

A Chapter by Rae

Ali gets closer to the yearbook guys, but is she maybe getting too close to them?

    I had installed a bookshelf in my closet on which to place those thick notebooks I had. Using the yearbook from last year, I gathered the pictures of all the kids that were still in the school and arranged them in alphabetical order. I’d have to get the pictures of the new students, but I was sure that wouldn’t be much of a problem.
    I took the notebooks and labeled each one. The first set of notebooks contained all the seniors. I labeled those notebooks as follows: A-C, D-F, G-I, J-L, M-P, Q-T, U-W, X-Z. And I put all the seniors in their places. I repeated the action for the juniors and sophomores. All I needed were the freshmen pictures. Then I could start the real work of my plan.
    I woke up the next morning feeling… odd. I guess I would call it a sense of foreboding. I knew something bad would happen in the end, but I had to continue. It was the only way. I know that I can never be a normal, functioning human. This power I had made me believe that. I could pretend all I wanted, but that would not change anything at the end of the day. Or whenever I heard someone’s mindful whispers.
    I proceeded to get ready for the day wearing another one of my “ugly” sweaters. This time, I had worn a red Christmas sweater with reindeer all over it. It wasn’t even close to Christmas, but I loved the sweater anyway. I styled my hair up into its usual form and put on my rectangular glasses.
    “Ali?” my mom called for me, “Are you ready for school?”
    “In a minute, I will be.” I said. It wasn’t like she would take me to school anyways. I had to take the bus. It wasn’t even a school bus that I took. It was a city bus. I loved my mom, but I often grew furious of her. She sat at home all day, yet she couldn’t take me to and from school. Thinking about it only made me angrier. I left the house not even saying goodbye.
    The city bus always drops me off a block away from school, so I’d have to walk the rest of the way. As I was walking, a shout came from behind me. I turned to see Trevor and Mark. Mark was on a skateboard while Trevor sported a scooter.
    “Hey, Ali!” Mark caught up to me. “How’s my favorite club member?”
    “Mark.” I began, “I’ve only been a member for a day.”
    I sighed and saw Trevor walking his scooter beside him. We made eye contact, but he quickly looked away. Mark noticed, and he gave a glare towards Trevor.
    ‘Why did he do that? Is he hiding something? Did he and Ali…?’
    I scoffed aloud as I heard Mark’s thoughts. He looked at me with a confused look on his face.
    ‘Can she read my mind or something?’
    I contemplated on telling him that I could, just so I could see his reaction. I thought against it, however. It would not do to have my new “friends” find out about my power. At least not yet. I never really spoke to anyone about my power before. I’d try to tell my mom, but she never listened. I would know since all she ever thinks about is her new boyfriend and what will happen on the next episode of “Mob-Ville”. In all actuality, the only one whom I have told my power to was my stuffed lion, Barry. Yes, the same lion that was stolen from me in elementary.
    I kept a poker face, and Mark let the thought go when I didn’t show a reaction. I mentally sighed in relief. I was only glad that Mark was stupid. If it were Trevor or Greg, I’m sure they wouldn’t have let it go so easily. Funny how I’ve only known them for a day, yet I act like I’ve known them forever. Maybe it’s my mind trying to fill the void for my lack of human friendships. Well, that and possibly because Mark had acted like he had known me for a long time. It doesn’t matter. Whether or not they become my friends, I’m still going to go through with my plan.
    The three of us made it to school in one piece. Though once we entered through the gates, a can was thrown. Said can hit me in the head and I turned to see the perpetrator. A group of giggly girls gave me glares as they flipped their hair. I returned the glare and went back to my walking.
    “Excuse me!” one of them shouted at me.
    I didn’t look back. Seeing their painted faces and gaudy jewelry made me slightly sick.
    “Hey! We’re talking to you!” another one shouted at me.
    I kept walking, hoping they would just shut up sometime soon. Mark and Trevor glanced uncomfortably back at the girls and then to me. They didn’t question me, however, but I did hear their minds wonder what was going to happen. I didn’t know the girls were approaching until I heard Trevor’s thoughts.
    ‘Here they come.’
    I turned around and was met with a face full of smacking gum and bright red lipstick.
    “Look here, honey.” The tallest one of them all towered over me. “You better listen next time we talk to you.”
    All three of them were taller than me by a foot, it seemed. I knew I couldn’t take them in a fight. One, they were taller and heavier than me. And two, Mark and Trevor were standing behind me like two frightened idiots, so there was no help from them.
