chapter 20

chapter 20

A Chapter by Kabaneri

It was time for school. Shin, Lance and Zane came out of their dorm and headed for school. When they entered the classroom they saw everyone's attention was focused on them. The usual atmosphere was replaced by every student looking at Zane and Shin's friends. They were murmuring all sorts of things, like:
"Hey, aren't they the ones the Student counchil choose to take?"
"Already had their first envious."
"Who's the strange kid with green hair?"
"Don't know. His face is so expressionless."
"Waa. He's creepy, just like a robot."
"Even Machina, the android from the lab, has more emotions than him."
Zane turned slightly towards the noise but Lance got his hand and pulled him towards their seats.
"Don't pay them any attention. They'll only talk more." (Lance)
"O...k?" (Zane)
Zane was sitting at the most back, next to the window. Lance gave him his seat and sat in the middle row. Soon everyone came. Petia greeted them politely and Blake just said 'Yo!' . By 7:55 the other students of the class had thought of all sors of ideas about Zane. One even went as far as Zane being an undercover agent from HQ that was sent on a secret mission here.
The door opened and the students stood up, expecting to see the teacher. Zane was confused of the sudden change but did the same as the others. Melinda came inside and looked at Lance and his friends.
"I'm here to take Shin, Petia, Blake, Lance and Zane. Alisa wants to see you." (Melinda)
They stood up, took their stuff and followed Melinda quietly.
'For what reason does she call us?' - they all thought. (except Zane)
Melinda brought them to a special area of the ship where normal students weren't allowed to go. They went trough a large metal door and saw a training area. It was a bit smaller than the arena they usually trained in, the diference was that there were no spectator seats. Alisa was waiting for them. In another room sat Miki, Machina and Kumoto were observing them on a huge monitor.
"What do you think will happen?" (Miki)
"I-I don't know. From what I've heard, the boy named Zane is quite dangerous, isn't he?" (Machina)
"Don't worry. Lance has him under control, but I'm also curious what'll happen. After all you pulled an all-nighter to prepare him a ONE he can use, why's that?" (Kumoto looked at Miki)
"Nothing special. I'm just interested, that's all." (Miki)
'Hmmm.....It's unusual for her to do something like that. Meh! I'll leave it be! I'll get answers sooner or later.' (Kumoto)
He looked at Miki, she had her lab coat on but unlike other times her long hair was tied in a loose ponytail, clearly showing the dark circles around her eyes because she stayed up all night. Kumoto returned his attention to the screen again. Alisa had already started telling the group what they'll be doing.
=== On the training area ===
"Because our last training plans were ruined we'll start your training officially from today. This is the private training area for the Student counchil and the Top 10. Some of the ARD interception teams also come here to train but that happens rarely, so we made an exception and allowed you five to train here with us as your teachers." - Alisa looked at the group and gestured for someone to come in.
Chuo, Kurama and one other guy came from another steel door that opened. Blake, Petia, Shin, Lance and Zane looked at them. Chuo stepped towards them in a lazy manner.
"You might already know me but I'll introduce myself again. You can call me Chuo, I'm a C rank, foot soldier and I specialize in katanas. I don't like doing troublesome things, so I don't want any problems, OK?"
""Yes!"" (Blake, Petia, Shin, Lance)
"I'm Kurama. I'm a B rank, foot and navy soldier. I specialize in spears and pistols. I don't like you, so don't ger on my nerves!"
Blake almost snapped at him but Sin and Petia held him back. The last man started his introduction. He had short, light blonde hair with purple tips. He had a few colorful beads tied in his hair. His eyes were vibrant green, his face was quite normal, a bit to the handsome side, and had a little star tatoo under his left eye's corner. He looked aroud his late 20s to early 30s. He smiled brightly and greeted.
"OHAYOU! I'm Alister Bradley Padington but everybody calls me Jugo! If you call me Alister, I'll make your life hell and then kill you, I'm SERIOUS. I'm from Britain and I'm a HUUUUUUJE anime and manga fan! I also like novels, sweerts, videogames and other such stuffs! I'm a close combat specialist of the amazing A rank! Although I'm the weakest among them  :-(  ....Anyways, it's nice to meet you kiddos!"
