I really feel this is you, at your best. This has such rhythm.
You always choose your words precicely, but this has a flow that your work, doesn't always posess.
The stanza, I love, is this:
It’s there everso patiently waiting
behind the trickle of the sweetest tasting nectar
to ever perch upon your lips
The gratifying kind that blows your mind
Upends walls of doubt
To leave your resting in a place named
Wonderful poetry, K
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
I appreciate the way you are brutally honest but I still wanna be your friend 😬😬😬 thanks yo.. read moreI appreciate the way you are brutally honest but I still wanna be your friend 😬😬😬 thanks you X
I loved the complete poem.
"You, me, the rivers, the trees,
The mountains and lakes, the first morning breeze,
The snakes and the lizards,
The ugly, the not
The dark in the light"
The above lines. Wonderful. Thank you my friend for sharing the amazing poetry. The words danced to perfection.
d'The Everywhen'
What a wonderful string of dark and light, colors midst shine... As we move through the day to day and deal with season upon season from our birth to our death. What are we learning? You are a deep thinker and so good at expressing the questions which I think we all wrestle with in varying degrees. Thankfully, times of peace and serenity are our healing moments between the sometime battles of life we may encounter. This read to me like a cry from a soul to give me another chance to find the truth.. to keep seeking. Even in our questions we are unique each in our own way.
Great poem.
Superb language, as always; exploration or adventure, dependant on your mood. Here flicking the world on is own axis and trying to fin answers or.. vitally an answer. Perhaps. For me a vague if not clear answer is to accept that Human Kind is a small part of a vast Whole. We're neither the masters nor the winners who merely think we know the secret to that Everywhen which exists in whatever form we feel or /and see it. Mystery is more than more when we accept that the answer is unassailable.. magickal.. Perhaps.
The monster and the savior... are two representations of the same thing. The savior can be a monster and vice versa.
Ever since I started seeing the outcomes to be less relevant than the reasonings behind them I've noticed that most of us - we are so completely similar. When I look at our rationale regardless of anything, most of the time I find the same things... We almost all of us do things for the same reasons but then we lose each other in the vastly different outcomes. I'm an atheist, i guess, but that doesn't mean I discount the good things relgion has to offer... nor does that mean I discount the awful things secularism has acomplished.
I like your poem. Obviously.
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
That right there, what you said, 'the outcomes to be less relevant than the reasonings' is indeed ve.. read moreThat right there, what you said, 'the outcomes to be less relevant than the reasonings' is indeed very ponderable.
I understand you are an atheist - but tell me, how do you feel about connectedness ? All things one, blah, blah, blah ... ?
6 Years Ago
Well, that depends. I know there is a deeper connectivity to nature than we understand (quantum ent.. read moreWell, that depends. I know there is a deeper connectivity to nature than we understand (quantum entanglement, for example)… but I don't believe it has anything to do with us or our consciousness in any meaningful/understandable way. There are things we will never understand, nd speculation on that is a personal preference. The 'blah, blah, blah' is no more or less correct than my 'I can't know, but I think you might be full of s**t...' disposition. To simply adhere to one over the other is intellectually lazy to me. Also, it kinda sucks the fun out of things.
'The kernel, the soul — let us go further and say the substance, the bulk, the actual and valuable material of all human utterances — is plagiarism. For substantially all ideas are sec.. more..