Down South

Down South

A Poem by KWP

I have a friend down South,

he has been locked up for so long now his

beard reaches his belly button (which is filled with cotton fuzz).

He’s never had a beard that long before. 

He finds himself swishing this wiry hair this way and that way in the breeze.

When he walks along the bay he finds the seagulls perch on

his shoulder to Unburden 

him of the breakfast that was left entangled in ‘the beard’.

It was on one of his coastal walks 

my friend befriended a whale,

his name was Bluey,

even though he was a humpback -

Ah, no matter ….

Bluey spotted my friend one day as he himself frolicked in the

Spring time sun 

My friend looked disconsolate 

‘Yo Mate’, Blue splurted, ‘why so unhappy?’ 

My friend ran his fingers over his moustache and then pulled his hand down from his chin

wrapping it around his beard, unravelling wiry knots along the way 

‘Mate,’ he said, ‘It’s been a long time this lockdown, it’s hard to see the light any more.’ 

Bluey pondered my friends quandary for a moment or two. 

Then, in true Aussie fashion, Bluey said, ‘Yo mate, you gotta harden the f**k up!’ 

Apparently Bluey was a Chopper Reid fan, how this came to be will

forever remain a mystery. 

Ever since the day my friend met Bluey, the pair have met down by the shore, 

In the rain, the hail and the blue sky days.

They ponder life, they ponder the trivialities of it all and they reminisce about the days past, 

Like when walking to the local Fish and Chip shop was still the norm (obviously this is a bit of a sore point for Bluey) - but then my friend laughs and says,

‘Bluey, you need to harden the f**k up’. 

And, well, maybe Bluey does, need to harden the f**k up, perhaps my friend does too. 

Apparently there is a meteor shower tomorrow in the ambrosial hours, if both 

Bluey and my friend were hard f***s, they’d be up watching it with me ….

Instead I shall be reminicing about days past when meteors actually fell from the sky and…

Well that right there is another story ….

© 2020 KWP

My Review

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A plagiaristic ode (to which I typically call a continuation poem, it this case, more like a continuation story). . .

The Down Under Golden Secret

Long forgotten are the mythical gods
Their kinfolk still exist in many forms but have forgotten how to transform
One such relative of the hierarchy of gods, the eagle soars

In its daily flights Zeus's distant relative, Hinchpeg, notices another of the hierarchy
Poseidon's offspring, Bluey (calling himself this incognito, as if mortals would even speculate they were in the presence of a descendant of a god), conversing with a mortal in the land down under
Likeness of the gods was still passed down through the millennia

Hinchpeg's desire to observe mortal man, circled as the two conversed
This chance encounter of his brethren drew him back to their (Bluey's and the mortal's) bonded conversations over years
Bluey seemed sincere in his relation with the mortal but Hinchpeg knew better

An offshoot of the gods, ole Rumpelstiltskin, was seen in the shadow of the mortal
The ole deceiving trickster still has it, even in this faded offspring
Hinchpeg thinks he now knows of Bluey's intentions

The power to transform was akin to the armor the gods wore
A latent affect few know of and was never scripted about by mortal man
Ole Rumple used to make such armor for the gods for favors

Rumple's armor gave magical protections
The armor worn by the gods drew out the latent ability to transform
If ole Rumple would have only know this secret he'd had power over the gods like he did over mortal man

Hinchpeg bid his time to see how Bluey would get the mortal to realize and use his ancestral gift
The lockdown seemed not to bother the mortal as he frequently entered public domain
Such arrogance was that of Rumple as well

Fearing no interactions of other mortals, Bluey appeared to befriend the mortal
Getting the mortal to recognize his latent abilities would truly be a challenge even the gods would relish in such a challenge

Hinchpeg shadowed the mortal when he was not in Bluey's presence
In presence of gods, even as godless as their descendants are now, had the ability to activate magical qualities hidden in the makings of mortal man
Even the godless descendants knew this but they had lost the ability to control the activation so they had to wait til their presence around mortals with latent magic grew over time until a mortals magic surfaced

Bluey was clueless to Hinchpeg's interest and followings of Rumple's descendant
So between Bluey's and Hinchpeg's presence with the mortal
Hinchpeg was focused on reaping the rewards of the mortal becoming magical before Bluey

The day came, was soon after Bluey and the mortal had finished one of their many conversations
Hinchpeg could feel the time was nigh so he flew down and perched on the mortal's shoulder
"Hello, my friend Bluey said you befriend animals"
Bout filling his trousers with fecal matter, the mortal finally replied, "Why yes this is true"

What be your name mortal
Ranstell is what my mates call me
Hinchpeg could see the colored variation of Rumple even in his descendant's name

So Ranstell, has Bluey ever told you any secrets about talking animals
Passing through his surprise that an eagle approached him out of now where
Ranstell's curosity is more than peeked

Why no we never talked of any secrets
Interesting, do me a favor Ranstell
Take a pinch of sand and rub it between your fingers
Doing so, Ranstell saw gold appear in his had

Beyond belief was Ranstell
Hinchpeg seised the moment of vunerability
Ranstell, I can teach you many more great things but you can never share any that I teach to Bluey, understood?
Ranstell shook his head nodding excitingly

Within the year Ranstell's ability grew to where he could make small golden objects from sand
Bluey knew Ranstell was different not only could Bluey feel the increase in Ranstell's latent magic but Ranstell was also being guarded in his conversations with Bluey

Ranstell fearing Bluey was becoming too suspect ended his decade friendship with Bluey
Losing the conversation of one talking animal and keeping the friendship of one that was growing his magic was the mortal greed Hinchpeg had known would be his trump card in getting Ranstell in his favor and out of Bluey's

