Chapter 2: The Story-Part I

Chapter 2: The Story-Part I

A Chapter by MadRadDude

The first part of Alex's Grandmother's story of her past life.


Chapter 2: The Story-Part I

Alex and his Grandmother walked up to the counter, paid for wristbands to gain access to the museum, and began walking again. He followed her to an elevator. They got inside and Alex saw her press the button for the 7th floor. Once on the right floor, they stepped out and his Grandmother almost ran into the exhibit. Alex followed, jogging after her.

He followed her into a giant room, full of what appeared to be animal skulls. He walked over to the giant skull of a bull, running his hand over its horns.

He then heard someone sigh and realized his Grandmother was staring at two skulls in the corner of the room. Alex walked over so he could see them properly. They were in separate glass cases.

The first skull he could make out easily since he’d seen many of them before around his Grandparent‘s house. It was the skull of a wolf. The only thing that surprised Alex was that this skull was bigger than any wolf he’d seen before.

The second skull confused Alex a little. It was the skull of a human, but it’s teeth were sharper than any human’s.

“Do you know what this skull is, Grandma?” Alex asked, pointing at the human skull.

She looked up at him and smiled.

“Yes, I do, Alexander. There’s a story behind these skulls and why they’re here.”

Alex began to get interested.

“Would you like to know the story?” she asked, eagerly.

Alex smiled and nodded. They walked over to a bench only a foot back from the skulls.

“The skull there,” she said, pointing to the wolf skull, “Isn’t the skull of any normal wolf.”

“Well, I kind of noticed that,” Alex said, chuckling a little.

“Yes, but it was much greater than any normal wolf. Sometimes, it was more human than wolf.”

Alex thought for a second, “What are you saying, that this is the skull of something like a werewolf?” he said, laughing at his own joke.

But she wasn’t laughing, “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

Alex abruptly stopped laughing. His face showed nothing, but utter confusion.

She nodded at him and went on.

“That skull there,” she pointed to the human skull, “Isn’t the skull of a real human.”

“What do you mean?” Alex asked, nervous for the answer.

“That, is the skull of a vampire.”

Alex stopped breathing for a moment.

What is she talking about? Alex thought, Vampires and Werewolves aren’t real.

“Grandma, are you feeling okay?” Alex asked, carefully.

She nodded, “I’m fine, honey. You just need to understand. You mustn’t think I’m crazy.”

As much as Alex wanted to say that he’d never think that of her, he didn’t know. She could be from old age.

“Maybe once you hear the entire story, you’ll understand,” she said, hope flowing through her voice.

“Yeah, maybe,” Alex whispered.

She smiled at her Grandson and continued.

“This vampire skull was the skull of the leader of a coven that came through here one year,” she said, staring at the vampire skull, “The leader’s name was Zack Leto. He led his coven throughout the forest’s of Martinsburg over one hundred years ago. They preyed on innocent human’s and stranger’s that walked through the forest. If there were none, they would wait until nightfall and then go into the closest town and feed.”

She stopped for a moment to see if Alex was okay ‘cause his face had gone pale.

“Should I stop?” she asked.

Alex cleared his voice, “No, but I do have a question.”

“What is it?”

“How do you know so much about this?”

Her face went suddenly pale.

“Grandma, what is it?” he asked, nervously.

She cleared her voice and took a deep breath.

“Because I was one of them.”

Alex stopped breathing completely this time. He stared at her in a way he never thought he would.

My Grandmother? A vampire? No way! Alex thought.

“Okay, Grandma, I think I’m going to call a very good doctor that can help you get some care,” Alex said, pulling out his cell phone.

She shook her head back and forth quickly, grabbed his phone, and chucked it across the room. She grabbed him by the shoulders and looked directly into his eyes.

“Alexander, you must believe me. Please,” she pleaded.

Alex nodded and let her relax before she continued.

“Now, don’t worry, I’m not a vampire anymore. I’ll explain that in a bit. And yes, this does mean I’m a lot older than you think, dear. But when you’re a vampire, you stop ageing.”

“So that means you were born over a hundred years ago?” Alex asked, almost in a whisper.

“Yes. I was born December 10th, 1859.”

Alex’s eyes widened, “Wow, that’s a hundred and fifty years ago.”

“Yes,” she said.

Alex took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, “Okay.”

She smiled and continued.

“I was bitten when I was seventeen by a vampire named Trent Gontier. When Trent attacked me, I was going out for a walk in the woods because my parents wouldn’t stop fighting. I’d heard about the disappearances and killings of people who went in the woods, but at that moment, I didn’t really care.

“I walked halfway through the woods and then I heard something. Something up in the trees. I had that strange feeling that I was being followed, so I began running back. I was almost out, until something tripped me. And then I saw him. He leapt out of the nearest tree and stood right over me. I tried to scream, but he covered my mouth with his hand. Then, he grabbed my arm and bit me.

“Then, his hand was no good over my mouth. I screamed as loud as ever. He was ready to finish me off and drink my blood, until a Night Watcher showed up.”

“Night Watcher?” Alex asked, confused.

“Yes, back then, there was a group that had professions in vampire slaying. During that time, vampires were more real than they are now. So, they dedicated their lives to protecting the people of Martinsburg. Some people liked to call them Vampire Slayers, but they liked the name Night Watchers most.”

“Okay, so then what happened?”

“The Night Watcher shot Trent with a gun right above the heart. He didn’t die, but he was very wounded. He threw me over his shoulder and jumped into a tree. He wanted to finish me off, but he knew that if he bit me again, I would scream and the Night Watcher would find him. So he hid out until the Night Watcher left, but by the time he was gone, I was already transformed.”

“Okay, I get it,” Alex said.

“Good,” she said, “Now that we’ve covered my side so far, it’s time I tell you about this one,” she pointed to the wolf skull.

“I’m guessing this is the skull of the werewolf leader?” Alex asked.

“Yes, it is. His name was Storm.”

“Storm?” Alex asked.

“Yes. When a human was transformed into a werewolf, he or she was given a new name depending on their power.”

“Werewolves had powers?”

“Yes, they did,” she said, smiling at how interested he was getting, “Storm had the power to control the weather. It worked to his advantages most of the time.”

“Okay, now how do you know so much about the werewolves? Aren’t werewolves and vampires enemies in most stories?” Alex asked.

“That’s exactly the case. That is why only one werewolf still lives on today.”

“Do you know him?” Alex asked, really excited to know.

“Know him? I married him,” she said, smiling widely at some thought.

Alex couldn’t believe it. His eyes widened so much, they were about to fall out of his head if he kept it up.

“Grandpa is a… werewolf?” Alex asked, nervous again.

“Yes, he is. He’s actually out hunting right now.”

“But, don’t werewolves also feed on humans?” Alex shuddered at the thought.

“Yes, but not him. He’s come accustomed to feeding on animals only.”

“Well, that’s good.” Alex didn’t know anything else to say.

“Well, I’d love to tell you how me and your Grandfather met and the history between our two species, if you’d like, Alexander.”

Alex stared at his Grandmother and knew she wanted to tell him this very much. He was getting pretty into it himself.

“Yes, I’d love to hear the rest of it.”

She beamed at him, “Great! Here we go then.”

© 2010 MadRadDude

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Added on June 6, 2010
Last Updated on June 6, 2010



Hey, I'm Jordan Smith. I'm 17 and i love writing poetry and stories. There isn't much to tell about me. To sum it up, i love music, i have awesome friends, and i have an amazing girlfriend, who i love.. more..

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