

A Story by K.M. Lucero

Kelcie watched as her boyfriend was attacked by some strange, terrifying creature. When it turned its attention to her she was shocked to find it turned into something resembling a man.


Trying to comprehend what the hell was going on Kelcie stared down at the creature. It reminded her of a large Afghan Hound with the massive black hair the flowed over the beast, covering its face and appendages. That was why Kelcie and Xavier hadn't found it threatening at first when it approached them outside the Balboa Theater. Fourth street was well lit and the large Balboa sign hanging from the side of the theater helped to light up the night sky but the large creature just didn't seem out of place to either of them. Lost or escaped from its owner, maybe.

It was exactly that thinking that had made Xavier try and coax the animal to him. That was when it had stood up on two legs like any normal human being. Its narrow snout opened down the middle of its face exposing several hundred serrated teeth. Xavier took a step away from the creature and that was when a very long, very slimy tongue launched out of its mouth and wrapped around Xavier’s forearm, pulling him towards the massive black monster.

Kelcie knew they were probably going to meet their death here on Fourth and B street when Xavier screamed out in pain as the tongue made contact with his arm. It seemed to burn through the shirt and into his skin as he was inched towards the massive jaws. She stepped back in horror as the creature tilted it’s head to the left finding a better position in which to bite down on its victim. Xavier screamed one more time as the sharp teeth sank into his arm.

There was seriously nothing else she could do but watch or run. Standing inches away from the dark creature, Kelcie watched as it held Xavier’s arm tightly between its powerful jaws. She gasped in fear as blood began to trickle down the now shredded, blue sleeve of Xavier’s shirt. Turning her gaze from the blood she noticed his face had turned very pale and his once careful placed blond hair was tossed about and several chunks had fallen into his face. His eyes were closed and what she could see of his face was held in an expression of agony. He was silent now and the creature just stood there with her friend in his jaws. Neither moving. Neither making a sound.

“Xavier,” Kelcie called out when she found the courage.

That was a mistake number one. The creature opened his jaws and turned its head so quickly towards her that Kelcie let out a yelp. She did not want any of its attention but she had feared her boyfriend was dead. The creature glared at her with furious black eyes. To her they seriously looked like large black olives. The lack of any white was unnerving and she dared to take a step away from it.

That was mistake number two. The black monster took several quick steps towards her and then stopped. It’s eyes never leaving hers. The two halves of its face slowly came together and that was when Kelcie went ape s**t. The creature’s face, which she realized she hadn't seen clearly earlier, was that of a man. A thin, chalk white face with those large olive like eyes staring at her. Her skin prickled up in response and the hairs on the back of her neck were definitely standing straight up.

“What the hell are you,” she asked with venom in her voice. Now that she knew she was dealing with something that resembled a human she found some sort of stupid courage. And with that courage she found the anger she knew she would need in order to survive. There is just something about blind rage that seems to help her through her hardest times. Could it help her through this time? This was unlike anything she had ever faced. It couldn't be real.

She reigned in her thoughts and stood glaring back at this man, creature, whatever that stood before her.

“I asked you a f*****g question,” she growled.

Then a deep rumbling came from deep in the chest of the being before her. It took her a few seconds to realize it was laughing at her. That just pissed her off so much more.

“What the f**k are you laughing at? Do you think it‘s alright to just attack people who are minding their own business?” Okay maybe her questions were too damn sane to be asking but she figured she was a little out of her mind right now.

“I like you,” the creature said. His words sticky and meant to be alluring but Kelcie was too pissed off by not just his attack but his blatant disregard of man that he had just attacked. She took a step towards the creature meaning to yell and possible strike it across the face. Before she knew what was happening she was in the arms of the creature.

“What are you doing,” Kelcie asked. Her irritation deeply embedded in each word.

The creature watched her with those damn eyes of his as he began another transformation. Right before her eyes his long black fur disappeared and his body turned to that of a well-built man. Surprised by his sudden change she pulled herself from his arms and was relieve to find that he let her go.

Standing before her was a man who looked to be in his mid-twenties, in jeans and a white tee-shirt. He retained the black color of his fur but it was replaced with wavy short hair. His eyes were the most startling of all to see on a human face. Still black as night but at least the color was now contained within two very human irises. They stood there taking each other in, one with an apparent look of delight and the other with a mixed look of astonishment and disgust.

“I said that I like you,” he finally said breaking the silence.

