A little help please

A little help please

A Poem by KWP

a little help from my friends please

I am looking for some pointers 
from those who do not rhyme 
i find it hard to write a verse 
that does not jingle all the time 

please all the lovely people 
offer up your advice 
how can I write some divine words 
without it rhyming and still be nice 

anything will do 
so I can ponder for a while 
i want to learn to write poems
that do not rhyme and are not vile 

not knowing where to start 
I am coming to all of you 
I will throw my rhymes right out the window 
if that's what I have to do 

© 2014 KWP

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When I don't know where to start I pick a random spot then call it the 'middle' and work toward an 'ending' that validates a potentially satisfying 'beginning'. Sometimes it gets weird depending upon how you are defining the term 'satisfying' that day.

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

may I just say - you are both a muse and Inso at the same time - this was written 2014 !!!! My gawd .. read more

1 Year Ago

Play in traffic? I used to live in traffic. Now I just like to watch the cars go by from the side of.. read more
Although I prefer writing in rhyming verse, I find that it can sometimes inhibit your "message". I use free verse, occasionally but try to establish a definite metre that echoes my thoughts. If I record it and listen to it I can see whether it sounds like prose or poetry. I feel that poetry must have rhythm (like a song), but the end lines do not necessarily have to rhyme.
I still enjoyed the style of your poetic plea, however, so don't throw your rhymes out of the window ((defenestration is not approved of in a sensitive society)


Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

ahhhaaa thank you Norman and nice to meet you :) I would never throw out rhymes from my life as I fi.. read more
OK, the synchronicity is just too damn funny. I just reviewed one of your poems (Simple Truths) in which I bemoaned my fate of being incapable of rhyming, and come across this ditty in which you want to know how not to rhyme!
I enjoyed the humor you showed in this one.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

synchronicity is such a wonderful thing .... it happens everywhere and all the time ... do you notic.. read more
This is so nice! Sometimes I find that I cannot communicate my thoughts properly in a rhyming poem, but I can't bring myself to try writing a free verse poem (I prefer the rhyming kind). I'll have to try it sometime though :) Good job :)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

yes... i just find it hard not to rhyme... my brain just shifts to singing a tune and the words come.. read more
i am too unkempt to offer advice .. that is why i mostly do write things in free verse .. (a distinct lack of discipline and residual rebellion) ... it is a journey and i can relate to your dilemma .. to add some structure i write haikus etc. and with collaboration wrote a sonnet .. all very satisfying and rewarding experiences .. but i gravitate back to what comes easiest for me .. you probably have somewhere you jot down ideas, certain words and phrases that pop into your minds heart .. maybe you can try expanding on them (throw away the couplets) .. perhaps find a good time to journal random thoughts .. without purpose .. as an exercise to free you from bondage :)
personally i admire people such as yourself .. its a gift to produce solid rhymes ..however, i think you will be rewarded for the efforts to expand your style .. you should go for it ..
your poem is humorous and brought me a chuckle this morning .. something i always welcome ..

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

ha! I think you and I run in the same circles then... distinct lack of discipline (my last cafe was .. read more
Einstein Noodle

10 Years Ago

yes there is .. and so nice to meet you too!
' To rhyme or not to rhyme, that is the question ' ? Personally my preference is poetry that rhymes and yours is little gem, though I do appreciate free verse poems if they are penned intelligently with purpose, so I'd say to you, just keep doing what comes naturally to you and let the ink flow !!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Hmm,.. perhaps instead you might first explore rhyme schemes and poetic forms that draw you into fields a little broader than the couplet and such. Rhyming is a very versatile and varied strategy in writing, and there are a lot of options available to writers: means to rhyme that don't seem so "sing-songy", and some of it has to do with rhythm and timing. Know what I mean?
Anyhow, free verse is also a very attractive form and a craft unto itself. I can totally relate to a desire to go there, and also to try different styles of writing. Might I suggest the obvious? - Try reading other writers and examining their craft.
With all that said, this rhyme poem is nicely entertaining. :)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Hello Charlie and thank you so much for your thoughts, there is always more to explore you are right.. read more
this is clever, i don't want to rhyme but even in asking for directions, it happens unintentionally....

once in awhile i think in rhymes...and it comes natural to me to rhyme at end of lines or within the lines...
but most often, free verse is really natural for me...don't know how to suggest how not to rhyme...

i remember the Beats...and when they first introduced the free verse...the purists were outraged...
then years later poets were banning rhyme...now, anything goes...

i really like your writing KWP.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so much Jacob for you thoughts
... Tell me, are there supposed to be any beats or some .. read more
jacob erin-cilberto

10 Years Ago

not really....free verse often has rhythm...just not the repetitive sounds...
look at ginsberg.. read more

10 Years Ago

Thanks Jacob ... I will check out those poets and definitely visit your Page again ... I believe I h.. read more
Fabulous...love it! We've all been there! I remember writing those poems where the last word of each sentence had to rhyme perfectly...it was so grade school. lol How I got a way from that. Honestly, I started doing a lot of reading. And when I found something I liked, I studied what that writer did. Everything from syllable count...the use of rhyme. And I would try to mock that while using my own words of course. Try a prose or two. That's also another good way to stop caring about rhyming so much...and just worry about rhythm. With time you'll find what works best for you. In my opinion writing is like art, there isn't any right or wrong. Bad grammar? Yes of course...but you can still be original in your written delivery.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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19 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on June 29, 2014
Last Updated on June 29, 2014



Sydney, NSW, Australia

'The kernel, the soul — let us go further and say the substance, the bulk, the actual and valuable material of all human utterances — is plagiarism. For substantially all ideas are sec.. more..


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