Each of us lives our own lives, we have a million turning points, we have things happen which were never in our control, thousands of decisions are made, and with each decision, each thought we may act upon we may not act upon, moments pass, then, without even knowing it, our own lives trajectory change. Within a web of thought we become caught motionless awaiting life to buoy us into our next turn of the page. Then, without even knowing it, we end up nowhere near where we ultimately wished to be.
Inhabiting human flesh, walking this earth, living. All of it will be encased with equal measure of good and bad. One day, everyone of us will experience great suffering in some form or another. Better to understand it early on Better to be able to shimmy your way past it when it decides to kick you in the stomach over and over again. Yes, better to understand the darkness. To learn the trick of plucking yourself up from nothingness and wipe the dirt from your knees to finding a new joy, that’s the key. Of course this joy will be momentary, grab it nonetheless. It’s yours to keep.
As with what I reviewed of your writing in my previous review, I find this not to be an actual poem in structure; but what the heck! This piece of writing is rather deep and thought-provoking, for sure. I wondered why it was separated into two sections though, referred to as Kali and Lisa? The piece says plenty about life, and people respond to the ups and downs which life throws at us. Some might reckon that it seems too negative, but human life can be that way; and many problems are simply out of our hands.
Posted 6 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
human life is suffering - our minds make it so - when we are able to seperate ourselves from our tho.. read morehuman life is suffering - our minds make it so - when we are able to seperate ourselves from our thoughts - then we begin to win
5 Months Ago
Yes, it often makes a real and positive difference; when we separate ourselves from our negative tho.. read moreYes, it often makes a real and positive difference; when we separate ourselves from our negative thoughts. Then, it increases the likelihood that we may eventually "win".
5 Months Ago
there is no winning ...
there is no losing ...
there is only now
5 Months Ago
Yes. In the sense that, we should experience the exciting and passionate moments; without holding ba.. read moreYes. In the sense that, we should experience the exciting and passionate moments; without holding back. Or, allowing principles such as winning or losing to interfere.? It's the outcomes which really count, and principles of winning or losing; can do more harm than good by distracting us.?
5 Months Ago
In other words, simply by distracting us from the here and now.
5 Months Ago
it is simply our minds that distract us from the hear and now ... imagine a mind without conditionin.. read moreit is simply our minds that distract us from the hear and now ... imagine a mind without conditioning ...
5 Months Ago
By conditioning, you mean pre-conditioned to have a a set series of expectations; in this context? E.. read moreBy conditioning, you mean pre-conditioned to have a a set series of expectations; in this context? Expectations, based upon what society tells us that we ought to expect.? In reality, the here and now has to be handled differently; according to both our individual needs and context of different situations.
pre conditioned by beliefs, cultures religions, thought patterns habits, family, upbringing, social .. read morepre conditioned by beliefs, cultures religions, thought patterns habits, family, upbringing, social circle , media, evolution, climate, thought.
5 Months Ago
In reality it should be dealt with all the same way ... and that right there a simple understanding .. read moreIn reality it should be dealt with all the same way ... and that right there a simple understanding ...
5 Months Ago
Yes. Of the belief systems which you mentioned, we cling to some of those subconsciously; whilst oth.. read moreYes. Of the belief systems which you mentioned, we cling to some of those subconsciously; whilst others have either greater or lesser weight upon our thinking than others (according to our background and real-life experiences etc). Our emotional state at the time of any experience, is also a key part of the equation. As is the pace at which, a scenario unfolds.? Sometimes, scenarios arise in which we just have to focus intensely, whilst at other times, it may be an enjoyable and passionate situation (fingers crossed!); so we may allow ourselves just to go with it..?.
25/09/2024 Still miss you and your writes.. always that different, yet always touching heart, mind or brain.. more ofted the lot. Your writing inevitably holds much of what' s said below - relevant. Welcome for now, look forward to another time.
Lifes not all sunshine and rainbows! We lose we learn, we fall we get back up. Lifes full of defining moments but its how we manage those that help shape who we are. The sad side to life is we're often left wondering what if!
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
We fall we get back up - very budo of you :) Thanks for the read, your words ring true.
The below lines, all of us must do.
"To learn the trick of plucking yourself up from nothingness and wipe the dirt from your knees to finding a new joy, that’s the key. Of course this joy will be momentary, grab it nonetheless. It’s yours to keep. "
I try to do the above lines. Hard to stay positive my friend. Thank you for sharing your amazing words and thoughts.
Two sides of a coin, not quite worthless because thinking about the words means more than initially thought.
Your couple portray and pronounce their own value, their own opinions.Both make sense, both follow a route, both will achieve a goal or will not. Perhaps the sparring over opinions will help because that is a logical if not somewhat infantile way of doing things. What's there to be said and seen has its own intrinsic reason and value, however. Both to be held precious Perhaps?
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Hello You :)
Nice to hear from you. the above were both products of a ribbon of cons.. read moreHello You :)
Nice to hear from you. the above were both products of a ribbon of consciousness there ne moment, gone the next, oh however are we to grab and take hold for a while longer.
Just been travelling through The Phillipines - leaving later today. It has opened my eyes to a new city. The people here are brimming with love - especially those who reside on one for the seven thousand six hundred islands.
Sending big love your way. You must be happy warmer climes you can spend more time in the gardens....
1 Year Ago
Come out, come out, wherever you are! Have missed you but, can still read your words and than matter.. read moreCome out, come out, wherever you are! Have missed you but, can still read your words and than matters. Keep safe, take care.. please very much.
'The kernel, the soul — let us go further and say the substance, the bulk, the actual and valuable material of all human utterances — is plagiarism. For substantially all ideas are sec.. more..