Thinking of love as the core of the body: the finding of what is wanted and what is found.. perhaps. First love is ceding one's innocence and once given is never retrievable. Perhaps the later realisation of that is knowing where choosing or being chosen can move a heart to a point of ecstacy or a void without exit.
Some, especially females, sadly, often paddle in either sadness or repeated attempts to find perfection.. or.. what could be called true love, or -alternatively a touch of arrogance, a don't care a damn or - what is merely physical snakes and ladders! As for men, their friendship is often truer than love, can last longer for a start! But those who follow the determined forever after mindset mean what they want and stick to it. THIS is thought going back to philosphers, who of course,were predominately Male!
'now, here we are, in this time and place all of us
many paths
lost connection, confusion, dismay,
longing for the love we never understood
hopeful we search the chaotic, for the
forever embrace that
belongs to the everywhen, or,
perhaps the everywhen belongs in the embrace'
The only love that truly exists to me is unconditional love without expectations. Everything else is just a trade. That's the gospel according to me, at least. I kind of agree with old Shaky Spear and his sonnet 116 on the subject. Love that has no expectations is also free to be honest and open; "without guile" I think is how a certain person put it. I'd also venture that if one can be offended by love then one doesn't truly understand the meaning of love and has it confused with something else like lust, obsession or infatuation. I enjoyed your "love poem". The "way home", of course, is back to the start. The simplest beauties are often made ugly by excessive and ornate gilding. Anyway, we can also "overthink" or overcomplicate a thing. I do that all the time trying to solve crossword hints. Love or crosswords...puzzles that endure for want to figure them out. I like the simple things and the oddities of life because they bring me the most joy and amusement. At least I'm not very easily bored.
Posted 4 Weeks Ago
3 Weeks Ago
And I guess my question to you is, where do you find this unconditional love (not including with you.. read moreAnd I guess my question to you is, where do you find this unconditional love (not including with your dog) ... for me it's held in the everywhen, but we have covered the everywhen up with the autumn leaves and never removed it so it's always out of sight out of mind.
3 Weeks Ago
Love, (real love) is everywhere. It is all around us; in perfect strangers and within us if we only .. read moreLove, (real love) is everywhere. It is all around us; in perfect strangers and within us if we only search. But searching and even finding cannot reveal a thing to the self-inflicted blind. Many go through life with blinders on; afraid of what they might find. But I must say I've found more love more abundant in strangers than friends, lovers and family. I think that's because the latter always seem to have expectations of us. I believe the universe was formed by love that gave birth to light and love is the light within us.
You've already found it most likely. Getting out of our own way is usually the real problem. Human.. read moreYou've already found it most likely. Getting out of our own way is usually the real problem. Humans suffer from thinking too much. I think so anyway....
2 Weeks Ago
well yes .. I agree with ya there ..
2 Weeks Ago
Is it true that there are over 49 million full sized kangaroos in Australia? You guys better be car.. read moreIs it true that there are over 49 million full sized kangaroos in Australia? You guys better be careful. If they ever become truly sentient you guys are totally screwed. Or, "roo'd" as they say in Texas.
life isn't worth a slew of tears...there are many paths we could choose, but we need to just accept the path we took and even if it does not bode well for us...we need to move on...even if it is with separation to self.
I have had more than enough breakups to call myself one of the strays.
And I can safely say, I never understood love, or maybe it never understood me.
Strong emotion in this piece,
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 Month Ago
Cheers Jacob - it's always a treat to read your depth filled reviews X
'The kernel, the soul — let us go further and say the substance, the bulk, the actual and valuable material of all human utterances — is plagiarism. For substantially all ideas are sec.. more..