Almost everyone sweatdropped because of his introduction and sudden moodswings.
"Let's start, we don't want to waste any more time." - Alisa went to Zane and gave him a ONE bracelet in bright green color.
"Prof. Miki made this specially for you." Zane stared at the bracelet in his hand, not knowing what ot do "You put it on rour hand." - Alisa was getting furstrated and left the training area.
Blake, Shin, Petia, Zane and Lance were left there with Chuo, Kurama, Melinga and Jugo.
"Wwell then... Petia, you're training with me because I'm also with a non-combat type ONE. Blake is with Kurama, Shin is with Chuo, Zane and Lance are with Jugo. Let's start." - Melinda said and led Petia with her to the other end of the area. She pressed a few buttons and a door opened while a huge, holographic clock appeared close to the cieling.
"We can train untill the time is up. Ater that we'll leave." (Kurama)
They split and went in three corners. Jugo got more space because he had two people to train.
=== With Blake and Kurama ===
"I don't like wasting time, so we'll start fighting right now. When I say stop we stop. I want you to see where you make mistakes and make sure those mistakes disappear. Anything to say before we start?" (Kurama)
"Yes. I don't like your 'Better than anyone' atitute! It realy pisses me off!! You shoud stop it!" (Blake)
Kurama activated his ONE, a 'Capricorn' type, one of the special types of ONE that appear very rarely. It's extremely fast on water and is good in mid and long range attacks. It doesn't have the long shooting range of other ONEs but the shots had qute the impact.
"I don't listen to wak people. I'll consider what you said once you beat me. That's if you CAN beat me." - Kurama pointed his spear at Blake. His spear had a bluish hue to it and longer than the standard speartip.
" I expected you to say that." - Blake said and activated his 'Snake' .
The moment they were finished they lunged at eachother. They clashed agressively. Slashing, stabbing, dodging, countering each other's spears and shooting from time to time. They started a dance of steel and sparks that wouldn't stop any time soon.
=== Shin and Chuo ===
"OK. Now, kid, show me what you can do." (Chuo)
Shin activated his ONE and Chuo drew his blade, that was straped on his left.
"Aren't you going to activate your ONE?" (Shin)
"No, for now this is enough. This is a special blade made for me. It can also slay ARDs, in other words, it's a ONE in katana form instead of bracelet. Get ready, I'm comin'." (Chuo)
He dashed with amazing speed at Shin. Shin barely managed to block with his blades. The force was so strong that Shin was pushed five steps back. Chuo made a step backwards, his sword ready, and looked at Shin with now serious look.
"First lesson- Don't take any opponent lightly! I might be a C rank but actualy I'm on par with a regular captain. I'm a normal soldier and C rank only because it would be too troublesome to go up the ranks and lead an army." (Chuo)
Shin was both shocked and inspired by what he said but Chuo was not over.
"Second lesson - Don't overwork yourself and overthink things! It's usualy the simpler plans that work better because they're more flexible."
Chuo stepped forward and launched himself at Shin. Shin barely had time to react. Chuo did a horizontal slash at Shin's right, aiming at the stomach area with the back of the blade, Shin used the blade in his right hand to block the attack. He managed to block it again but the force of the impact sent him rolling on the ground. His right had was shakig a bit from the impact. Shin looked at Chuo, who was standing where Shin used to be, with even more respect and admiration in his eyes. Chuo noticed that and was delighter but he didn't show it on his face.
"Third lesson - Be prepared for anything! There's no telling what might happen on the battlefield, there are always sneak and surprise attacks, so you have to be prepared for them and use them if you face a stronger oponent. Take your friend Lance for instance, he threw rocks and dirt at Luxen! No one would have thought of that but he did and worked, he gained time to attack. Fourth lesson - Listen to your superiors and follow the plan! It can save your life." - Chuo sheathed his sword.
