![]() Intro 1A Chapter by KTgoestocollege![]() Just a basic introduction of myself from my first semester, and will work up to my current semester.![]()
I wake up for my college orientation, "this is a fresh start," I think to myself as I try to put on the most natural looking makeup I know how. On the way there, I think about how I changed my major 3 days before from English with a Pre-Law concentration to Biology with a Pre-Medicine concentration. In high school I took the AP test (which I highly recommend trying to get out of every class you can in high school if you can handle it) so naturally I leaned towards English because it was something I naturally excelled at; but after watching Grey's Anatomy all summer I became more interested in science. I arrive to my first ever college experience with the intention of starting a new. The orientation leaders helped us make friends in our majors and schedule our classes through numerous hysterical skits and a few serious talks. I didn't realize it then but one of those orientation leaders was going to give me an incurable case of the most unbearable puppy love I've ever experienced. While my eyes where set on one of his friends, I listened to him worry about getting into med school; never once thinking I would ever like him. So as I scheduled my classes, I noticed that I had to take these dumb a*s remedial math class, that I could take a test to get of that I knew I could pass. Instead of talking to a counselor, I talk to my mother who is returning to college online. "Maybe you need to take remedial," I love my mom but she gave me the worst advice. If you can CLEP OUT OF REMEDIAL MATH.
Next thing I know I'm waking up for my first day of college and first day of rush week. I worked at a bar kind of like hooters that employed a lot of college aged girls so I had a relatively easy time finding my classes with the support of friends. Going into those classes was exciting and overwhelming! I couldn't wait to learn so much information and pass these classes! I was never missing a day of class in my life, or so I thought. Before I knew it the school day was over and I started my first day of rush. My college only has three sororities: Alpha Delta Pi, Chi Omega, and Phi Mu. I was the first one of my immediate family to ever go to college so I knew nothing of sorority life. This day was to go over what to wear, finances, and what to expect. After that we got to look at posters and talk to actual sorority girls, how exciting! The one group I stuck around the most was Chi Omega. I just couldn't wait to meet new friends! The next day of rush we got to go inside the houses! For the first day we just got to talk to the girls! I was so in love with each house! Waiting outside for the doors to open, we were talking about something I just cant remember and then this really pretty girl blurts in and says "thats sexist," she was more my speed than the other girls. I look like a solid 6.5 with a flexible personality, I could, if I wanted to, be the typical sorority girl but I decided to just be real with myself. I decided to talk to all of the girls that were huddled together with perfect makeup because I could fit in with them , but I also decided to talk to the ones who were standing alone, those people were always more interesting anyways. With that decision I met my first friend, Kenzie. After the whole shabang was over, she asked if I wanted to hang out. I eagerly said yes "we might be sisters and we can talk about sister things," I thought as we were walking to my car to drop her off at the dorm rooms. Little did I know thats was not what was going to happen but that was another story. Fast forward, I rushed ADPi and I'm at my first frat party. What an experience! Free alcohol and more importantly BOYS! I've never had a boyfriend and this was my time to shine and get one, also did not happen like I'd hoped. I ended up getting really drunk and passing out at a new friends house, she even did my homework for me. I woke up with at least 5 new contacts, one of them with the name "New Best friend" and a ton of new adds on snapchat, more importantly I had a wild snapchat story. "College is great," I thought little did I know that life was about to b***h slap me to reality pretty soon.
© 2017 KTgoestocollege |
StatsAuthor![]() KTgoestocollegeAboutEveryone has a unique and memorable experience, so I decided to share mine. This is me in a nut-shell: joined a sorority, Pre-Med Major, mixed,18, still trying to get my s**t together. To put it more .. more..Writing