Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty

A Chapter by Rae

Gaby tries to bake a cake, but fails at it. Ryuu's secret is still unknown. And there is a new person in the mix?!

   "Hey, Ali?" Gaby whispered the the boy.

   Ali looked at her through his peripheral vision. "What?"

   "Do you think friends keep secrets from each other?"

   Ali sighed. "It's only natural. We are human, after all. Besides, sometimes even the best of friends need to keep secrets from each other."


   "Either because we are too embarrassed to be judged, or we are afraid of hurting each other."

   Gaby was about to respond when Morimoto-Sensei growled from his podium.

   "Ali!" Morimoto-Sensei yelled, "Quit your whispering!"

   Ali shouted back, "I was listening to your lecture! I even took notes!"

   "Don't. Speak. Again." Morimoto-Sensei warned and went back to his lecture.

   It was quiet between the two for a few minutes before Ali continued.

   "For example, I have secrets that even my beloved Kyo does not know about."

   Gaby gaped. "No way..."

   Ali simply nodded. "Listen, Gaby. We all have secrets. And we all have our different reasons of keeping them secret. If you really want to find out Ryuu's secret, then you'll just have to make him comfortable around you."

   Gaby mused for a moment before gasping. "Ali, I said nothing about Ryuu... Does that mean...?"

   "I don't know what you are talking about." Ali said with a small smile.




   The day finally ended and Gaby went to her dorm in peace. She opened the door and was confused as she was met with silence. Daisuke should have at least been home by then. Gaby went straight to her room and sat her things down.

   "I wonder where Daisuke is..." Gaby spoke to herself, "It's a little scary to be in the dorm alone, but maybe it's a good thing. Now I can try to bake that cake I've been wanting to make for a while. I don't usually bake, so if something goes wrong, at least they won't get the chance to laugh at me."

   Gaby went straight to the kitchen and began making the cake. She had started sorting out the ingredients when a knocking came at the door.

   Gaby hesitantly went to it and opened it. There at the door stood Daisuke.

   "Daisuke?" Gaby asked, "Where have you been?"

   "I lost my key somewhere." Daisuke sighed, "Thank goodness you were home, Gaby. I thought I would have to go over to Dorm 4."

   Gaby chuckled and let her roommate in.

   Daisuke eyed the counter-tops and asked, "Are you planning on making something?"

   "Why, yes! I was going to try making a small cake!" Gaby piped, "It's not for anything in particular. I just saw it and felt like baking it. Would you like to help me?"

   "Sure." Daisuke said, "Don't tell anyone this, but I actually like baking. My family owns a bunch of patisseries around Japan. I worked at one for a while until my dad got angry at me for not going to college and kicked me out."

   "How cool. Uh, not the getting kicked out part! The part that your family owns a bunch of... uh... I'll stop talking now."

   Daisuke laughed. "I knew as soon as you said it. Now let's bake this!"



   In Dorm 4, Ali and Ryuu sat on the same couch. Ryuu played on his PSP while Ali toyed with his 3DS.

   Ali sniffed the air. "Hey, Sakura. Do you smell that?"

   Ryuu looked over. "Smell what? Your loser stench?"

   "Ha-f*****g-ha, Fucktard." Ali growled, "I meant that burning smell. What if something or someone is on fire?"

   "Stop, drop, and roll." Ryuu said simply, going back to his PSP.

   "I never want to be on fire around you."

   "Good, because I'd be dying of laughter."

   "I f*****g hate you, Ryuu-Gay!"

   "Same goes to you, Ali-F*g!"


   "Um... Daisuke?" Gaby gulped, "I don't think I did it right..."

   "What do you mean?" Daisuke asked.

   "It looks a little..."

   The cake suddenly burst into flames. Daisuke squeaked and stood back. Gaby bravely took the cake out of the oven, only to have the fire grow stronger.

   Foam from a fire extinguisher shot onto the cake, putting the fire right out. Daisuke and Gaby turned and saw Kentaro with a fire extinguisher in his hands.

   "Is everything alright in here?" Ken asked.

   "Thank you, Ken!" Gaby cried, "I thought we'd be goners for sure."

   "Are you okay, Dai-kun?" Ken asked cutely.

   Daisuke blushed, "O-of course! Thank you... for putting out the fire."

   Ken smiled and picked Daisuke up in a hug. "Anything for my beautiful Daisuke."

   The door to dorm 3 opened and Ali came in.

   "What happened?" Ali asked, "I knew something was on fire. F*****g Ryuu wouldn't even believe me. What an a*****e!"

   Gaby showed her failed cake. "It was only a baking failure... I should have been better at baking."

   "You did your best, Gaby." Daisuke encouraged.

   Ali stared at the ruined cake. "Whoa! Let's tie Ryuu up and make him eat this! Oh my gosh that would be completely f*****g awesome! Can we?! Please?!"

   Gaby threw it into the trash can. "Sorry, Ali. It isn't safe to eat foam from the extinguisher."

   "He would have been okay." Ali said, "I think."

   "I heard people talking about me." Ryuu came into the room with his PSP still in hand.

   Ali snorted, "All we were saying was how much of a f*****g d****e-bag tool you are. Nothing new."

   "F**k you, Ali!"

   "F**k you too, Ryuu!"

   Kasi flipped through the pages in her magazine, gasping and sighing at the adorable clothes or accessories that were featured.

   "Um... hello?" came a very soft voice.

   Kasi looked up and blushed. The voice came from a rather small and cute girl with long dark hair and dark eyes. She blushed and looked at her shoes.

   "How cute." Kasi cooed, "What brings you here, cutie?"

   "I... umm..." the girl said quietly, "I am looking for someone."

   "A boy?" Kasi smirked.

   The girl simply nodded. "His name is Ryuusuke. Ryuusuke Yagami."

   Kasi's ears perked up, "You are looking for Ryuu?"

   The girl nodded.

   "He is in Dorm 4... but girls aren't allowed up in the boy's dorms." Kasi said, "Maybe you can try coming tomorrow after school. You might be able to catch him."

   The girl nodded again. "Thank you..." she walked out of the lobby.

   "I wonder who she was." Kasi said aloud before going back to her magazine.

© 2012 Rae

Author's Note

THE TRIPLE SPECIAL! GET READY FOR THE THUNDER!!!! I want to thank Ali-Kun for giving me the cake idea. ^^ Next chapter starts the last Triple Special! WOO!

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wait,i gave you the cake idea?since when?? what the f**k.

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

The cake idea was from when Gaby baked that cake a few days ago.
Okey, okey, so maybe Ryuu isn't gay...BUT IS HE ALREADY IN A RELATIONSHIP!?!?

Nooo, Gaby D:

Btw, you'll be getting my dry cleaning bill in the mail shortly. Combined with the "I WAS LISTENING THE WHOLE TIME, MORI-SENSEI!" and "The cake suddenly burst into flames", I laughed so hard soda spilled out of my nose and onto my carpet. So thanks for that XD

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

I'm glad you liked it. ^^

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2 Reviews
Added on December 7, 2012
Last Updated on December 17, 2012



Some interesting facts about me: I'm non-binary and use They/Them pronouns, I'm a Taurus, and I have severe depression that self-sabotages me every waking moment. I've been writing since I was in 5.. more..

Dorm Life Dorm Life

A Book by Rae

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by Rae