Shiny Disco Ball

Shiny Disco Ball

A Poem by KWP

I am what I am :)


A shiny disco ball, 

a bundle of sparkle, 

a sack of effervescent glitter -

is what I am.

I’m not trying to stoke my own flames 

in this fire aglow with the kind of warmth 

that wraps its arms around you,

holds you, envelops you while reminding

gently in your ear, that yes,

everything is going to be alright.

I do not need to stoke, or tend, 

or even run off and gather more wood.

It’s a fact. 

A sack full of intermittent light I am.

I like to bounce around, in and out,

from here to there so fast you don’t even notice I am gone. 

I travel at the speed of light 

that’s, 299792458 metres / second.

I call myself Speedy.

I have always had an affinity with dancing, 

feeling the rhythm reach right into my bones 

and allowing it free passage to move my body 

in the waves of eternity - floating free - freedom - ah ….

I am a Shiny Disco Ball,
I can light up your life, 

but your are the one who controls the switch.

© 2016 KWP

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Think that's rather a cool way to describe yourself. Don't get to dance anymore like I use too. Ok, I'm not that old. Life you know. Anyway, fondly thinking of my twenties, the sight of a disco ball usually meant a good time was about to be had. Loved your poem and the imagery it spun in my mind. Glad to see that bringing people joy like a disco ball is important. CD

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

If that pic is current, you don't look that old. I have fond myself to be spontaneously dancing more.. read more
CD Campbell

8 Years Ago

You're welcome.
Ok I even watched some of your fun video and it works! Poem is quite an accomplishment of explanation. Really energetic. Much description and comparison between the energy between dancer and music. Love it. Fun to read!..................................Kathy

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

haha - I never usually add video's to my poems (just doesn't make sense in my brain!!!) but this one.. read more
how can one not respond to the disco beat and lightning piercings ... ohhhhhhh yeh ..filppin the switch to on KWP! its all in the hips and low back slippin' .... oh yeh!! ;)))) your poem lifts my spirit today thank you very much Ms. Speedy (head bobbin' now;)....ohhh yeh!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

haha you are welcome ... may your spirit stay lifted long time baby X
Einstein Noodle

8 Years Ago

:) ........................
others made me feel the dance even more, but i always felt the music itself...since i was very little---when i heard and felt the beat...i was moving.
Maybe the world is crumbling but it could still be warm and safe in our little space on the dance floor.

relate to this, much.


Posted 8 Years Ago

Great take on a very mundane object and you gave it life. Well done.

Posted 8 Years Ago

"I have always had an affinity with dancing"

Affinity 'for' dancing would be more appropriate than 'with'. Dancing is not a person, so it can't have affinity with you or for you... only you or someone else can have affinity for it. Just not with it, unless you know a person named Dancing. Danzig doesn't count.

I see you were relatively exacting with your speed of light measurement. It's a weird number isn't it? It's not a very intuitive thing that whole 'massless travel' speed limit. Did you know that time doesn't exist at the speed of light? Yeah, weird... if at any time someone finds a particle that has any amount of mass AND travels at the speed of light the entire field of physics and chemistry as we know it would break down and cease to make sense in a meaningful way. It's not really the speed of light, the universe doesn't care about photons, it's more accurate to say - the speed of causality. If that speed was infinite every part of the universe would be able to communicate with every other part of the universe instantaneously... making everything that happens in between impossible... aka, "nothing" would no longer exist because everything would be one thing with no option to be anything else - not even "nothing".

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

was that on intentional pun? hehe

and yes, why thank you, it was a pretty quick spew.. read more

8 Years Ago

Yes... the concept did smell familiar. You did good with it I think.

8 Years Ago

did it smell gaseous like deep within eternity?

if so ... I am happy to have left a .. read more
There is nothing wrong with knowing your worth... ww must all shine in this life or we never truly live.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

true words ... nice to see you ... hope all is well X
The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)

8 Years Ago

Good seeing you too... I am well, how about yourself.
interesting one, i think im a shiny disco ball too lolx. enjoyed reading hey. xx

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

of course you are .... we all are ... flick the switch, yes, yes, flicky thes switch :) XXX
.. read more
Well written and expressed!
Dance the night away "speedy"
Thanks for sharing and b-blessed!

Posted 8 Years Ago

Just call her Speedy. This brought to mind my younger years and the dancing which me and my friends loved. Loved the sparks off of that disco ball and your write. Valentine

Posted 8 Years Ago

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17 Reviews
Added on October 3, 2016
Last Updated on October 3, 2016



Sydney, NSW, Australia

'The kernel, the soul — let us go further and say the substance, the bulk, the actual and valuable material of all human utterances — is plagiarism. For substantially all ideas are sec.. more..

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