![]() Old Man's SighA Story by Karl Herzog![]() Bitter and cranky young person finds happiness in a group of cranky old men and start a gang....on mobilizers.![]() Old Man’s Sigh by Karl Herzog Said Mr Ghee in his gravely voice as he took of
his grey flat cap, crossed his legs revealing his bare knee from underneath the
Stirling tartan kilt and placed his flat cap upon the knee. Kyle wasn’t sure if he should feel threatened
or in good company. "Agree with what, the bit where I said 'i
wish I was dead' or 'bloody kids are little brats'?" Kyle said as he looked up at Mr Ghee’s
weathered face. ".... all of it, lad." Mr Ghee spoke with a mild Scottish accent that
matched his casual way of dressing while wearing a kilt. "Come meet the lads." He gestured to table of old men in US Civil War
uniforms and kilts. Kyle stared. "Why
are they dressed like…. Scottish people." Mr G chuckled a bit. "Nay....we're a US Civil War re-enactment
group. We picked a Yankee regiment that
was mostly Scottish migrants, hence the kilt with their uniform.” This peaked Kyle’s interest as he was taken
into reading US Civil War History when he was in year twelve. So, Kyle picked up his beer and followed Mr
Ghee to the table of aged reenactors. Kyles’s
night kicked off with a good whinge and beer. He lost track of how many drinks
they brought him. Another older Scottish ex pat, Carlisle
dropped a pint of ale in front of Kyle and said in his thick Scottish accent. "Never mind what ye' hear aboot us Scots. After all, I just brought ya’ a pint!" It took a moment for Kyle to realise, Carlisle
was referring to the Scottish stereotype. That night Kyle was in good company and can
see he made some new friends that understood him more. Most were migrants who moved for work and
because UK was two crowded. Two from
Scotland, one from Ireland, an American and one Australian. The next morning Kyle woke up on the couch with
a splitting headache and a tattoo on his left arm, still bloody, soar and with a
bandage. 'What happened last night!?' Kyle only remembered bits...a late-night drive through
suburban streets on mobilizers, clumsy game of lawn bowels on some random
persons yard, porch lights being turned on and being yelled at by angry sleepy
neighbours. Kyle spent
the rest of the morning watching music videos and nursing a hangover. By lunch
time he walked to his local cafe ordered an iced coffee and finally gained the
courage to eat. As he sat at the wobbly,
round table outside the café he bit into his massive burger and all the
contents spilled out the other end. "Should’ve
ordered a pizza like normal people do after a night out." That’s the
moment when Kyle remembered what he did last night... ‘Getting a
uniform police shirt at some old man’s garage, swerving in middle of a suburban
road on a mobilizer, playing lawn bowels on someone's front yard and getting
yelled at by the occupant and then…the tattoo!’ Kyle
carefully pealed back the bandage and took a peek it was the bust of the Grim Reaper
with scythe and an analogue clock behind him. The words of Mr Ghee echoed in Kyles’s mind. "You're
in our gang now! We're old and bored, we
like to complain but we figure we don't have much time left so we do what we
like!" Kyle’s face
went red with anger making his golden blonde mullet hair style stand out even
more. He was outraged at first because
he didn't like gangs. He hated Yakuza, Mafia, Tongers and Bikies because he
felt that 'they're
just adult versions of schoolyard bullies' But after a
little while Kyle remembered the last few words Mr Ghee spoke to him along with
the many laughs, they all shared that night.
He figured they're reckless and
annoying to some people, but these were a bunch of retired people trying to
make the most out of life. Kyle stayed
in the gang but also enrolled into a tech college and started studying
psychology. Friends and family thought
it was a noble move to a career of helping people. After years of studying and reckless shenanigans
with the retired gang he got a job as a psychologist at a retirement home and
that was his underlying diabolical plan! Kyle went
through all that to recruit more old men and women into 'Old Man’s Sigh' which
was the name of their gang. Late at
night the suburban streets were disturbed with the low hum of mobilizers and rowdy
drunken old people in white polo shirts with the young Kyle Hopewell in the
lead and huge grin on his face! THE
END © 2021 Karl Herzog |
Added on October 6, 2021 Last Updated on October 6, 2021 Tags: Be nice to old people, they've been through a lot and t Author