Une Sépulture de la Mer

Une Sépulture de la Mer

A Poem by Adair

Standing on the edge of a forgotten dream
Turbulent sea spread out before me
untold wonders there.
Should I fall and risk it all to sate my desires?
Is it worth forfeiting opportunity?
I go on
Into the waves
covered in algae blue and green.
To reach for these forgotten ruins,
the unspoken desire of all that lives.

The current pulls me in,
hair billowing behind me.
Warmth flooding every vein,
A renewal of the spirit,
My body a vessel to this wondrous entity we call 'Life'.
Before, I was flawed,
and now made whole beneath the surface.
Now caught in this stream, I have no control,
one with the world, its secrets are mine.

Glorious signs of life swarm my sight as all fades.
Grey overtaking my vision,
a last picture, the final secrets of the world.
A joyous occasion.

In daily life all to look forward to is misery,
now here I am, within the heart of the world.
Awe inspiring sights, knowledge from a ancient time.
This glory is suitable only for the immortals to know,
I've paid my price. I regret nothing.

© 2010 Adair

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Added on August 14, 2010
Last Updated on August 14, 2010
Tags: Death, Fantasy, Happiness, Longing, Lost in thought, Self, Thoughts, Suicide




I've been writing poetry seriously since March of 2010. My works are of various quality levels. Most of the pieces I upload to this site are my better ones. more..

Cordoba Cordoba

A Poem by Adair