![]() Chapter 3A Chapter by KabaneriThe next day Shin started his first class at the academy. "Good morning!" - he greeted everyone. "Morning!" - a girl with short red hair and glasses greeted him. Some of the other students from his class just glanced at him and the others didn't even notice him. The class looked a bit gloomy. "Why is it that they aren't motivated at all?" - he asked. "Because we're the C class - the lowest." - a boy answered from behind him. When he turned around he saw that it was the same thug looking boy from the plane. "You're in the same class?!!" - Shin asked with a surprise. "Do we know each other?" "No, I saw you get in the plane the other day. You just made an impression, so I remembered your face." - Shin explained. "I see. My name is Blake. I'm No 2 in class C." "I'm Shin, No 20 in the class. Nice to meet you." "You're No 20?!! You're at the bottom, man!" - Blake said loudly. "Cut it out, please. We are classmates. There is no need to make fun of the others." - the red haired girl with glasses said. "OK. I'll stop." - Blake told her. "I am Petia. Nice to meet you Shin." - the girl said and extended her hand. "It's a plesure. Where are you from?" "I'm from Europe, the new country Birmen to be exact." "I'm from the USA." - Shin told her. Ding Dong "Oh, the bell. We shoul go to our seats." - she said and hurried to hers. Shin also took his place. The teacher came shortly after. First class was about the different classes of the ARDs. They are divided into 10 classes. The smaller the number, the stronger the ARD is. "Now, can somebody from this class explain the characteristics that differ the kinds of ARDs?" - the teacher asked. No one except Petia lifted their hand. "Then please you explain." - the teacher said and pointed at her. She stood up and started. "From all the different classes of ARD there are 3 main types. The flying, the walking and the floating. There are also ARDs that have combined characteristics but they are over the 4th class so they aren't seen that often." - she looked at he teacher. "Excelent. Continue." "Wow. She sure knows a lot." - Shin says with amazement. "Of course she knows. She had the perfect score at the writing exam." - Blake answers him. "Then why is she in the C class?" - Shin asks. "Because her skills with the ONE aren't that good. That's why she's No 4 in the class." - Blake explained. "You two! Stop whispering!" - the teacher scolded them. They stopped and she continued. "There are also 3 levels inside the scale. Every ARD from class 10 to 7 is 'ordinary', in other words they don't posess any special traits. Those form class 6 to 4 are 'special', they are faster, a little more agile and stronger. Lastly those from class 3 to 1 are 'humanoids', exactly how the name suggests they have a human-like shaped body. Ther have been several class 3 and 2, they weren't that many so humanity managed to defeat them, with some casualities. Lastly class 1 ARDs there was only one class 1 ARD that ever appeared. It appeared the day of the 'Starfall' it is said that it was thanks to the sacrifice of five ONE users that it was defeated." - she finished ans sat down. "That was excelent! You have the potential to become a great scientist." - the teacher praised her. After the end of the first period they headed towards the arena to stard theid practical training. "I's so excited! I'll finally get my own personal ONE and will be able to fight the ARDs." - Shin said with a smile. "Don't be so excited. Today we're having co-training with class A-2." - Blake said unmotivadedly. "Why is that bad?" "Because we're C class, remember? We're the laughing stock of the other classes." - Blake said with a frown. "Don't mind him, Shin. If you work hard I'm sure you'll manage." - Petia said. It was just as Blake said. The second years made fun of them. As everyone of the C class recieved their own ONE and started training the A class began to laugh at them. Some were so affected by it that they got depressed. On the other hand Shin and his two new friends weren't affected that way. Petia didn't mind them, Shin got more determined to show them how good he'll be and Blake wanted to beat them up but the school rules didn't allow fights. Petia's ONE turned in a flying support type 'fairy'. It had a low attack power but it could streinghten the others and assist them. Althoug she had to work a lot to be able to use it porperly. Blake's ONE was a ground and water walking type 'snake'. It had speed and a lot of power. Ideal for both land, water, close and medium range attacks. He could either fight with the ARDs by using the spear or the gauntlets. On the other hand Shin's ONE was an ordinary, plain flying type 'spearow'. He could switch the thrusters on anf off to fight in the sky or on the ground. His weapons were two short swords. "Hahaha. That kid from the C class got the 'spearow'! I knew they were the lowest class but I didn't know there was someone so low among them. He's surely the worst in the school." - a blond boy from the other class said. "Don't mind him Shin. He's trying to provoke you." - Petia said. "I know. That's why I can't wait for the tinme when I'll remove that smile from his face. Their days continued that way for two weeks. Sometimes they had the arena all for themselves and sometimes they had to share it with some of the upper classes. It wasn't allowed for classes from the same year to train together because of the midterm battles. There the student fought each other to determine who's better and those who got better scores recieved a special bonus. That's the reason all the students trained hard to polish their skills and win. After the afternoon training he was attending with his new friends Shin got to his room and fastly fell asleep because of the exhaustion. His roommate was finally coming. © 2017 Kabaneri |
Added on August 31, 2017 Last Updated on August 31, 2017 Author![]() KabaneriBulgariaAboutI write for fun. I wrote on fanfictionnet but there was no place for original stories or some of my ideas. more..Writing