![]() Chapter 4A Chapter by Karla Mata Soto
She looked at Lucifer. Lucifer looked at her. He kissed her and stroked her hair. She touched the spot he kissed on her forehead. "Good morning Goddess." He said with a smile. She blushed smiling.
"You know you have the face of a pixie fairy." He chimed. She thought about the first time he said he had stopped an anomoly. "I remember that. You said a witch was in training to be a demon? What's that like?" She asked. "Well. In this world there are two types of forces. Like light and dark. Gods are the forces that protect and guide spirits through love and care. Their nature is to teach morality and most everuthing through being good. Demons are the complete opposite. We are good, but our teaching is all about teaching morality with tough love. Like when you forgave that demon. As a Goddess your spirit hears prayers and will respond to them as needed. When any demon has sinned, their prayers are the only prayers that turn a god to black sand. Demons are not supposed to pray, cast hexes, or curses at or towards Gods. It's just a part of our code. When we sin our sin is beaten out of us. Humans who are fairly moral can grow the ability to see or sense and interact with the supernatural. That's how people like witches are born. They listen to everything around them and choose to teach good morality through pain. Witches are a rare breed. Most humans tend to accidently find supernatural phenomena. Witches are surrounded by it day and night through choice. They fear nothing. Their spirits are open to all the things that surround them. Then there's spirits like you. Spirits that are good, who teach through good, don't pay attention to demons. They block out the supernatural realm and let things happen naturally. When you met your goals to become a Goddess, your spirit was specifically chosen by a number of Gods to be allowed to see the supernatural world. We would have waited until you died to teach you what you had to know, but it simply didn't suit the Gods who watched over you. They were eager to see you blossom. It's not too common, but it's not too rare either. When the stars sing and the sound of bells are heard in the entire universe every spirit gets excited. When a witch is born, all of hell can feel them. Our kind are the type to keep secrets. The world of the Gods has little to do with Hell's affairs. So they never hear about it. When a witch is born we teach them the art of serving higher beings. The arts are taught from spell books. Everyone has someone to serve. Witches serve demons. Demons, and guardians serve Gods. Gods serve humans. Humans serve themselves. Fairies are fairly self serving also." He laughed. "So how does a witch end up serving demons?" She asked softly. "Well it's like I said they are moral but with spunk. When a spirit is moral either heaven or hell hears about it. An angel will typically sense a highly moral person with their gifts. There's a class of guardians that fly throughout earth recording people's behavior. When they sense a person who's record is considered exceptionally high, with notes upon notes, they call on another type of guardian to classify them as demon or god. When they are classified, the realm they belong to is alerted. Hell can sense their entire being and locate them wherever they go. They are in charge of teaching them like they teach Gods. But the difference is that all demons teach in the demon realm. But in heaven, only one demon can teach one God. Demons work as a pack with a hierarchy. Gods are more independent than demons." "My head hurts. Lucifer? Can we take a break? I am so tired of learning." She groaned. "Of course." Lucifer disappeared and followed her as she went about her day. Blaise got up and got dressed and presentable. She walked downstairs and started having hallucinations. She saw lights floating by like waves of water passing through the air. She wondered if that was spiritual or nonsense. She went into the kitchen and made herself breakfast. Her mother came in happy to see her working and out of bed. "Are the meds working today?" She piped. "Yes, mom." She squeaked taking bites out of her bacon. "I think the medication is starting to work. The psychiatrist said it could take a week to fully kick in, no?" "Glad to hear, pumpkin. She did say that. I was worried you might need to switch medications this week. I suppose you'll be okay on this prescription." She smiled. "Mommy. I want to go out today. Is that okay?" "Of course. I'll go get my purse." Her mother finished and disappeared into her room. Blaise finished her eggs and put her dishes in the sink for later. Her mother came back and they left the house behind while jumping into the car. "Where to?" Mother asked. "The mall." Blaise responded. Blaise and her mother went to the center mall. Blaise speed walked dashing into the nearest bookstore for something to read. She was a bookworm and absolutely loved fantasy. Today she wanted something with vampires and something with witches. When she got home she had 5 books to read. 