Air To Breathe

Air To Breathe

A Story by SPINNING ON that dizzy edge

Found in February after the major dump....





On this last day – yes,

24 hours until there is no more:

Light to see

Thoughts to share

Flesh to touch

Hearts to beat

Blood to flow

Babies to be born

Individuals to die

Life as we know it,

And because there will be no Air to breathe


There will be no more air – it is like someone poked a hole in the giant balloon that was our world. 

We are told AIR is somehow leaking out from another side of our galaxy – something about a vacuum effect - just too far away to do anything – there is nothing that can be done to plug the hole, to stop the loss, to tie another knot, to move to a bigger balloon.  This loss will be the biggest equalizer ever – no exceptions to this chance at life.  Something so simple to just disappear – we can’t even see it go.  We never thought, we never knew it was a plug that could be pulled.


We have been told there is 24 hours to go – should we spend 23 trying to change that cold hard pronouncement?  Should we live what remains in panic, turmoil and disbelief?  They the media: our conscience, our pulse, our pied pipers, our bandleaders – the faces with the stories, those bouncing, merry, talking blurs - have shown us every possible expert with every possible opinion at every possible level of this ending that will be ours.  There is no science, medicine, politics, god, self-imagined world leaders, Hollywood celebrity (are they not our royalty) or man-on-the-street who can offer the solution to this end.  We have heard it all – facts, facts, facts – the reasons have been given.  The guilt, the accusations, the ones who told us so - the every day doomsdayers point their fingers and say – see we are right – as if they have not said this every day of their lives – to this one day be right.


This is no joke, no hoax, no diversion, no War of the Worlds to be recounted another day as a matter of “look and see how we could convince gullible people of this untruth we have fashioned for some wild entertainment.”


People have gone home for there is no reason to not be home (“honey, I’m home”) – no reason to work – work for what reason?  There is no need for money or accomplishment now.  Does it matter what we have in the bank – did it ever now that the end is near and we see what it cost us all those years to have money or to make money…or to dream about or fight about money?  Piles and piles of it now mean nothing.  Nothing.



Can we or should we:


·        Put on our best clothes and get them muddy sitting on the ground waiting for the time to pass – make holes in the knees like our worthless sky?

·        Lie on our backs in the grass and look at the sky until the light goes out like a candle with no more air to maintain the flame – will we just go to sleep?

·        Shine our shoes – wear the highest ones we can find.  The ones that hurt our feet when we walk – we are not walking.  No where to go.

·        Eat any food that we loved more than anything – no need for guilt for there is no need for calories or denial of a taste for something yummy!

·        Sit on the couch at grandma’s house – make a ceremony of removing the plastic and doilies and open the windows and let the light have 24 hours to do that sun damage or what was it we would have done with the buckles of our shoes?

·        Today find the cure for _____________.  Too late.

·        Say we are sorry to every person we ever hurt?

·        Spin until we are just so dizzy we fall and wait – just wait a bit more.


I think I wish to drive as fast as I can, smoking a cigarette and drinking the best bottle of wine as I thumb my nose at the policeman on the corner that does not know where to begin at the beginning of this end…  he needs to go home too.  Thank you, we are safe, there is no need to keep us from harm any longer and it doesn’t really matter that I speed to this end.


Or let’s all see that since it is up to me to decide for me and you to decide for you because we will all, each one of us, ultimately be right where we are when the time comes – chose something now – right now.  Hold your heart up to the light and let the colors shine through – while there is still light, while we still have our air, our choice and our life.


I wish to be with you – with your arms around me and mine around you.   I want to feel your kiss and your touch and your love until there is no more breath in me.  I want it to be that this is the best in my life that was my life when I had life.   Should we just hold each other and go in peace – be still and then done?  There would be no better way to die on this last day – even if I had known.


2007 Kath Osborn


© 2008 SPINNING ON that dizzy edge

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A thought I have quite often...Just how would many of us choose to spend the last hours...
A great thought provoking write.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 9, 2008


SPINNING ON that dizzy edge
SPINNING ON that dizzy edge

Buffalo, NY

Some of my work is very personal and some is flight taking fancy... a writer's prerogative... :) Read something of mine and I will read something of yours - very nice and simple and what a way.. more..