    “You tell her, Mika,” said the girl on the left of the tallest female.
    “Shut it, Tammy.” Mika chewed on her thick wad of bubblegum before looking back at me. “Anyway, I didn’t like the way you glared at us.”
    I shrugged and said, “You glared at me first. I only treated you like you treated me.”
    Tammy flipped her brown hair back and said in her loud, obnoxious voice, “Give respect, get respect, honey.”
    “Yet you gave me none.” I argued. I knew I probably shouldn’t have, but in all honesty, they were being the disrespectful ones. Add this to my list of why I had given up on humanity.
    Mika then, in her equally annoying voice, proceeded to give me a lecture on her perspective on respect. Apparently, according to her, I was suppose to give her all the respect in the world while she could choose whether or not to give me any. She didn’t use those exact words, but it was basically what she’d said. Instead of arguing this time, I simply tuned out her nasally sound and went into the deepest part of her mind. And that’s when I found the gold.
    ‘I’m meeting Pablo tonight. I know I told Lexis and Tammy that I wouldn’t see him anymore, but I love him. They love him too, but it’s first come, first serve.’
    I smirked halfway into her speech.
    “What’s so funny?!” she shouted, anger showing on her tanned face.
    “Nothing.” I said, “I was just thinking of how you are going to see Pablo tonight.”
    Mika froze and glanced at Tammy and the girl on the right, who I presumed to be Lexis.
    Tammy raised a brow. “Is this true, Mika?”
    “No!” Mika yelled, “Why would you trust this brat’s word over mine?”
    Lexis, who had been twirling her bright pink hair the whole time, said, “I don’t know, Mika. You hesitated when she said it. Is it true or not?”
    Mika began going off on them the same way she did to me. The girls were becoming convinced with each shout of their “leader”. I needed to give these morons a little more.
    I then said, “You shouldn’t lie, Mika. I mean, it’s ‘first come, first serve’, right?”
    The look in Mika’s eyes was priceless. Disbelief with a mixture of confusion and fear was always the best. The girls on either side of her began screaming.
    “He’s mine!” cried Tammy.
    “No! He is my man!” Lexis screeched.
    Soon enough, Tammy threw a punch, and Lexis used her press-on nails. I watched as the three tumbled onto the ground in a horrific catfight.
    I turned on my heels, quickly bored of the action, and continued my walk uninterrupted. Mark and Trevor followed me with looks of surprise on their faces.
    “What was that about?” the curious Mark asked.
    “Nothing,” I lied.
    Trevor gave me a look. He knew I was lying. I didn’t care if he knew or not. It wasn’t as if he could read my mind.
    I opened the door to the yearbook room and was met with a nervous Greg. His hair was shaggier than usual, and his face was a light shade of pink.
    “Oh!” he gasped as we came in. “You guys are late.”
    “Sorry.” Trevor apologized, “Some girls stopped us.”
    Greg raised a brow. “What happened?”
    Mark explained, “One of them threw a can at Ali’s head. Then they came over to us and started yelling at her for giving them ‘attitude’ or whatever. That’s when Ali did the funniest thing. She got them to fight amongst themselves. They are still outside fighting it out.”
    Greg turned to me for a further explanation, but I ignored it by turning away. Greg saw my gesture and gave me a smile.
    “Ali, you are quite mysterious,” he laughed.
    “Enough about me.” I dismissed it. “Why are you all red?”
    Speaking of red, Greg turned a darker shade than I’d mentioned. He quickly began fanning himself, pressing his cold water bottle against his flushed face- anything to try and get the color off. He began stuttering incoherently, and in his head I heard him.
    ‘They can’t find out. They simply can’t. It’ll be a disaster.’
    My curiosity was certainly peeked. What kind of secret could Greg be keeping from us? It must have been big if he was keeping it from both Mark and Trevor. I had to find out what it was. I kind of felt bad about trying to find it out, but I dismissed the thought immediately.
    However, when I tried to read his mind, it was full of yearbook things. No matter how hard I tried to get into the back of his mind, it was heavily guarded. How strange. Greg did not seem like the person who kept his mind guarded. Perhaps he was suspicious of me. That couldn’t be possible though. I never gave him a reason to guard his mind. If anyone should be guarding it would be Trevor or Mark if he wasn’t so stupid.
    “Let’s just get to work, okay?” Greg said, “I think I might have a fever.”
    As soon as Greg said that, Mark and Trevor understood him and went to work. I was amazed at how trusting his friends were of him. It was clear that he was hiding something, yet the two of them let it go so easily.
    I also let it go but only for now. I’d find out what it was sooner or later. I just had to wait for the opportune moment.

