “Wait… Barry! Barry!!” I attempted to run inside to get him, but some firemen held me back.
    “Sorry, Miss,” one of them said to me, “But the building is going down. It’s dangerous.”
    “NO!” I yelled and fought against them, “Barry is in there!”
    “Someone is in there?!” they shouted.
    “Yes!” I sobbed, “Barry is my stuffed lion!”
    They looked at me with glares on their faces. I knew they were mad at me because they thought someone was actually in danger. I fell to the ground and sobbed. Barry was going to die, and it was all my fault.
    Suddenly, Bengt rushed past me and into the house. I gasped when I saw him dash inside. The firefighters did not notice him at all. I waited to see if he had Barry or not. The window to my room slid open, and Bengt jumped out and landed on the ground. Then the second floor collapsed onto the first one. He got out just in time.
    Bengt walked over to me, he didn’t look all that harmed thankfully. He waved Barry in my face with a smile. He had saved Barry for me.
    ‘It’s okay, Ali,’ Bengt whispered to me, ‘Everything is f-’
    Bengt didn’t finished because I wrapped my arms around him in an embrace. I sobbed quietly into his chest. I felt Bengt wrap his arms around me, resting his chin on my head. Then I heard a song singing voice in my head. Bengt was singing a lullaby (that’s what it seemed like anyway) in Swedish to me.
    My eyes were droopy from the crying, and his song was so soft. I felt myself drifting further and further into dreamland. Before I went all the way, I felt Bengt pick me up bridal style. Then I fell asleep.

© 2013 Rae

Author's Note

This is one of my favorite chapters. It really starts to show the growing relationship between Ali and Bengt. ^^

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Added on May 28, 2013
Last Updated on June 3, 2013



Some interesting facts about me: I'm non-binary and use They/Them pronouns, I'm a Taurus, and I have severe depression that self-sabotages me every waking moment. I've been writing since I was in 5.. more..

Dorm Life Dorm Life

A Book by Rae

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by Rae