![]() Dybukk Box RevengeA Story by Karl Herzog![]() A girl screwed over and harassed by a manipulative classmate seeks revenge by sending her enemy a Dybukk box.![]() chapter 1
black finger nailed; index finger hovered over the left click button of her
mouse. The online shopping page
illuminating off her pale face like a Ghost in the dark bedroom. “F**k it,
I’m buying this!” Her finger
hit the button like a guillotine blade coming down on a notorious criminal. “The stupid
b***h deserves this.” The screen
read. ‘Congratulation
on your purchase of 1 x Dybbuk Box…’ Kylie
shuddered for a moment. ‘Is this an
overkill…?’ But the
memories of all the horrible things came back to her. ‘Nah, she deserves
every bit she gets.’ Kylie yawned,
logged off her PC and crawled from her desk chair to the black and white clad
bed that was on the right side of her computer desk. No guilt or shame in what she had done. chapter 2
One week later, Kylies nemesis, Erin opened
the front door of her parents’ brown bricked suburban home. She cringed at the view of the frost on the
front lawn. Braving the cold in her
pink, fluffy bunny slippers and pink night gown. Pink beany pulled over her
pale ears. Erin bent over to pick up the
newspaper from the porch when she noticed in the corner of her eye a brown behind
the opened door. ‘Would’ve arrived late Friday evening.’ Stepping back inside she put the frosty
newspaper in the pocket of her fluffy night gown and picked up the brown paper
wrapped box then let the fly screen door slam shut followed by the heavy wooden
front door. Erin wasn’t going to inspect
the parcel carefully until she noticed her name on it. ‘To: Erin Da Ville’ Realizing it was for her, Erin walked
quickly inside ignoring her parents’ morning greetings as they sat at the dining
room table having breakfast. Her Dad had a follow up comment he managed
to shoot out from his newspaper before Erin jogged down the hallway. “What is it?” He gestured his head towards the box Erin
was holding. “Late birthday present from Aunty Sal!” Just as her mum spoke up, Erin went down
the hallway turning left into her bedroom.
Away from her parents prying eyes, she placed the parcel on the white
duchess that stood next to the bedroom door.
Carelessly tearing the brown wrapping paper to reveal a dark brown,
wooden box with Hebrew lettering inscribed in gold on the top and bottom
edge. Rolling it around in her hands she
found the front of the box. It had two, ring handled doors. Overlapping both doors was a gold star of David within a circle that
had a ring of golden Hebrew letters and some more symbols. “Huh, this is nice…I guess.” Before Erin considered opening the box, she
rattled it only to hear the small ringed handles tapping the box as she shook
it. Disappointed she moaned out loud. “It’s empty. Cheapskate, Aunty Sal.” Erin threw the box it into the corner of
the room where it hit the wall and landed on a pile of dirty laundry that sat
on the floor. The doors of the box
popped open as it crashes, releasing a gush of freezing cold wind and the smell
of rotting eggs. The wind blew Erin’s
pink night gown as she stood facing her duchess, her beanie flew off her head
and the wind messed up her black and grey speckled wavey hair. It was so strong she bumped into the white
duchess almost hitting her head on its mirror in front of her. Disturbed by the force of such a breeze, Erin
slowly turned around, staring at the mysterious box as it lay open on her floor. ‘My window’s closed, where did that breeze
come from? And that stench!’ chapter 3
Monday morning and Kylie was first in
classroom. She sat at her desk, turned
on the PC, soon as she was logged on the computer, Kylie opened YouTube and
started watching Cat Videos. “Anything to boost my morale.” Kylie mumbled to herself as she did when
nervous. She used to love going to Tech
College, it was her comfort zone but all that changed with Erin. The two were great classmates but Kylie felt
uncomfortable when Erin kept pressuring Kylie into spending personal one-on-one
time together which made Kylie feel even more uncomfortable. Then one night after late class sessions, as
the two walked through the well light parking lot, Erin finally confessed. “I can’t stop thinking about you…” Erin anxiously clutched her hands as she
stood in the orange light of the widespread parking lot, with the cool evening
air. Kylie took a step back and a deep
breath, thoughts flashing through her mind, not sure what to say or how to
react. Kylie had been rejected many
times by boys and girls, so she was thinking of ways to let Erin down gently. “Erin, I’m sorry. I do swing both ways but I’m just not feeling
it with you…” Before Kylie could continue Erin blurted
out. “I have a husband! Well, I mean….a
fiancé….well maybe not a fiancé but a boyfriend. I’m in a relationship.” Now Kylie just felt put out by this. ‘Okay, she knows I’m not attracted to her
why would she mention this? Wait…if
she’s in a relationship why are we having this awkward conversation!?’ Kylie tried to maintain being nice and put
on her warm smile. “Is he rich?” That broke the tension, the pressure was
released from both people like an over-carbonated bottle of beer had been
opened. Erin laughed and started to blabber about
her boyfriend, who lived overseas. She
met him online and had been in a relationship for 5 years although they’ve
never met in person. Erin continued to
blabber like a schoolgirl making Kylie wonder about this person. ‘Oh my God!
