![]() Chapter NineteenA Chapter by Rae![]() The crew decides to break the tension in their dorms by going out for some fun. Get ready for some karaoke and DDR.![]()
It had been a few days after the crew had arrived back from the Resort Spa. The tension in the two dorms were... thick. The air was thicker than butter and everyone knew why. In one room was Gaby the Juliet and in the other was Ryuu the Romeo. However, this tale was unlike Romeo and Juliet because the only thing stopping them from being together was themselves. The two haven't talked or even looked at each other for those days.
Without the two knowing, their friends gathered around Kasi's desk in the lobby. They began their plotting and planning. "I can't f*****g take Ryuu's sulking anymore!" Ali yelled, "If that sissy girl wants to be f*****g miserable, let him. Just get him away from me before I implode on him!" "I think you mean 'explode', Ali." Kyo said. "That's what I said." Kasi sighed. "Look, all we need right now is take the tension away. We've been putting too much pressure on them to get together. If we continue, they might show resentment towards each other." Daisuke spoke up, "Poor Gaby hasn't been herself lately. She has been going to bed early and hasn't been speaking to any of us. We ask her was is wrong, but she only smiles weakly and says 'I'm sorry for being a burden'." Kentaro added, "I'm so worried that she'll do something... you know... like suicide." Everyone took a deep intake of breath. The word out loud was scary enough just to think about. "Let's not think about that." Shimeji petted Kasi's hand. "We have to just be natural about this. Maybe we should just stop altogether on them. Make it seem as if we don't care if they get together. Maybe then they'll start to feel more comfortable." "I have an idea!" Kasi said, "We need to start having tons of fun so that maybe they will bond over it. Let's go out for some fun this Sunday! We can go to karaoke or even better, have a DDR party! Doesn't that sound so fun?!" The crew nodded enthusiastically. They all chatted frantically on the details when a voice called to them. "What are you guys up to?" Ryuu gave them all a disapproving frown. "None ya damn bidness, Ryuu." Ali said with an accent. Ryuu glared, but he did not respond. He simply walked off, leaving the crew a little worried for him. "S**t, son." Ali began, "This is way more serious that I thought. That b*****d didn't even yell at me. Who does he think he is?!" Kasi shook her head. "Let's just get this plan underway ASAP." "Agreed." ... Sunday rolled around quickly and the crew, minus the Romeo and Juliet, were excited and hopeful about their plan. Dorm 3 would be in charge of Gaby, while Dorm 4 would meet them there with Ryuu. Kasi was to be the first one there to reserve their spots. First on the list was an arcade for one of Kasi's favorite games; Dance Dance Revolution. Dorm 3 "Gaby-Tan?" Ken knocked on her door. "Gaby-Tan, I insist you come out." Gaby's door opened hesitantly and asked, "What is it?" "We are going out tonight." Kyo said. "And we won't take no for an answer." Daisuke finished. Gaby sighed and nodded, closing the door to get dressed. A few minutes rolled around and she came out in her casual clothes. "Let's go!" the boys took her arms and led her out. Dorm 4 "Hey, s**t-dick." Ali growled, "Get off your lazy a*s." Ryuu, who was busy playing his PSP, did not even look at him. Ali stomped his foot and pulled Ryuu's ear. "What the f**k?!" Ryuu yelled. "We are going out." Ali said in a strangely calm voice, "Get your s**t together and let's go." Ryuu ignored him and sat back down with his PSP. Ali ripped the console from him and ran out the door. "F*****g Ali!" Ryuu gave chase to the other boy, shouting obscenities. ... Gaby gave a slightly nervous laugh. There, her and her dorm mates, stood at the arcade. The neon lights flashed from the inside and out. "What