What is but a cluster of qualified science wrapped in Man's imagination? We should stand back, we should understand, we can.. but I wonder... isn't the panorama precious in its own shape without being broken up in too much knowledge.
You create beautiful language, you give thought for the study of, you're the complete writer. Thank you. Am not au fait with such science but you've opened a door and, surely that means more than ... nothing!
This read like the joys of sex on reaching the O, having the O and then Oh! A very fine write Elizabeth, how we all are relatively small in this universe on a more serious note.;)
The essence of your poem, the observing part, that is modernity.
Flight, fight, enjoy... you kind of mock the natural reflexes a little bit. It's clever.
You know that you live on a continent that has pretty much there own evolution.... broadly speaking over all the species. Kangaroos and all them poisonous snakes? Only in Australia.... I forgot what I was getting at. oops. I know I liked it.
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
just swatted a poor mama and about 100 of her little tiny baby red back spiders ... :( they'd kill a.. read morejust swatted a poor mama and about 100 of her little tiny baby red back spiders ... :( they'd kill a baby .... sometimes babies come in my backyard ... lucky life is eternal I say ...
thanks for reading .... what was the point anyway ?
i love this topic and connections you make ... reminds me of the Travolta movie "Phenomenon" ..if you haven't seen it i think you would enjoy it. this train of thought also makes concrete and steel part of nature along with everything else doesn't it?! ;) i am also reminded of my college professor on carbon science .. fantastic class even for me, a right brainer :} tho i hear the distinction is a myth .. we reduced everything organic to carbon in that class ..you have gone to the universe and beyond in your poem ... :) great stuff says i!
this reminded me of the dialogue in the movie ''I Origins'': '' When the Big Bang happened, all the atoms in the universe were all smashed together into one little dot that exploded outward, so my atoms and your atoms were certainly together then and... who knows, probably smashed together several times in the last 13.7 billion years, so my atoms have known your atoms and they've always known your atoms. My atoms have always loved your atoms.''
How true and each day life moves on. From birth until death and into eternity. Fight the fight or simply enjoy the flight as we are only here once. Valentine
'The kernel, the soul — let us go further and say the substance, the bulk, the actual and valuable material of all human utterances — is plagiarism. For substantially all ideas are sec.. more..