![]() MyOneBbg.A Story by ~FALL3N-ANG3L~![]() A story I wrote (: I hope you enjoy..![]()
This is a story of love, found to late to realize...
There once was a girl, her life was crappy an depressing. But for some reason she had always smiled an seemed happy. One day this girl meet a boy in her highschool while walking home, their friendship grew rapidly. The girl had found herself starting to like the boy, then slowly loving him. The boy had a gf, an she knew he did. She kept a notebook under her mattress, an every night she'd take it out an start writing. "I wish he knew." "I wish I could tell him." She wrote all the things she wished for. She had that notebook since she had first meet the boy. It was filled with there dreams an plans they talked bout, all their secrets they told each other. The girl relied on the boy for everything during problems. She let him see the true her, the sad an sometimes majorly depressed poor girl she was. The girl had left for school, the day before they had gotten into a fight bout where they were going for college. The girl had said CFU an the boy had said CSU. Each on the other side of the country. She hadn't wanted to be that far from him, knowing if he went there that she would never be able to tell him how she felt. That night after school she grabbed her notebook an started writing. She wrote of how she wanted him so badly to know, that maybe it would change his mind. She wrote of how she hated his snooby gf an that she wished they would break up. She wrote of how that girl would drive them apart an how she wished he saw that. She went to sleep crying that night, rustling in the sheets as she dreamed. She awoke the next morning with tears streaming down her cheeks. As she go ready she didn't get a text or call from the boy saying 'I'm sorry.' which is usually what happens after they fought. She thought maybe he was still mad. She went to school an saw he wasn't there, thinking maybe he was sick an thats why he hadn't texted. Everyone was crying around her but yet she couldn't realize why, no one talked to her that whole day. She had a smile on her face an as she walked by, everyone looked at her with tears in they're eyes. After school a girl came up to her, she didn't know the girl but she seemed familar. The girl uncovered her face from her hair an looked at her, tears streaming down her cheeks, her make-up all ruined. The girl just looked at her an didn't speak a word, a few min's went by before the girl just finally walked away. She was confused an ran home afraid that someone had gotten hurt. As she reached the house they're were some people in black suits waiting for her. She tilted her head, now more confused. Her smile soon turned to a frown as they pulled out his notebook, torn an ripped an seemed to be burned at the edges. The men walked to her an started crying themselves. "I'm so sorry miss...There was a fire last night...His family survived but...He didn't." She stared at them in disbelief. As it finally became clear, her best friend, the boy she loved had burned to death. She dropped to her knees, crying so hard an holding her chest as a sharp pain had came. She started rocking back an forth on the ground as they tried helping her up. She stumbled into her house an dropped onto the ground in her room. She pulled out her notebook then looked at his that they had given her. She flipped open the first pages of both, tears streaming from her cheeks as she did. The first line of each was. "I found my best friend forever." She covered her mouth as she started to sob. She flipped through the pages, her eyes going wide. She gasped quietly as she read his last entry. "I wish she knew that I loved her so much. I wish she was here. I wish she didn't go so far, I'll never see her again. I wish..I wish that if she felt this way to tell me. I wish she knew she was the one I wanted..not Missy.." She dropped the notebook, crying harder now. She never knew he had felt this way, he never acted like he loved her, not even liked her like that. She had been his friend for three years straight an no sigh he felt this way towards her. The dropped the notebook onto the ground an held her knees, sobbing into them. When she finally looked up she saw a piece of paper sticking out from the notebook's cover, as if it had been hidden in the cover so no one would ever find it. She picked it up slowly an unfolded it. She stared at it for a long time, not knowing what it meant. All that was writen was "OneBbg." She tilted her head trying to figure out what it meant. She thought for a while an looked up at her computer. It still had her fb up. She wondered could this be his password possibly? She stood slowly an walked over to the computer, signed out an entered