    It was been a month since I came to this school. The yearbook guys and I were becoming closer and closer. The thought scared me greatly. What if we actually became close friends? What if they made me stop my plan completely? What would they do when I finally revealed my plan? It would hurt them, no doubt. As I was thinking of this, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Greg holding the camera and Mark cowering behind him.
    “It’s time, Ali,” Greg said with a smile. “The football team should be practicing now. The two of you just have to take pictures of their practice. And please try to get them to take a group photo without them using Mark as a football.”
    I nodded and took the camera from his hand. “Let’s go, Mark.”
    Mark slowly followed behind me. The field was at the very end of the school while the clubroom was on the other end. I sighed loudly. This school was far too big for its own good.
    I was surprised at how quiet Mark was being. Usually he would be Chatty Kathy chatting up a storm, but now he was silent. It must have been do to the fact we were going to see the team that picked on him maliciously all the time. I didn’t have to read his mind to know he was terrified. It showed plain and clear on his freckly face.
    We made it to the field, and I saw all the sweaty football-playing jocks. The way the sweat made their faces glisten in the sun and the overpowering smell of perspiration and grass made me want to hurl in the nearest trashcan. I hate sports.
    Mark and I took our seats in the front row of the stands. I simply used the zoom setting to capture closer pictures of the players. Oh how I loved the zoom setting. We were able to get twenty good pictures.
    “Their practice is almost over,” I yawned. Sitting there for an hour taking pictures of sweaty men made me tired. “Let’s try to get a group photo of them. I know Greg asked us to do this in a course of a week, but I feel that our pictures are good enough. Besides, it’s the group photo that will take the longest, right?”
    “Yeah.” Mark agreed. “Greg assumed we wouldn’t get the group photo for a good week. The players always mess around or they go home right after practice. If we get the picture today, Greg would be ecstatic.”
    “Let’s get it then.” I rose from my seat. With camera in hand, I descended the steps to the stands and approached the field. Mark swiftly ran after me, staying very close to me. The field got closer, and the disgusting smell wafted into my nostrils. I would have trouble getting rid of that smell from my poor nose.
    The football players noticed us and began to gather in a pack behind the quarterback, who was this creepy, muscular guy with blond hair and a strong jaw line. He glanced at Mark, who made a squeak of surprise and hid further behind me.
    “Hello, boys.” I said coolly, “Mind if we take some group photos for the yearbook?”
    I watched as some of the players stretched themselves, moving their uniforms, which sported our school’s colors of red and black, upwards and showing their bellies. I grimaced at the sight and averted my eyes.
    “We don’t mind, right guys?” the quarterback asked his players.
    They all agreed with him and began to get into a photogenic group pose. I narrowed my eyes. No way it was going to be this easy.
    “But I see you brought our plaything with you.” The quarterback motioned to Mark.
    “Leave me alone, Ricky!” Mark shouted from behind me.