He walked to where Shin was and helped him get up. Shin stood up and looked Chuo straight in the eyes as he did the same.
"Fifth lesson - Cherish your friends and teammates! They can always help you, keep you away from harm and even save your life, so don't leave anyone behind! Unless you are 100% sure they are dead, you have to help them as long as there is a chance to save their lives. Even if this chance is 1% you have to, got it?"
"Yes!" - Shin saluted.
"Last Sixth lesson - Do what you think is right to do! Even if it's against orders, you have your own will and are free to decide what to do."
"But isn't this rule the opposite of lesson Four?" (Shin)
"Yes, it is but you shouldn't loose yourself and become like a robot. Let's say there's a small child being chased by an ARD and only you are around and can help the child but they told you to go somewhere as fast as possible, what would you do?" - Chuo looked at Shin.
'This question is the most important. Don't disappoint me, boy.' - Chuo thought as he waited.
Shin thought for a bit and then answered.
"I would kill the ARD, take the child and bring it to a safe place then I would rush as fast as possible to where I was told to go."
"Good, but if you get scolded because of that?" (Chuo)
"They didn't tell me an hour I should be there, they sair 'as fast as you can' and I did just that. Do I pass teacher Chuo?" (Shin)
"Just Chuo is fine and yes, you pass."
"YES! Plese, teach me everything I need to know." Shin did a dogeza in front of Chuo, which shocked him a bit." I want to be useful to my friends and other people, to be able to help then in time of need. I want to be able to protect myself too, I don't want to be helpless and wait for death! I want to be as strong as you. NO!! I want to be even stronger!"
"Stand up, boy!" (Chuo)
Shin stood up and looked at Chuo. A warm smile was on Chuo's face, a smile that he hadn't shown for a long time. he placed a hand on Shin'd shoulder.
"I will teach you whatever I can! It will be hard, painful and almost impossible to bear at some times. Do you think you can do it and surpass me?" - Chuo asked with enthusiasm unseen for a long time.
"Yes! No matter what I'll never give up." (Shin)
"Good, for now deactivate your ONE, we'll start physicat exercises to strenghten your body and improve your reflexes. Our goal is for you to be able to use the Overdrive again, just like you did during the Midterm battle." Chuo said and led Shin closer to the wall.
"Excuse me but..." (Shin)
"What is it?" (Chuo)
"You said I used the Overdrive but i don't remember anything after blacking out after I was beaten up." (Shin)
"What?! You don't remember!?" (Chuo)
"Yes, can you tell me what exactly happened?" (Shin)
"OK, I'll tell you but firstly, do a handstand while using the wall as support" Shin did it" now stay like that while I explain you, OK?" - Chuo instucted.
"No problem!" - Shin smiled as he looked at Chuo.
After that Chuo explained in great detail what had happened during the Midterms and also told shin what he lacks, what mistakes he made during their short clash and what he meeds to improve. Shin listened and tried to remember everything.
=== Petia and Melinda ===
After the door opened Melinda led Petia down a hall to a simulation room.
"We'll train here because it's a bit dangerous when having no protection. Now, let's activate our ONEs." (Melinda)
Petia activated her 'Fairy' and Melinda her 'Siren' . A 'Siren' was a type that was perfect for water battles, it was fast, agile and dive to escape from air attlacks. It was a non-combat type with a bit weaker defence than others but compensated with it's support abilities. It could confuse the enemies, jam their detection, cause pain, desorientation and could attract ARDs by using soundwaves. It could also be used to nullify the effects that ARDs with similar abilities caused.
Melinda pressed a few buttons on the control panel on the wall to their right. The room quickly changed to a battlefield in the desert. There were ARDs and people fighting them, there were even injured people lying around. it was so realistic it was almost impossible to be a simulation.
"Now, the simulator can detect what you do and give you points for it. You have to heal the injured, protect soldiers from harm and give support. Got that? OK, let's start!" (Melinda)
'She didn't even give me time to answer!' (Petia)
