Honesty is the best policy

Honesty is the best policy

A Story by Kashif Khan

No one can achieve everything until he are not honest in yourself, for society, for nation, for country.

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between rolling hills, there lived a young boy named Amir. Amir was known for his kindness and cheerful nature, but he had a habit of telling small lies to get out of trouble. One day, while playing near the village market, he accidentally broke a beautiful vase that belonged to the village elder, an elderly man named Baba Noor.
Panicked and afraid of being scolded, Amir quickly thought of a lie. When Baba Noor asked what happened, Amir blamed the wind, saying it had blown the vase off the table. Baba Noor, wise as he was, could see the truth in Amir’s eyes but chose not to press the matter.
A few days later, a strange thing happened. The village faced a terrible drought, and the crops began to wither. The villagers, desperate and worried, approached Baba Noor for advice. Baba Noor, with his deep understanding of nature, suggested they dig a well at the edge of the village, where he believed there might be underground water. But it was a challenging task, and the villagers hesitated.
Amir, feeling guilty for his lie, decided it was time to be honest. He went to Baba Noor and confessed that he had broken the vase and lied about it. Baba Noor smiled gently and said, "Honesty is the first step towards courage, Amir. It’s not easy to admit when we’ve done something wrong, but it is the right thing to do."
With a newfound sense of responsibility, Amir volunteered to help dig the well. Seeing his mum urage, other villagers joined in. They worked tirelessly, and after days of hard labor, they struck water. The entire village rejoiced, grateful for the life-saving water that would help their crops grow and sustain their families.
From that day on, Amir was known not just for his kindness but also for his honesty. He realized that while telling the truth might sometimes be difficult, it always leads to the best outcome. The villagers, too, learned.
Moral Honesty truly is the best policy 

© 2024 Kashif Khan

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Added on September 3, 2024
Last Updated on September 3, 2024
Tags: #booksreading, #truestory, #books, #fiction, #shortstory, #honesty


Kashif Khan
Kashif Khan

Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa , Islam , Pakistan

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