![]() The Watching GirlA Story by Kaitlin SheaThere is a girl. She’s standing on an
overpass above a busy city. Heavy traffic, crowded streets, people pushing
their way down the sidewalk. The girl is tiny. Dark hair. Dark
eyes. Dark smile. Long hair. Bare feet. Dirty face. The wind blows her hair but she
wishes it were fresh and cool. Instead, it’s smoggy and warm. A smile melts off
her face as she watches the people in the streets--easily angered and much too
cursory in their mindless actions. The streetlights flicker on at odd
intervals, providing a single spotlight of gloom every ten feet that highlights
the melancholy beneath them. Its purpose is served as people scurry underneath
them like ants under a magnifying glass, barely allowing the revealing light to
rest on them for more than a couple of seconds. The girl, a mere observer in
this twisted show of tainted life, doesn’t need a streetlight to amplify the
flaws in these people’s lives. They are as obvious as a funeral procession
taking up the whole highway. A prude middle-aged woman stands waiting
at a cross-walk, her arms folded across her chest and her eyes squinted in a
way that seems too natural--as if habit has scarred her face that way forever.
The light is long and horns are blaring and dull yellow taxi-cabs stain the
streets as if there is anything still clean enough to stain. She waits
impatiently, her foot tapping methodically in pointy pink heels, scraping the
dirty tar of the streets. Her lips pursed, her face scrunched, she momentarily
snaps out of her self-centered universe and glances around her, clearly
searching for nothing in particular. The beady eyes of such an uppity woman
skim across too many faces to count, not even pausing to note a single one of
their lives. They might as well not be living if they don’t affect her. She
clucks her tongue and shakes her head absently, another habit acted upon so
long it has become unbreakable. A young boy, his pants too low and his stance
too slouched, gains a mere second of her attention and she watches him with the
judgment common to all of today’s societies. Her judgment isn’t based on
feeling though, but on something called religion.
Called God. Called the right way, as if there is only one. A couple attracts her attention
next. But not the ordinary, accepted
type of couple. The type of couple that
even today, even when women have gained rights and slavery has become illegal,
are frowned upon by the so called “conservative” lives in our world. The two men hold hands, walking and grinning
and oblivious to the scowls of the woman.
The wrinkles between her eyes deepen.
They are going to hell, she
thinks reflexively, and still she watches in the same dismay that has already
characterized her within the minute the dark haired, dark eyed, dark smiled
girl has been watching. The watching
girl wonders why the two men holding hands bother the woman so much. Why do two, happy, blissful people bother her
so much? And why doesn’t the homeless,
homely boy standing in the middle of the street begging for money bother her
more? Doesn’t she realize that if her
god wanted everyone to be the same, he wouldn’t have made everyone so
different? A horn blares extra loudly and the
pink-shoed woman jumps out of her judgmental daze, noting the flashing WALK
sign and the people yelling out of their cars at her. She clucks her tongue at their impatience, as
if she would’ve done anything different. On the way across the crosswalk, the woman
passes a boy. He’s tall, hunched forward, and he glares at the ground as he
walks as if it holds more importance than anything else on the streets. And it does, to him at least. The watching girl can see it in his gaunt
face and in his hollow eyes. She can see
it in the way he walks, slouched and with his hood up in attempt to block out
the rest of the world. She can see it in
the way when a siren sounds in the distant, he freezes and looks up at the sky
as if God himself has called him. And
then, she can see it in the way his eyes dart back and forth before he starts
walking again, oblivious to the honking horns and the busy streets and the
clucking woman and the homeless child and the revealing street lights. He walks as if he is not of this earth
because he isn’t as long as he lives the way he does--drugs and smoke block out
the rest of the world better than a hood can.
