It is sad when we go I/2 way. In my lifetime. Woman, I wanted in my lifetime. Gave-up and love cannot be. I was too late to make the complete become full. I enjoyed your words. Made me think my dear friend. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.
Even tho I don't fully follow the message in your poem, I love your word crafting. There are so many brilliant ideas here, starting with your title . . . it's a slap in the face, so familiar, & so fitting for another of your brilliant phrases: "half light is what I offer" . . . I love the way that could mean many things . . . the way our minds go bonkers, as we read & then think of all the ways this has been the case in our lives. I'm old & I've gotten tired of trying to shine a bright light. I feel content offering half light now . . . that's such a cool way to say: meet me where I am! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
it seems you understood it well enough after all :) - thanks for the thoughts XXX
the caNDLE IS YOUR light you say its half lit is that correct
i love this poem
i really understood it and can relate totally
its exhausting giving so much of our light
i have a sense of a realization and futility ... undeniable encounter for the person who journeys within .. kind of like trying to scale a mountain side only to slid back bruised and battered for as many times as it takes to give up ... and perhaps find the answer laying there in a heap with us ;) yet your poem doesn't quite resolve for your protagonist ... the "demise" and closing lines add to a defeated soul ... quite sad actually :( i really like this line: "never I road I took" stopped me in my tracks because of the awkward structure ... so i stopped and had to think a minute ...nice says i!
We live in our own reflection... or, says another, we live content in our own shadow if that's all we want to be. Seems your candle's world and whatever similar gives what it can, whilst it can then stands, set in its own reality and waits for that other's light touch. Perhaps. A wonderful surreal and seriously unique poem.. can-could twist a couple of phrases and form a swirling eddy of thought.
Sometimes we all lose the fight inside us somewhere along the way... We lose a strong part of us and just sit by with no spirit left inside... Thanks for sharing
I’ve learnt now
fighting is not a requirement
it’s easier this way
i love these lines....
sometimes all we end up doing in life is fight for what we need and then maybe somewhere down the line we end up giving up on the hope, the desire...
just like the candle... :)
'The kernel, the soul — let us go further and say the substance, the bulk, the actual and valuable material of all human utterances — is plagiarism. For substantially all ideas are sec.. more..