    Ricky chuckled, and his hand went for Mark’s head. Suddenly, my hand snatched out and caught Ricky’s wrist in a firm grasp. Everyone looked in surprise at my reflexes. I, myself, was also surprised at how fast my hand moved, but I never showed it on my face. Instead, I pushed his hand away.
    “Leave him be, Ricky.” I growled, “Let us take the photos and be on our way.”
    “What are you, his girlfriend?” Ricky asked starkly.
    “That’s none of your business,” I replied.
    It was clear that these guys were not going to comply that easily. I had to use my power once again. I looked into Ricky’s mind and found something quite interesting.
    ‘That Mark kid is cute. I wouldn’t mind him being in my bed. I can’t let the guys know I’m gay, though, or else I could be kicked off the team.’
    A wide smirk spread across my lips. I lunged my hand forward and grabbed a fistful of Ricky’s shirt. I then proceeded, with surprising strength, to pull him down to my level. His ear came next to my mouth as I whispered into it.
    “Now, now, Ricky. We wouldn’t want your team to find out about your homosexuality, would we?”
    Ricky froze next to me. I could hear his thoughts racing inside his empty head. I continued.
    “You especially wouldn’t want my friend to find out that you want him in bed.”
    Ricky broke hold of my grasp and staggered back. His eyes gave me a harsh stare.
    “Stop farting around, guys. Let’s take the pictures and get out of here.” Ricky yelled to his team.
    His team obeyed with suspicious looks towards both Ricky and I. I mumbled, “Good boy,” and took the photos. The rest of the players had bright smiles on their faces, yet Ricky had a deep frown and seething glare. I knew it was directed at me, but he wouldn’t dare do anything about it. One wrong move and I could expose him. Of course, I won’t do it, not yet.
    “Done.” I stated, “Thank you for cooperating.”
    “Whatever.” Ricky walked off. His friends following closely behind him.
    I motioned for Mark to follow me back to the clubroom. We passed the entrance to the field, and suddenly Mark opened his mouth and began spouting out about how cool I was back there. My face flushed as I told him to shut up, but he kept going. I figured it was useless to shut him up, so I tuned him out instead.
    Mark’s voice, for the rest of the way, was a soft mumbling in my head. I was glad that I could do that. It had nothing to do with my power either. It was just something I acquired through not listening to others talking. A wonderful gift, I might add.
    We entered into the clubroom at last, and Mark began telling the guys all about what had happened.
    “Wait.” Greg stopped him. “You guys got the group pictures? Already?!”
    “Ali did!” Mark piped, “You should have seen her! She was so awesome!”
    Trevor said, “I can’t believe it. And you don’t have a single scratch on you.”
    “I know,” Mark cried happily. “Ali whispered something to Ricky, and you should have seen Ricky’s face. He looked like he had just seen a ghost. I was amazed because right after she did that, he told everyone to take the pictures! And then we left.”
    “That’s the second time now.” Greg smiled. “How do you do it, Ali?”
    I couldn’t help but think that Greg knew. He showed no signs of knowing, and his mind showed none either. I simply shrugged at him.
    “I’m just that good.” I said.
    I probably seemed more suspicious with the lack of explanation. At that moment, I could not think of anything to say. If Greg finds out, he’ll have the advantage. I could not let that happen. No one must get an advantage on me. I was the one who will be victorious in the end.

