Save Me

Save Me

A Story by KeturahWrites

A short to Mid story on a Girl Name Kassadra This was not planned out at all it was all adlib and well I dont know how its gonna turn out. But read and be suprised with me.



     I pressed my lips up against the cold glass. It was soothing and refreshing almost like a new can  of soda on a  summer day. "Breathe." my mind was telling me, but I couldnt. I just simply stood there weak and nauseous, Something grabbed me  knocking the little breath I had right out of me. I grunted as my limp body hit the floor. Wait. Why can I see my own body? Whats wrong with me? Surely I must be hallucinating!

     "Oh great Bruce! You killed her!" a voice yelled. What? Killed?  No! No! No! 

     " No, I didnt shes just unconscious." The man I observed to be Bruce was now shaking me widly while talking to whatever voice that pronounced me dead. 

     "Well wake her up!" The voice scoffed back.

     "I will! Dont worry about it!" he said, now practicallly screaming.

With that I heard footsteps , So I assumed whoever else was in the room had left.  I knelt down opposite of Bruce. Looking at myself in that kind of condition, just made me want to die. If I hadnt already. "Save Me!" I yelled. "Save Me now!"

     I tried to push Bruce but instead I went right through him. "Oh s**t! Im a ghost?" Id never used profanity in my life but right now was a good enough time as any. 

     "God. Its cold in here!" he shivered. I think I did that or was it just cold?

Bruce was looking frantic now. He began to start shaking harder, if that was even possible. "Wakeup!" he said in between breaths. Breathing. Oh that really sounded good right about now. "Think Kassy," I thought aloud. "What do they do in those paranormal movies when someone doesnt want to die?" I began racking my brain for answers. "Think Dang you!" I screamed.

      "What?" Bruce had stopped and started searching the room with his big,blue eyes. He actually heard me. Amazing.  He shrugged stupidly and went back to shaking me widly. If I ever come back into my body I hope I dont have concussion. "Thats it," I whispered. "If I lay ontop of my body my  other body willl well... get into my physical body?" Hmmm...I thought. This coulld fail miserably, but it was worth a try.  I walked back over to my body again this time aligning my feet with the bottom of hers. Sitting down.  I positioned my self to be on the same lines as my body. "Here goes nothing." I layed back, concentrating on being back in my body. Oh my gosh! What an astonishing light! Its so beautiful. In my mind I was walking towards the light, floating even. I had to get to it. I had to!



    I let out a couple  of coughs before trying to sit up.  Wait. Pause. I can cough? I scanned my surroundings and yes I was still in the dark basment. "Thank God!" it was Bruce. I turned to him evily and with a snap of my fingers he was panicking. "Spiders!" He shreiked.    

      "Next Time when you kidnapp someone. Make sure its not the princess of the underworld." I laughed.



             "Save me!" and with that he died. *hears evil laughing*


© 2010 KeturahWrites

Author's Note

Thanks for reading. And Tell me were you exspecting and ending like that. I didnt either but I guess it kidn of cool when your suprised by your own writing. Ha. I hope yall enjoyed it and please Please! Tell me what you think (: Good Bye now (: F.Y.I
I did take the picture myself P:

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Added on December 21, 2010
Last Updated on December 21, 2010



Daytona Beach(:, FL

*Prologue* *Prologue*

A Chapter by KeturahWrites