Their training began, although Melinda was in a disadvatage in the desert because 'Siren' is for water battles, but she did great job. Petia on the other hand struggled quite a lot. After 30 min. the simulation stopped. Melinda had a bit of sweat on her head but was fine. On the other hand Petia collapsed and was panting heavily. The computer calculated the points. It gave Melinda 486 points and Petia got 97 points.
"Very good! A bit more and you would have gotten in the hundreds." Petia couldn't talk but her eyes told that she was disappointed with the result.
"You don't need to be disappointed. Getting this much on your first try is fenomenal! It's on par with a D rank soldier. Although not of the strong ones but still a D rank! With a bit more training you'll reach me in no time, we'll be coming here almost every day, except the weekends and holidays, after all." (Melinda)
Melinda smiled and let Petia have some rest.
=== Lance, Zane and Jugo ===
'Hehehe :-) ... Looks like Chu and Ku have started. Now, lets see what those two can do. Ali-chin (Alisa) told me they're quite special, I can't wait!!' - Jugo thought while smiling and humming.
He looked at Lance and Zane and wanted to faceplant to the floor. Lance was scolding Zane who was trying to eat the bracelet Alisa gave him. Lance managed to take the ONE out of Zane's mouth.
"NO! This is bad! ONEs are not for eating. If you try to eat it or any other, there won't be any dinner! Got it?" (Lance)
Zane shook his head for Yes. "Ook...won't eat."
"Humm! Very good! You even talk more, that's even better than before." Lance pats Zane's head "When we get back, I'll give you a choco stick, so be good and put this on." (Lance)
Lance gave Zane's ONE back to him and helped him to put it on. Jugo was watching them with expressionless face.
'Are they serious?! I think I got my expectations too high. They're only firs years right now...' (Jugo)
"Hey~ Zane,right? Do you know how to activate your ONE?" (Jugo)
Zane was a bit confused.
"Come on, Zane! It's not hard, it's like the sparky-glowy slash! You know, like fswoosh!" (Lance)
Zane's eyes lit up in realization, he had such a look on his face that you could say 'He discovered a new continent!' . Jugo for the first time in years had no idea what to do. Zane then lifted his hands and made a pose similar to one you would see in Power Rangers episode when they activate their powers. His ONE lit up in green light and a second later it disappeared. Zane was in a gray and red armor with green lines running along the curves. He had a bit bigger halberd with long and sturdy blade with razor sharp edge. It had green lines running on the handle and blade that looked like roots or veins, they look the same on diagrams either way.
'This is surprising, to think such a frail looking boy would be a heavy weapon wielder, his armor looks super though too. Now the other one! C'mon, surprize me!' (Jugo)
Lance had activated his 'Cat' while Jugo was looking at Zane.
"What shall we do now?" (Lance)
"Well well...Hmmm....Can't think of nything right now...! I've GOT IT! You two! Spar with each other while I watch!" (Jugo)
"OK. Zane, come! We're doing a lardark majz!" (Lance)
Zane followed Lance as he went further away from Jugo.
'Good thinking if I can say so myself.^.^ Now I can see what they're capable of and entertain myself!' - Jugo hadn't heard anything from what Lance said. He was brought back to the real world when Lance shouted.
"We're starting mister Jugo!!"
He turned towards them and watched what they'll do next.
"You ready, Zane?" (Lance)
Zane nodded and leaned a bit forward, holding his halberd with both hands. Lance prepared himself for the attack. Zane's muscles tensed and in one explosive jump, he shot straight at Lance. If a normal peron had seen this, it would have looked like Zane blurred, disappeared and then appeared in front of Lance. Jugo, however is not ordinary person. He saw everything clearly and got goosebums. He knew this was Zane's first time using a ONE but his speed alone was that of a mid to high A rank.
'This kid is a monster!' (Jugo)

© 2018 Kabaneri

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Added on September 27, 2018
Last Updated on September 27, 2018




I write for fun. I wrote on fanfictionnet but there was no place for original stories or some of my ideas. more..

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