'That might last a week' she thought. Being an avid reader she went through books at a time in a week. Because she had nowhere to put all of her books after reading them, she often donated them to the library. She was a highly respected patron at her library. Today she was going to do nothing more than lounge around the house in different positions to read all day. It had been decided she wouldn't even watch her anime shows tonight. She just wanted peace and quiet. The following week Lucifer didn't appear. Her sleep was undisturbed and the world of the Gods had been out of reach. She didn't mind it at all. Her hallucinations stopped appearing and she was content. Then it happened. She woke up in her Goddess' body. Lucifer was sprawled out on the floor next to her with the imp she rescued. They were studying spell books. Blaise smiled. She went up to them and gave them a warm hug. Then she went off to explore her Goddess home. She was surrounded by stone. She could only imagine that she must be in a castle by the looks of it. She wondered if she could be on earth in this form. She remembered Lucifer say she could summon her surroundings to change. Or something like that. She called out "Earth. My room." Her surroundings melted away and she was standing in her room. She turned and saw her human body in bed fast asleep. She wondered if she could change her hair color. She had always wanted red hair. "I bless you with red hair." She said. Her hair melted from black to a deep burgundy color. She looked stunning. Even her lashes had turned burgundy. But people would know she had changed it... "I bless this hair with forgetfulness so people will forget your black hair." She laughed. At that very moment her mother came in to check up on her. It was almost midnight as she turned the lights on and she went to her side to stroke her hair... Blaise wondered what she was thinking. And instantly a thread of silver light connected them and she heard her mother's voice in mid air. "You're such a good girl. Have you always had red hair-?" Then her spell kicked in. "-I should make you some macaroni and cheese tomorrow. Now I better head back to bed." She headed out and turned off the lights. Blaise giggled. She wanted to see her aunt. "Aunt Linda's home." She called, and her surroundings melted away to show the living room of her Aunt Linda's home. She heard movement in the kitchen. She walked towards it and found Auntie going through the fridge. She pulled out ice cream. Her aunt had been in a car wreck 5 years ago and she was partially paralyzed on her left side. Her leg was stiff and unmoving in some areas. "I bless you to heal." Dark energy started to become visible. Lucifer came up behind her and attacked the energy and killed off the negativity with a clench of his fist. He muttered a hex and the energy dissipated in his hand. "Having fun?" He asked. Blaise nodded. "Healing is energy fighting. You can't do that quite yet." She was disappointed. "But soon you will. Come on. I'll teach you now." They were back in the castle in the land of the Gods that she had started to live in. "IMP!" Lucifer called out. "I already told you. My name is Dwar. It isn't imp." He sulked. "As far as I'm concerned," Lucifer started, "you are MY underling and I will call you whatever name I should choose." They quarreled. "Back to lessons. Healing. Imp, I need a stick. Fetch one." Dwar disappeared for a moment and reappeared with a twig. "Healing," He said taking the twig and breaking it in half, "is about imagening things. This twig just felt pain at it's breaking and now we have negative energy around it's breaking point. Imagine this twig." Blaise pictured it in her head. It began to glow. "Good. Now you need to pull the darkness from it." Blaise imagined a dark thin cloud coming out of the breaking point. She reached out and touched it. It was cold. "Now remember the Goddess' Seal?" He asked. "No." She sheepishly replied. "Good. Because just about anything you speak for this level of seal, just needs to have the word seal. Make anything up." She started, "With this word, I seal you," and instantly a small hell hole opened up and swallowed the energy leaving nothing behind. "Good. Now let's look at the twig. Imagine it growing together and bonding once again." Blaise pictured it again and it glew. She imagined it coming together and with a few clicks it joined itself together and bonded seamlessly. "That was a very good start. Everything that you do involves imagination. If you can't imagine it, then it won't happen. Like when you changed your hair from black to red? Your blessing worked because you could already see youself with red hair. And the forgetfulness spell. It only worked because that was how you wanted it to work. If you couldn't see it in your mind, then it wouldn't have worked." He explained. Then she fell and her goddess' bed came up under her breaking the fall and going back to it's place as Blaise was pulled back into her human form. She woke up to sunlight coming through the window. Dwar and Lucifer were on the ground studying spells again. Lucifer patiently taught as Dwar intently listened. They faded back to being invisible once again. No doubt they followed Blaise everywhere she went, pulling them silently along with her. © 2019 Karla Mata Soto |
Added on March 14, 2019 Last Updated on March 14, 2019 Author