But what if you’re not prepared for the world they create? His whole life is a dream; a nightmare, but
it’s all he’s got. How come judgmental woman’s god couldn’t
save him? He doesn’t know what God is or what religion means or that there
could be something more after all the suffering ends. Will the suffering ever
end? The boy with the cadaverous face and the
lost eyes bumps into a man in a suit before stumbling and deciding to slide
down for a seat against a wall. The man in the suit, with the briefcase, and
the clean-shaven face frowns and brushes his shirt off, as if the lost-ness of
the boy is tactile and can stick to him. He shakes his head, stares down at the
boy who has gone completely to pieces, and turns to walk away. What a pity,
what a pity. But the thought is fleeting, a blip in the day as if he hasn’t
just seen another life wasted away. No, he sees it every day and lives have
ceased to mean much more than a dollar figure anymore. He is a lawyer, but not
the kind that saves the innocent; the kind that defends the guilty. He draws
out his phone and takes on a business posture, plugging his non-telephone ear
with his finger. He laughs at something over the city street noises but his
thoughts are unmistakable across his face. Another murder, another robbery,
another guilty person to defend. Another crime to go unpunished in return for
green paper; the key to the whole world. It doesn’t matter if lives are
slipping away by the second, as long as it isn’t his life. Why is it, the watching girl wonders, that
people are so selfish? How can one person have all the material things in the
world and still see his neighbor and think, I want that? Enough is never enough
and a buck is never just a buck. The briefcase man snaps his phone shut,
his face receding back to serious as if there is a need to erase any traces of
a happy moment in life. Long faces are meant to put up a protective front but
all they serve as is entrapments. He starts to pace, back and forth and in
between the busy people of the streets. And he paces like that until he’s lost
in the crowd; he’s just as lost as the brain-dead drug-abuser. The difference
is, he will never know. Once again, the homeless child’s face
comes into view"the only stationary figure in the active night-dampened
streets. He makes no attempt at a smile, and his eyes are emptier than even the
blindest man’s eyes could ever reach--a depth that few can even comprehend. He’s
dirty, untouchable, ugly, and no more significant than a sewer rat scrambling
around the city’s feet. More of an annoyance really, a blemish in the shallow
beauty of a city at night. The pink-shoed woman wouldn’t have even considered
opening her expensive pocket book to award the poor creature a few miserly
cents. She’d have rather he hid in the darkling shadows of looming buildings
than have had him stand where he did, further building the dirt in the streets.
He stares through the immense crowds,
holding out his hands in a desolate attempt to find a giving hand; knowing
better, that there are none. He chose this fate, he knows, but is begging
better than death? Or is he only begging for death by now, wishing and praying
that God will save him? Or the devil will kill him, which ever ends the pain. Leaving
one evil, abuse and evanescent family love, for another, an anathema of
physical pain and insatiable hunger. He doesn’t know which is worse; doesn’t
understand why he has to choose either of them. If only anybody cared. The
watching girl thinks the scene is deeply unsettling and darkly amusing. Why all
the pain and self-centered hate? To some, the city is beautiful, even more
so at night. Pitch black sky with blanketed stars. Tall sky-risers, almost
touching the heavens but coming back down again--pushing God away. Lifting
heaven further and further away from the filth of the city, where God can
remain pure. The watching girl starts to turn away,
sick of the scene; sick of everyone else’s unhappiness dragging the world down
and digging a hole closer to Hell. But something--someone"catches her eye before
she can hide her eyes from the sights of the city. A girl. Tall. Young.
Beautiful. Maybe just like everybody else in the city--hasty and unconcerned
with the nature of others. Maybe even worse. But maybe not. The watching girl,
with nothing better to do, stays for a minute and continues to watch the dismal
story of life continue to unfold. She watches the girl intently, looking for
something she failed to recognize in the others. Looking for hope. Looking for
a sign that hope is still alive; out there somewhere. The beautiful young girl
smiles, holds the door open for longer than anyone else would’ve. She greets
the people coming out as if each of them means something important to her. She walks down the street. She passes the
happy couple, with the same sex chromosomes, and smiles at them--a genuine
happiness. See? Love comes in all forms. And it’s beautiful every way. She continues on and she sees the boy. The
one drowning in drugs and life. She hesitates, bends down so that she’s next to
him. And even though he doesn’t register her squatting beside him, she says
something to him and stands up and leaves without looking back. He turns his
head and watches her go, a curious expression on his face. She walks to the boy standing in the middle of the sidewalk. The filthy boy"untouchable and unlovable. She slips some money into his hat, the one he uses to beg with. But before she leaves, she kisses his forehead and says something that looks a lot like: something better is coming. She disregards all of the world’s
prejudgments and just as she comes to a stop in front of the crosswalk the
pink-shoed woman had stood at, she looks up at the girl on the overpass. A
smile stretches out across her face. And she waves. © 2010 Kaitlin SheaReviews
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Added on January 2, 2010Last Updated on February 26, 2010 Tags: City, Acceptance Author![]() Kaitlin SheaGAAboutI'm Kaitlin. I love to write almost anything, but "About Me" sections are the exception. Okay, let's see. The favorite authors would be George Orwell, John Green, and Ellen Hopkins. I also have .. more..Writing
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