his email. She typed the words slowly, one..bbg.. Her heart leaped as his profile came up, she looked through everything on it an nothing was on it, nothing that she didn't already know. She was flipping through this like pages an found Mybbg under it. It said...it said it was by him! She clicked it an gasped, her eyes going wide as she saw the picture. It was a brown haired, blue eyed, tan faced, pink lipped girl... It was her of all people. She looked down the page, seeing his typing. It was a secret page that only he could see. It was all the things they did together, from the first day they meet to the day they last fought. She covered her mouth as she saw at the top. "I'll love this girl, til I die, an then..I'll love her in death..I may die in flames soon but, I loved her from the start...My One Bbg." She started to cry hard as she went through the pictures. It was pictures of her, of him, of them together throughtout the three years. Pictures of when they first meet, pictures of the parties they went to together, pictures of the day they had hugged each other for hours. That was the day she had fallen for him..She wondered if it was the day he had started to love her..She looked down at the caption. "My One Bbg, til my teeth fall out an I can't smile, til my arms are cut off an buried, til my chest explodes an there's no place to hold her. She will still be my bbg, my best friend, my love. She will always be my Miss PooBear." She smiled softly seeing the nickname that he had given her that day. Tears still streaming down her cheeks, she looked up at his messgaes, they're was one. She knew she shouldn't have clicked it but she was so curious by now. She saw it was his gf, she clicked the message an read the one before it. "I can't date you anymore, I don't love you, I love her, an you know who she is.." "What?! Your leaving me for the sad poor lil girl!! Whatever, I hope you die." She dropped the mouse an started to sob, she now knew why that girl was crying an just staring at her. She dropped onto the floor an started to sob. The next week was the boy's funeral. She couldn't bear to go, she just sat in her bed an cried for hours on end. She hadn't eaten, or slept, or even written in her notebook since the news. She was going to die soon herself if she didn't do something. So she got up an walked over to the computer, an logged into her facebook. She saw a message an thought it was probably just a friend saying they hope she's alright. She didn't even bother to look at who it was, she clicked it to delete an gave no second thought. Months went by, then years, she had moved to Fl to go to CFU as she had planned. She was living happily an safely in her apartment. She hadn't used her facebook in months, she couldn't stand the sight of it anymore. But one day she decided she'd go on to see how her old friends were, or if they even remembered her. She saw a message an tilted her head. No one messaged her, not since she moved away. She clicked it an saw the boy's name, it was that message she had deleted years ago. The one she hadn't bothered to look at. But...They're was new writing, as if it had been added too. She started reading as tears started to flow heavily. "Dear Danielle, I know you deleted my messages, I know you hate me from this fight. But please, please! Forgive me, You mean the world to me, always there for me an someone I hold so dear. I wanted to tell you, tell you everything..But I knew you probably didn't feel the same way, I thought this would destory our friendship, an I can live in silence my whole life, but losing you as a friend, I'd die if I did... Please forgive me, I..I love you Danielle, always have, just too scared too say so. I know the mean ole tiger is scared to admit he loves someone...But I guess I wasn't a very big ole tiger around you, you were the tiger an I was the rabbit. I love you. Huh..Never thought it would be that much better feeling to say it. You are everything to me, I stopped loving Missy a long, long time ago. Actually that day I held you for hours after your dad had hit you.. That's the day I started loving you...So please...Please..Love me back? Love, Alex." That was the message she had deleted so long ago. But there was a new entry from a few months ago. "I love you. Even if I die. I love you." It was him...But..But how!? How could it be him...No one knew his password or even email except her... ~Angel:)~ © 2012 ~FALL3N-ANG3L~ |
Added on March 6, 2012 Last Updated on August 27, 2012 Author![]() ~FALL3N-ANG3L~FLAboutI'm 16 yrs old, I'm French-Canadian. I live in Fl, but am from Tn. I'm a rock girl, with some country twists. I'll always be a redneck at heart but, too consumed by rock music haha. Poetry is my escap.. more..Writing