She’s over forty but she’s just like a thirteen-year-old girl.’ Kylie felt more uncomfortable, she was
trying to think of ways to escape the awkwardness. Kylie looked at her black leather wrist band
watch then back at Erin. “Look Erin, I’m sorry but I’m just not
attracted to you. But Martin sounds great,
I think you should focus more on your relationship with him. I
gotta’ go, bye!” Kylie quickly walked away with a sigh of
relief, thinking that was the end. But
for the next few months Kylie would struggle to keep a platonic relationship,
Erin made things difficult with her flirtatious comments and over flattering
messages. Erin would often d or say
something that would make Kylie think. ‘Poor Martin, what would he make of this!?’ chapter 4
“Yessss!” Kylie whispered to herself triumphantly as
she finished her classwork early. The
teacher stepped out of the classroom for a long-deserved break, most of her classmates
finished even earlier. Kylie got excited
and turned off the PC then quickly packed her things. She turned around to the window at the back
of the classroom to see the sun was going down. ‘Hopefully I can walk to the shops before
they close.’ Kylie gave a quick look to the desk in
front of hers and said goodbye to Erin.
Then she turned left, stepping away from her desk that’s when she saw a
pair of pink, feminine, women’s underwear on the vacant desk next to hers. ‘What the fu….!?’ Kylie thought as she paused for a moment,
not believing her eyes. She shook her
head and walked quickly out of the classroom, but the image kept popping back
into her head. ‘Did I really see that…?’ Kylie nervously laughed it off. ‘I’ll just dismiss it and put it in the
back of my mind vault. In three, two,
one and……done!’ Later that night, Kylie was riding her
scooter to park in her neighborhood. Her
mobile kept buzzing with text messages.
Kylie zoomed into the park, riding along its footpath past the
playground and turning left towards the skate bowl. She climbed up onto the concrete ramp,
dragging up the scooter then sat, pulling out the mobile from the right pocket
of her dark blue camouflage trousers. That’s when she discovered a bombardment of
lengthy and melodramatic messages from Erin, the final one confessing the underwear
belonged to Erin. Kylie’s face dropped. “I don’t think I like this person anymore.” She mumbled out loud to the oak trees
around her. The mood to scoot around the
skate bowl had gone, overwhelmed by this very strange and exaggerated behavior. The rest of the Friday evening was spent messaging
Erin, trying to let her down gently, but more string of constant messages which
led Kylie to text back. <Look, I’m freaked out by all this. Please just give me some space.> But that didn’t stop Erin from sending more
groveling messages. Kylie gave up,
turned her mobile off, rode home and hopped on her computer then emailed her
teacher, letting her know she wouldn’t be in school on Monday for ‘personal
reasons.’ But her teacher was very
intuitive and knew what was going on. chapter 5
A month had gone by, the teacher had
stepped in making Erin move to the furthest corner of the classroom much to
Kylies relief. It was also a month of
Erin with the mysterious. Since its
arrival strange things have started to happen to Erin, items would disappear more
so than normal, items were breaking at their own accord, scratching and
growling noises keeping Erin awake at night, when she id sleep she had nothing
but horrific nightmares. Erin would arrive late to class more
frequently and at later times. Kylie
could overhear Erin talking about her ‘living nightmare’ which made Kylie smile
but after some time the thought kept popping into Kylie’s head. ‘This gone for long enough. How do I end this?’ Kylie kept thinking this as she was trying
to read her Harry Dresden novel while sitting at her desk. Erin and the rest of Kylie’s classmates were
huddled together in the small lounge area at the back left corner of the
classroom. Kylie had won, Erin stopped harassing her
but Kylie was now alienated as Erin had hogged the attention of Kylie’s
classmates and in no way was Kylie comfortable being in the same social circle
as Erin. ‘It’s like forcing Rose McGowen to sit at a
