The Razor

The Razor

A Poem by KaoticOrder

To be honest, it's hard not to open old wounds
to keep telling myself it'll get better soon
Sometimes I just play the tune
because honestly I got too much to loose

Five months, but the blade still controls my mind
I tell myself "it'll get easier, just give it time."
Tell everybody that I'm doing fine
while razors dance behind my mind

How the f**k do I save anyone else 
when I can't save myself?
My mouth smiles, but mind screams for help
Metaphorical gag keeps the words in so oh well

Thinking of the relief from the blade is a mix of lust and shame
Telling myself to go back to the game
but when I look at the scars etched with pain
Reminds me the razor never fixed a damn thing.

© 2015 KaoticOrder

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Added on June 25, 2015
Last Updated on June 25, 2015



Essex, MD

My name is Nerissa, but I go by Kaos on most writing sites. I am a twenty two year old aspiring writer and a stay at home Mother of a darling little angel named Sabrina. Began writing as dabbles an.. more..

Vodou Vodou

A Poem by KaoticOrder