![]() Ch1 - What Happens At School...A Chapter by KaiserD![]() Aust Extaral just transferred to a new high school. Everyone is interested in him, curious about who he is, but now he has to find his own place before his stigma separates him from everyone else.![]()
"Any change, even a change for the better, is always
accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts." Arnold Bennett
The wind blew a calm breeze, blowing Aust Extaral's brown hair gently. He was staring through a chain link fence, his fingers through several of the holes as he gazed through. He was panting calmly, as if he had been chased for a short while. Looking past the fence, he saw what he longed for. A special kind of happiness. What he saw was called the Playground Island, a small island that was made into a play park area for children and families. A small bridge of sorts led to the island, and all along it were happy, carefree people. They knew not of the shades that cling to them, though Aust knew. He knew and hated that he knew. He wanted to forget, but everything chased him as he tried to run. His past had chased him down and cursed his chances. He clenched his fist on the chain link fence, longing for his freedom. It all had started several months ago. "---And I would finally like to welcome everyone to the new semester." The announcements on the speakers throughout the high school echoed as the new school semester rang in. Aust was sitting in the corner. He had just transferred in from a distant school and knew no one around. "So what was it like there?" "Where are you from?" "You have such a cool name!" These questions and several others pounded into Aust as he sat there. Most everyone knew everyone else, it was just one of those types of schools, so when someone else enters into the realm of high school, people just have to find out. Aust happened to be the 'new kid'. During the entirety of class however, after getting through the questions, Aust sat bored. He knew the answers to everything that was asked by the teacher. The class he was in was further behind than he was in his studies, even though he himself was behind in his old class. Within his boredom, he scanned the class. Behind his glasses, he noticed that few classmates were interested in the lesson, most were more curious about their new classmate. Thus his first week went, awkward glances and random friendships soon ensued. During a lunch break, Aust had started to take to leaning against a tree in the school's outside lunch area, a section called the Natural Retreat (created by the student body several years prior). His eyes had trailed up to the skies as he listened around him. To his right, at 3 o'clock, several girls talked about their boyfriends and what not. At his 7 o'clock side, a couple was sitting, having a peaceful lunch, and on the other side of the tree, 6 o'clock, he heard what had seemed to be bullies. In curiosity, he looked over to see three classmates teasing with another classmate. He was a smart boy, a nerd by the looks of it. A girl emerged from out of Aust's sight and rushed to the boy's side. The three bullies left as she went to help the victim. "Thanks Revali..." The boy said blushing as she helped pick up his stuff and helped him up. "You have to be careful of bullies, and learn to stand up for yourself!" Revali told him as she pulled him up, "now off to class!" She finished with a smile as the boy ran off blushing. As the boy pushed past Aust's left side, an instance of pain, albeit a light one, overcame Aust. "Ugg, not again," he clutched his left arm and it started to shake. "Damnit, why here?" Revali noticed him and hurried over, "Are you ok...?" "I am, it was just... an old injury acting up..." Aust sat down against the tree, slowly the shaking stopped and he sighed. Looking up into Revali's deep green eyes, he told her, "Don't worry about me, I will be ok, this happens every now and again." "Well be careful, ok?" She stood tall and smiled, walking away after hearing he was fine. Yet, even though Aust said he was fine, he was still troubled. The old feeling was slowly coming back to him, it had followed him here. The following day, Aust headed back out to the Natural Retreat and made use of the same tree. All around him, people around him smiled and talked happily, their world was at peace. It brought a warm smile to his face. Over the course of the day, he heard several conversations. "...so last night, me and my boyfriend were alone an-..." "...anks Revali for always helping me, I'm so useless..." "No you aren't! You just need to show them that you are better than the-..." "...the Golden Gunner has been gone for so long, I wonder where he disappeared to, won't the sh-..." "...is a peep hole into the girls locker room, you guys wanna go che-..." "...li gave me the magazine about him. She said to be careful though, I think she really likes the Golden Gu-..." Aust couldn't help but laugh. Gossip ruled this world of high school as much as it ruled the adult world. Teens were such interesting people to be around. He envied the freedom these people had. It was once more another day of gossip around Aust. He particularly didn't care about it, but he listened anyway, you never could know where something interesting could pop up. "...had fun last night, but I don't think we should see ea-..." "...on't feel so good, I think I need to go to the nur-..." "...abloids say that the Golden Gunner left because he was about to be discovered by the s-..." "...you hear? Revali dumped another boy after a single date! She must have gone out with like half of the sc-..." Class was boring again, but there was a feeling that Aust could not get rid of. His arms felt numb from shaking, and his body feeling weak. He lay on his desk and upon the repetitive dinging of the bell to go to lunch, he shuffled weakly to the Natural Retreat. Today he had made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for simplicities sake. His arrival to the retreat brought hit energy slowly back, but not enough to do anything. It was a nagging feeling he could not lift. It had been more than a month since he quit, and he was not planning on going back any time soon. To his right, he heard what seemed to be a scuffle. The noise piqued his curiosity and he looked over. The boy was getting picked on again. After being pushed down for the last time and the bullies walked away, Revali rushed over to help him up. This time she was pushed away by the boy who yelled at her. "Look, I did what you said and now I just get beat up