A brief few more years passed and Hinchpeg finally got his armor from Ranstell
Now able to transform in body form
Hinchpeg revealed to Ranstell his body form

Hinchpeg, of course, did not reveal to Ranstell that the armor he created allowed for such transformation only that without armor Hinchpeg would be defenseless so that's why he never transformed

Ranstell asked if the armor the armor he created worked on all talking animals
Knowing where Ranstell was going with his inquiry, Hinchpeg reminded Ranstell who showed him the ability to manipulate sand to gold and that if he truly wanted to keep this ability he would not venture to make armor for anyone or thing unless he would like to lose his ability to manipulate sand to gold

Hinchpeg told Ranstell he could make anything out of the sand except another suit of golden armor
Ranstell knowing he was in the presence of greatness never thought again to make a suit of gold for anyone, even his old friend Bluey
Now being the only god with transformation power Hinchpeg left Ranstell to his devices and went to walk among mortal man long since any of the gods were able to to once again mettle in the livelihoods of mortal man.

Posted 4 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

I never knew these characters were coming - Bluey was more social than I thought :D

.. read more
Jo Billygoat

4 Years Ago

he is quite the the bugger, ehy? lol

I love drawing from the unknow well of others' c.. read more

4 Years Ago

this actually amuses me - to think that I drew this from some point of inspiration (which escapes me.. read more
very nice read! Not sure how you came up with it, but it read like a story.

Posted 4 Years Ago

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4 Years Ago

I too have no idea where that came from :D
I loved the story in the poem my dear friend. When you have, the sea as your only friend near. The sea whale can become your friends. You made me smile this morning. Thank you for sharing the entertaining poetry.

Posted 4 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

If i made you smile - my day - this side, is already complete.

read more
Coyote Poetry

4 Years Ago

I love your work and you are welcome my friend.
You're my favorite Australian. This just reinforces that notion.

Harden the f**k up
with a little bit of nuance, of course,
is how people should talk to people.

You would really like certain parts of America,
And certain parts would make you involuntarily vomit

Posted 4 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Do you know of Chooper Reid? He was a hard f**k. read more
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Love this.
There is a whole lot of whinging and whining going by folk having to alter the way they live, you get none of that from the hundreds of thousands who have been killed by Covid, do ya !
Good morning

Posted 4 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Yo! Thanks my freind - I have been too busy it's boring - how are things over there ? Getting better.. read more

4 Years Ago

Slowly but surely. Being an old shite I should be getting my first jab in the very near future and t.. read more
' My friend ran his fingers over his moustache and then pulled his hand down from his chin..
wrapping it around his beard, unravelling wiry knots along the way..
‘Mate,’ he said, ‘It’s been a long time this lockdown, it’s hard to see the light any more.’
Bluey pondered my friends quandary for a moment or two.
Then, in true Aussie fashion, Bluey said, ‘Yo mate, you gotta harden the f**k up!’

Love it, absolutely! This writing lends itself to myths that slightly alter but, are born as myth~boulders, gathering more and more meaning over time. They're a friendship foundation of two happy creatures, ManMade and SeaDepth who don't actually care a f**k because fate meant them to be best buddies.. and if friendship doesn't make eternity stick nothing ever will! Your Mind is some kaleidoscope. E. Keep looking for those lights, they do appear.. truly do.. is writen in the stars and due about now.

Posted 4 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

You are always so generous :D How are you? How is your fine nation holding up?

4 Years Ago

Generous because I inevitably love your posts!!!! Just quickly read your post again, it intrigues m.. read more
Think Whales saw your friends beard and thought he was an old seafarer

Posted 4 Years Ago

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4 Years Ago

perhaps you are correct - perhaps he was just his drug dealer :D
Wild Rose

4 Years Ago

Mmm carried the drugs in his beard?
a fanciful tale of a whale and a friend ... and a sadly missed shower ;) i can see you sitting there in your kitchen ... bored a bit ... are you? its been a long covid no doubt ... Bluey a very safe harbor of a friend says i ... for me its faithful dog Beauregard the goof ball :) i have not seen any meteors blazing so far this fall .. they are happening .. i am simply not out there at the right times i guess ... thinking of you sister ... always happy to see you have posted anew! stay safe and well dear friend!

Posted 4 Years Ago

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4 Years Ago

hey you - how are you ?
Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

i am well .. and blessed with the ease at which i traverse the covid curse .. not a social butterfly.. read more
This painted a beautiful picture. I could see it all in my head as I read it.

Posted 4 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Meteors remind me of the song "Rocky Mountain High" by John Denver, which he wrote after watching a meteor shower in the Rockies many decades ago ("I've seen it raining fire in the sky") . . . this poem is perfect for the mood of that song & is as startlingly fresh as Denver's lyrics. I love the pulsing originality here, depicting each scene as if one could actually commune with a whale, & you make believers out of us. We all need a friendly whale to help us thru our various incarcerations (not to make light of your friend's real live hard time). This is first class writing, along with mind-blowing thinking (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 4 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

My dad just emailed me an article to say NASA was successful in landing a probe on a 500mtre long me.. read more

4 Years Ago

In a similar vein . . . everyone in the USA is talking like it's the end of times. With a prez elect.. read more

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11 Reviews
Added on October 20, 2020
Last Updated on October 20, 2020



Sydney, NSW, Australia

'The kernel, the soul — let us go further and say the substance, the bulk, the actual and valuable material of all human utterances — is plagiarism. For substantially all ideas are sec.. more..

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