You use your book, as means of "proof" yet, it is the contents of it's pages, that need accounting for. Self-sacrifice of "culture" for the elimination of division? True means of a "free spirit" I don't feel, can be found in doing the opposite, of what is "required" of a belief system. Christianity-Satanism. Atheism-Agnosticism... so forth. Your freedom found in going "against the grain" is simply the manifestation of your unconditional hate, due to the enforcement of their conditional love and "acceptance." You aren't truly doing what you want, you are doing, what they don't want. I can relate to the great pleasure associated with this "rebellion," but are you truly content with these means? Proudly living life, as a bullet? Just to be loaded in their gun, and discharged in someone's face, as an example? Your attempt to break free, live by your own means, has pigeon-holed you into another category "PRODUCT OF"...