small tea party with Harvey Weinstein.’ Kylie often thought. That’s when she put down the novel down and
logged back onto her classroom PC. She
looked up the ‘For Sale’ advertisement for the Dybukk Box she ordered then
looked up Dybukk Box on Wikipedia, print both web pages and searched for the
bravery to get up from her desk. The
printer was at the top of the classroom near the teacher’s desk but if Kylie
got up she’d draw the attention of Erin, risking awkward and bitchy
comments. But she did it and Erin was too
engrossed into telling all kinds of woes to her classmates. ‘This should be plenty of information to
get the message across.’ Kylie reassured herself as she made two
paper airplanes of the printouts placing one inside the other. She took careful aim and threw them towards
the lounge areas where the others were. Kylie’s aim was good for the paper plane
landed in Erin’s lap. Kylie quickly
picked up the novel she was reading and stuck her round tip nose back into it. Erin jumped as the paper airplane landed in
her classic tartan skirted lap. “Who threw that!?” She thought as she picked up the paper
plane and noticed something was printed on it.
She opened it up and saw an advertisement for a small wooden box. “Hey wow, I got one just like that!” She cried out with a smile on her
face. She opened the other paper plane
but just dismissed it as. “This is cute wrapping paper!” The others looked at Erin like she was
stupid, they were smart enough to figure this was a hint of some kind but
didn’t want to get involved so they just moaned, shook their heads and looked
away Kylie discreetly observed this as
she noticed Erin crush the paper into a ball. chapter 6
Time came and went, the IT course Kylie was
studying finished successfully followed by a well-earned break. Friday, when Kylie would normally be in class,
she decided it would be a novelty to go for a walk. Her mind was wondering about what she was
going to do next when she suddenly realized some time had passed and… ‘S**t!
I’m in Erin’s neighborhood!’ Overwhelmed by her success, Kylie forgot
that her nemesis lived in the suburb nearby, and Kylie was walking right through
the street Erin lived on. To make things
worse she noticed she was standing next to Erin’s house, she knew this because
she was there for a movie night the class was invited to though….Kylie was the
only one that showed, she often thought that was a trap. Her heart dropped a beat, and a cold chill
went through her body she slowly turned her head to her right and saw. ‘Yep, that’s Erin’s house alright. I don’t wanna’ be here!’ But that’s when Kylie noticed the ‘For
Sale’ sign in the flower plagued garden followed by the nicely dressed real
estate agent walking down the garden steps of the front yard, he looked up and
saw Kylie. With a big white tooth smile
and wave, he called out. “Hi!
You looking to buy this house?
It’s a nice house, one story but has a beautiful garden!” He waved a free hand of his white shirt indicating
the front yard. Kylie was kind of taken
by the man, he looked like a skinnier version of Chris Pratt but with a
friendly Australian accent. “No, sorry.
I was just wondering…I knew the family that lived here. What happened to them?” Kylie asked as the salesman’s smile faded a
bit. He walked closer with a black
clipboard under his left arm. “Oh, they moved! He, he!” Kylie felt stupid for asking. Right, sorry. Just curious, does the house come with
furniture?” Kylie assumed he couldn’t give information
on the previous owners so tried to tip-toe and trick the agent into answering. “Nope sorry, took everything with
them. The house is dead empty, which is
great! Because it means there’s plenty
of space to start fresh!” It dawned on Kylie. ‘That stupid b***h never figured it
out….she took the Dybukk Box with her!’ Kylie made small talk, gave the appearance
of a possible buyer then thanked the nice real estate agent, turned on her
heals and walked back home. She did feel
a little bit guilty until she remembered the long list of awkwardness and
manipulative behaviors she got from Erin. ‘Nope…she brought this on herself.’ THE
END © 2022 Karl HerzogAuthor's Note
Added on September 14, 2022 Last Updated on September 14, 2022 Tags: Want vengeance on someone? Send, especially if they have no idea Author