She ran to the lifeless body that had used to be her lover and sobbed
violently. She held his lifeless form to her breast and rocked him back
and forth. She brought their foreheads together and let her tears drip
onto his cold cheeks. "Please, please wake up." She whispered. His eyes
twitched and a soft moan escaped his chapped lips. The girl's heart rate
picked up and a smile crept to her face. "R-Raph?" She whispered. Her
heart skipped a beat as his golden honey eyes opened slowly.
"K-Ka-ley...?" He moaned. Kaley nodded and replied, "Yeah Raph,
it...its me." She choked back a sob, her bottom lip quivering. He smiled weakly. "B-bu-t h-how?" He croaked. "Shhh, it doesn't matter
now. What matters is that we get you fixed up, ne?" She replied softly.
Raph nodded slightly but cringed at the sudden movement. "Can you stand?" Kaley asked. Raph nodded and attempted to stand but was brought
down by a wave of pain. He let out a deep grunt and clenched his fists
tightly. Once the pain had subsided a bit he let out a breath he'd not
known he'd been holding. "O-ou-ch...", he moaned pitifully. Kaley's
heart sunk at his pain, wishing she could make it disappear. "It's okay, I'll just bandage you here. Wyett come here boy." She patted her
thigh, beckoning her Husky pup-that she took everywhere with her- to
come. When he bounded over to her she placed her forefinger and middle
finger together on his forehead. She reached her other forefinger and
middle finger to her temple and, using her mind, told him to fetch her
bag. He bounded off doing so.
To be continued.