even more! Stay away from me!" He rushed off and Revali watched him storm off. After a few moments, Aust spoke, "Why are you so determined to help everyone?" He spoke to her as he held out his hand to hers, still shaking slightly. She sat there stunned and looked as if she was crying, "Because everyone deserves a chance to better themselves, and its so hard to do it alone... That's what I was taught growing up..." Aust stood there confused but shrugged it off and kept his hand out, "Then at least let me help you up..." "O-ok then," She grasped his hand as he pulled her up. Her body fell onto Aust's, her eyes wet in his shirt. "Why must people be so cruel?" "Because people themselves are so good natured, they are easy to take advantage of." Aust smiled and looked down at her with warm eyes. He had not felt warmth like this in a long time, everything he felt was always cold and dark, this was an experience he would not complain about happening again, for he barely ever got to enjoy it. After a minute or two of crying, Revali finally stopped and pulled herself away, "I'm so sorry for crying on you. Thank you for helping me." She ran off in the distance, traces of her warmth remaining against Aust's chest. Once class commenced, he sat at his desk reading a magazine he had brought to school. After first, he quickly read pages, but every now and again, between pages, he would catch himself glancing over towards Revali. At first it was only simple short glances but gradually he was look at her for longer and longer. She had a beautiful figure with long, silky black hair, her eyes a glorious emerald green, laying themselves gently onto her soft face. The last time he realized what he was doing, he lay his head down against his desk on his arms. He had never had such strange emotions rumbling within him, feelings of longing. Somewhere though, he felt like this strange feeling had the most familiar feel to it, like that of something forgotten. That night, at home, he had a dream. In this dream, he saw himself at a playground on an island in the distance. Around him on the island were the carefree children of the world, their parents watching happily and careless as well, as if this island was all that existed in the world. He woke up on the floor, his head sore from sudden impact. At school he did not feel to well either. At least once every fifteen to twenty minutes, he would cough and start to shake uncontrollably. It was not until lunch that he felt better. He leaned against the tree he had slowly began to make his home for lunch, still coughing and shaking, but not as bad as before. He knew exactly what was wrong, what was making him sick, but he feared how it would be if others knew the truth. Behind him, he heard a sudden yelp. Looking around the tree, he saw Revali on the ground, her school supplies everywhere. Without hesitation he helped her up and gathered up her supplies. As he offered to help her up once again, a cough came out at the wrong time. She rose up herself and looked at Aust. His skin had turned into a weak looking pale, his eyes had bags under them and he looked as if he had lost weight almost overnight. Revali started to ask, "Whats wrong Aust, you look lik-" "Its nothing, its a personal issue..." He interrupted her while looking away. "Well if that's it, I've... um... I've got to go." She left to walk off hurriedly when out of nowhere Aust's hand reached out and grasped hers firmly, pulling her back slightly at the same time. "I need to ask you something before you leave." Aust said in a determined voice. "Noo, get away you druggy!" Revali shouted out as she used her bags to knock his hands away. Aust recognized this reaction, he had gotten it a lot the last time he had decided to run away, and several times before that as well. He always turned out this way when he went through withdrawal, turning weak as he tried to deal with his physical dependence. "Revali, please don't." Aust's voice echoed a panic. "Get away from me," She replied in fear backing away from him. As she rushed away, Aust fell to his knees weakly. Luckily, no one was around him to see him in his pathetic state, but it did not change how it felt. He wanted to ask her something but felt the sudden demise of rejection. He skipped out of the class after lunch, not showing for the rest of the day either. The next day at school, Aust was in good spirits for once. His sickness was gone, it was Friday, he felt as if nothing could go wrong. The second his hand came into contact with the door, a sudden wave of sickness flew through him. It was not as bad as it had been previously, but it still caused him to feel physically sick after having been so much better. As he walked through the halls, chatter echoed throughout the halls. "Did you hear? About the Golden Gunner? He reappeared in our city! He came back!" "Look at this magazine, its got a picture of the Golden Gunner! He is so dreamy!" "...vali, you think we could ever meet him?" "I don't know, but I wish I could, I would do anything for him! He's so amazing!" Aust sighed, all the talk was about the Golden Gunner. He saw the news last night, images of a person in a golden outfit had appeared in the streets, shooting guns that shot what seemed to be beams which would explode in mid air randomly as a dark beast would materialize and dissolve on the spot. It was the first time that Aust had ever see it on TV. Apparently everyone idolized this person, in fact, all of the local magazines and newspapers had images of them, even some nationally acclaimed ones. The bell rang suddenly as everyone ran back into class. Aust hurried over to Revali and held her back. "Huh? Oh, its the drug addict... What do you want? I've gotta go..." She asked him looking annoyed. "I just want to ask you a question or two..." Aust looked to the side. "Whatever, just ask," She demanded of him. "Well, you always help out those in need, so... I was wondering if... you could show me around town tomorrow, I could pay for dinner or something... I would just love to learn the town, with you." Austs eyes looked into Revali's, his words echoing through his eyes. Her eyes however, echoed fear. "I'm not going to show you through town so you can learn where to get your hook up. I don't and never will associate with druggies. Just stay away from me and don't speak with me again." She stormed off to class leaving Aust standing there in an awkward, dismal sadness. He disappeared again for the rest of the day, not even checking out of the school. © 2010 KaiserDAuthor's Note