are we doing here?" Gaby asked nervously. "We are here to get our funk on." Ken smiled childishly. The guys dragged poor Gaby inside. ... "F*****G ALI!" "COME AND GET ME, BEEYOTCH!" Ali ran into the arcade with a very heated Ryuu hot on his trail. ... Gaby was brought into a room with a simple two-player DDR machine. It was a single room with couches galore. "It's a private room." Kasi's voice sounded from one of the couches. Gaby turned to see Kasi and Shimeji on the couch. Shimeji's head resting on his girlfriend's lap. "Private room?" "Meaning it'll just be us in here. Fun, right?" Gaby gave a chuckle. "Sure. Is this all of us?" "Nope." Kasi said with a smile. Right on que, Ali ran in and threw the PSP at Shimeji, who caught it confused. Ryuu ran in, stopping as he lost sight of Ali. His eyes scanned the room and saw his PSP with Shimeji. "So, a*****e, you and Ali conspiring against me?" Shimeji gulped. "W-what? No way!" Ryuu took a step towards him, angry glare on his face, but he was stopped when Kasi put her hand up. "Now, now, Ryuu-kun. Shimeji was here with me the whole time. If he wanted to conspire against you, it would be on a time where I'm not around, which is pretty impossible seeing as we are together twenty-four seven." Kasi said, "So please do not get angry at Shi-kun." Ryuu sighed. "You're right. As usual." "I know." Kasi smiled. "Are we all here? Great! Let's get started!" "With?" Ryuu asked. "Our DDR competition. Duh." ... The first round consisted of Kasi versus Ali, Daisuke versus Ryuu, Ken versus Gaby, and Kyo versus Shimeji. Kasi, Ryuu, Gaby, and Shimeji won their matches. And the second round consisted of Kasi versus Ryuu and Gaby versus Shimeji. Kasi butchered Ryuu and Shimeji won over Gaby. The final battle was the "God of DDR" versus the "DDR Empress": Shimeji versus Kasi. It happened to be very grueling, but the winner turned out to be Shimeji in the end. "It's okay, my darling!" Shimeji shouted, holding Kasi's hand, "You will always be my Empress of DDR!" "And you will always be my God of DDR." Kasi cooed. Gaby piped up, "Are we done now?" Kasi and Shimeji laughed. "Are you kidding? We still have karaoke to do!" ... In a separate room, the crew sat on couches as Kasi and Shimeji stood on the stage, singing a rather sappy love song. Ken and Dai were cooing at each other on the corner of the couch, while Ali and Kyo drank their sodas and talked animatedly on the other corner. That left Gaby and Ryuu in the middle, feeling very awkward. "So..." Gaby began. "I'm surprised." Ryuu said. "About?" "Not once have they said anything about us getting together. I'm actually quite happy about that." Gaby fidgeted in her seat and mumbled, "Me too". "It's just nice to not have all that pressure, right?" Gaby simply nodded. Ryuu sighed and sipped the last of his drink. "Gaby... listen... I've been... uh... keeping a secret from everyone..." "What?" Gaby asked, "What kind of secret?" Ryuu looked away. "Well... it's really nothing. I... I'll tell you next time. Okay? I'm not ready now." Gaby's eyes widened. Ryuu had a secret and Gaby was dying to find out what it was. "You guys!" Kasi called to the pair, "It's your turn!" Gaby smirked. "Come on, Ryuu! Let's go kick some butt!" Ryuu smirked back. "You know it!" Everyone else smiled secretly, feeling triumphant that they got the two closer together. © 2012 RaeAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on November 13, 2012 Last Updated on December 17, 2012 Dorm Life
Chapter One
By Rae
Chapter Two
By Rae
Chapter Three
By Rae
Chapter Four
By Rae
Chapter Five
By Rae
Chapter Six
By Rae
Chapter Seven
By Rae
Chapter Eight
By Rae
Chapter Nine
By Rae
Chapter Ten
By RaeAuthor![]() RaeAboutSome interesting facts about me: I'm non-binary and use They/Them pronouns, I'm a Taurus, and I have severe depression that self-sabotages me every waking moment. I've been writing since I was in 5.. more..Writing