Beginning of forever

Beginning of forever

A Chapter by Karra

this is my story, if the characters sound vaguely familiar that is because they are from the anime durarara

Today is no ordinary day, no. It's my first day of kindergarten.The day where parents drop  their relunctant to go kids off At a place that's suppose to teach them things to survive in life, But will most likely scar them.But most kids adapt to their new social life quickly. Others... Like me will end up at the bottom of the food chain.

''Shai...'' my mom says as worry fills her eyes Yes, i'm ready to beg my mom to not make me go.''Please don't make me go!'' But my sobbing prevents me from being understandable. ''There's nothing to be afraid of'' She says reassuringly.

Oh yes there is.Bullies, snobby girls who'll pull your hair and make fun of you.
And there's always the possibility I'd have to get my haircut, Due to a brat sticking gum in it.

I've always been the ''too scared to ever let go of my mom's hand'' Type of girl. But as soon as she leaves me in the care of a complete stranger,There will be no hand to hold.


Nothing sucks more than trying to focus on what the teacher is saying,When tears are running down my face and i'm trying hard not to make it obvious. The only thing i can do is to hide behind a large box of crayons. Before i start coloring on the almost ruined by me, the girl who's crying like a baby construction paper.

''Okay class,'' The voice of the lady whos name I do not know or care to remember said.
''When you're done, bring your work up'' She directed.

Drawing something grade worthy takes time. But If I hurry, the sooner I get to go home.
Away from this dreadful place.

Swinging isn't as comforting as I hoped it would be.Especially with all the screaming,And all I wanted was some peace and quiet. Before I go home and tell my mom what a great day i had at school. But, truthfully.. I haven't had any worse days than this.

The other kids seem to feel the opposite of how I do. While they're playing in the sand box,sliding down the slide, And enjoying their new friends, his must be paradise to them.
But to me, it's Hell.

''Hey! Give that back!'' A distressed voice snapped me out of my silent protest.
''Or what!?!?'' Izaya asked conceitedly.
As kikei jumps up trying to grab his stollen zip-lock bag of trail-mix out of the d*********s hand. Izaya laughs arrogantly as Kikei fails. ''Give it back Izaya!?!?'' Kikei demanded
''or what?. You gonna hit me with those twigs you call arms?!?!''Izaya taunted.
Izaya was always picking on kids smaller than him. It was a daily routine, a way of entertaining himself. Since he's the most popular kid in school, and also egotistical.
It's kind of suspected.

There's also multiple reasons why he does what he does. Rather it being fascinated by their flaws, or they're ugly and he likes to remind them.

Kikei, Izaya's  latest victim. The feminine boy, who didn't do a thing to deserve such Juvenile behavior from Izaya.

CORRECTION:''Everyone deserves Punishment even if they are innocent''

Izaya's Sadisticness towards humans is unearthly. But that's typical of Izaya, Considering he's anything but normal.

Kikei was never one to start a fight. so he's left vulnerable, due to his height, And lack of muscle-tone. Izaya could easily break every bone in his small, Under-developed body.

Kikei never liked sports, no matter how hard his dad tried. He had no interest in them whatsoever.

He was the type of boy who cried shamelessly, And loved the color pink,
And would rather watch a chick-flick with his mom, Instead of male-bonding time with his dad.

Unfortunately, the boys at this school don't take too well to you when you have a girl Haircut,and dress the opposite of them.


Izaya shoved Kikei to the ground and pointed to the zip-lock bag full of trail-mix he stole from Kikei.''This is mine now'' Izaya said Tauntingly.
As Izaya walked away laughing, Kikei was left crying from embarrassment and a growling stomach.
''Are you okay?'' I asked wholeheartedly.The boy turned to look at me,
I held out my right hand which held a cinimon brown sugar poptart.
''I'll share with you''

© 2011 Karra

Author's Note


My Review

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I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but if you're using characters from an anime this is not original it's a fanfic. Here is a website for those:
If you want to keep this original I recommend tweaking the names a bit so they're not identical to the anime.
Though all in all this is a good interesting story.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 5, 2011
Last Updated on July 14, 2011



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