    The next few months were torture. Between my grades and the club, I was torn in two. That left almost no time for me to execute my plan. I had been trying my best, and it seemed to be working. I could keep up with homework if I did so in the morning during club, and then club activities after school when they are most important. My plan could only be worked on at lunch. Lunch was the best time because that’s when everyone comes together. And while they are all conversing, I can look into their minds and find out their darkest secrets. It would take a while, considering how many kids go to this stupid school.
    I had written down so many secrets in those notebooks. I would flip through them at night, and smirk at the work I’ve done. I never liked that vanity mirror that I sat in front of. I would look up at my work and see someone else. The smirk did not belong to me. I’d get scared and put the books away. I was becoming something else, I knew it.
    I figured if I stopped trying to get secrets for a while, I’d return to normal. And for a few days, it worked. That is until I finally heard Greg.
    It was only Greg and I in the room. He was busy editing the festival pages for the yearbook. I was uploading more pictures for him on another computer. The door opened suddenly and in came a rather pretty teacher that I knew was named Ms. Bell. She had light brown hair that fell in curls at her shoulders. High sugarplum cheek bones, dazzling emerald eyes, and luscious pink lips. Every guy in school talked about how beautiful she was. I only heard of her, but as I saw her, I saw the beauty everyone spoke of. It wasn’t just about her looks. Her voice dripped in honey as she spoke gently.
    “Greg?” she smiled sweetly at him. “You left your notebook in my classroom again. I’ve come to return it to you.”
    Greg’s cheeks became pink and his eyes sparkled as he looked at her.
    ‘She is so beautiful.’
    I heard it. Greg’s mind was open now. It must have been Ms. Bell that opened it. Now was my chance to find out that secret of his. I felt dirty just thinking that. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t. My fingers gripped the table and fingernails gouged out the wood.
    ‘I love you, Ms. Bell.’
    I tried to fight it. I really did, but in the end, Greg’s thoughts were too loud for me to ignore.
    ‘Ms. Bell, I know that what we do from time to time is wrong and you could lose your job for it. I want you to know so badly that I will protect you and support you. Please let me be with you.’
    Ms. Bell fidgeted slightly as she stood in front of Greg. “Greg. I have something to tell you.”
    “What is it?” he asked.
    “I’m pregnant,” she said aloud but not too loud.
    I made an audible gasp. My eyes were wide open, and my nails had carved long, deep lines out of the wooden table. The two of them looked at me with surprise.
    “Ali!” Greg blushed furiously. “Uh… I forgot you were here….”
    I didn’t respond. I couldn’t even look at them.
    “Please, Ali.” Greg pleaded, “Don’t tell anyone about this. Please. Ms. Bell will lose her job if anyone finds out. So please…”
    I stood up and whispered, “I saw nothing.”
    Greg didn’t quite hear me, for he asked, “What?”
    “I saw nothing!” I screamed. I ran passed them and out of the school building. It was raining hard. How appropriate. My eyes remained wide as I ran out into the street.
    I sat in the middle of the street, uncaring if a car hit me. Actually, I was hoping for a car to hit me. Maybe if they hit me hard enough they will kill me instantly.
    “Please,” I begged to no one in particular. Or maybe I was begging God. “Please just kill me. I don’t want this power anymore. I want friends. I don’t want to become whatever it is I am becoming!” I looked down at a puddle that accumulated while I was speaking to myself. In the water I saw me. And then it smirked, causing me to jump back in fear.
    Hot tears cascaded down my cheeks, and I held my head in my hands. The abandoned school road I was on told me something. It told me the same thing my power was telling me. It told me that I was all alone. I’d be alone forever. All alone until I die of loneliness.
    It was too late for me to change now. I had to finish what I’d started. I got up and with a smirk, I walked down the road to the bus stop.

© 2013 Rae

Author's Note

I'm adding two chapters today for Ali. I hope you all like it. ^^

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Shelved in 1 Library
Added on May 26, 2013
Last Updated on June 3, 2013



Some interesting facts about me: I'm non-binary and use They/Them pronouns, I'm a Taurus, and I have severe depression that self-sabotages me every waking moment. I've been writing since I was in 5.. more..

Dorm Life Dorm Life

A Book by Rae

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by Rae