![]() The Clocks are Cops.A Poem by KallGrahamTick Tock Goes The Clock Your Arm's Revolutions Merely Meant To MOCK! On schedule. Trapped in TIME's box. Trapped Dear, not locked. Lock insists key, And key, there is not. F**K! Your stuck! A sitting duck! On TIME for lunch. The number crunch. A "Full-Proof" schedule, Has yet to mean much... Of anything. Slave to seconds. Hostage to hours. Devoured by days. Malice by months. Yearning to years. Trapped In And by ...TIME © 2015 KallGrahamReviews
1 Review Added on October 4, 2015 Last Updated on October 4, 2015 Author![]() KallGrahamBakersfield, CAAboutHello I'm Kall 18. I'm a diagnosed Catatonic/Paranoid Schizophrenic, this reflects a lot in my writing. I feel my point of views on life stem from other sources as well. I write to relieve my condense.. more..Writing