“Okay. I don’t even know what to say to that.”

“There is nothing to say. Come along now we need to be clear of the theater before it vomits more of you vile creatures into this beautiful night,” barked the creature-now-man being.

“I’m not going anywhere with your a*s,” stated Kelcie as she took two steps backwards trying to place distance between them.

“I beg to differ.”

He lunged forward and grabbed her, throwing her over his shoulder all in one motion. Turning towards the theater entrance he quickly walked passed it and then passed escalators leading to the second floor of Horton Plaza, the city’s open air mall.

“Really, you want to get away from humans but are going into the mall,” she snorted at the creature as he walked through the first floor and towards Broadway Circle.

“How many people do you think are really at the mall at eleven at night? With all stores closed? Surely your brighter than that,” he retorted.

“Okay, so why are we going into the mall? Is your really freaky dungeon beneath it or something,” she questions. Knowing that she should be afraid of this man she couldn’t help but lay on the sarcasm and attitude. After-all he had disrupted her date with Xavier and most likely killed him. Why make things easier on him?

“I do not have a dungeon,” was his simple reply.

Walking along the entrance to Abercrombie and Fitch, Kelcie searched for any lingering employees but all the windows were barred up. Taking a left they passed the local Citibank, yep it was all dark and closed up as well. No help there either.

Coming up to Broadway he set her back on her feet resting both hands on her bare shoulders.

“Now. You have two choices. We are going there to that building,” he said pointing to the historic US Grant hotel. “The staff there know who and what I am. You can walk in there like a civilized person or I can carry you in. Either way you are coming.”

Determine to defy him to the end she glared back at him and crossed her arms in defiance.

“I’ll just kick and scream the entire way to your lair. One of the guest will call the police.” She thought she had him now. There was no way an entire hotel of guess were going to ignore her screams.

“Child, there are more guest that would love to hear you scream out in pain and agony than there are any that would want to help. Hell, there are probably several that would love to join in on my plans for you. Those that would have all be put down for the night and not even Armageddon would wake them.” The look on his face showed humor and strangely desire.

Desire? Oh f**k he is going to eat me or torture me. Either terrified her and only made her want to make thing that more difficult for him.

Grabbing her arm with an iron grip he pulled her towards the entrance to the old hotel. It was a large gray building well adored with lights that lite up the sides, causing it to see more golden than its actual gray. For being over 90 years old it still had that classy 20’s feel to it.

As they approach the double doors Kelcie spotted a homeless man arranging various bedding materials. Determined that this was her salvation she took her opportunity and tried to pry herself from the iron grip on her.

“Hey mister, help me please! This freak is trying to kill me,” she screamed towards the man she believed would help her.

Slowly the man turned he body towards Kelcie and her captor. Large amber eyes search for and held Kelcie’s as the man sniffed the air like a dog searching for his meal. The man snarled and two large canines protrude from his jawline and he rushed towards the struggling Kelcie.

She let out a scream and hid her face into the chest of her less intimating captor.

“Stop,” boomed the creature holding her arm, “She is mine and you know the rules of the city. No hunting downtown.”

“But what are you doing? If not hunting yourself,” growled the homeless man in response.

“She may not know what’s going on but she is not my meal and it really is no concern for a mutt now is it?”

The second didn’t even bother to answer and when she felt brave enough Kelcie raised her head to find that he had already made his way back to his bed for the evening.

“Now, do you want to go through that every time we see someone inside the hotel? I can guarantee you that his is the less violent of us,” he said staring down at her in amusement.

Kelcie simply replied with the brief shaking of her head and allowed him to lead her into the building.

The entrance hall to the hotel was just as elegant as it is outside with cherry finishing covering the four archways leading to various directions of the hotel. A large glass chandelier sparkled brilliantly casting light to fill the hallway completely.

They continued straight down the hall and Kelcie, afraid of what other beast lay, tucked her head into the crevice of her captors arm until they were safely in the elevator and moving up towards the top. Trying to learn which floor she would be trapped on she looked to see which button he had pushed.

© 2014 K.M. Lucero

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~Gold Review~

Suggestion for more views: add tags like "prison" or "capture" or arrest"; if someone is looking for a specific event or subject, they will then know this story is about that subject because of the tag.

(Curses, I have to get ready for work! More review to come later)

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 16, 2014
Last Updated on January 22, 2014
Tags: Prison, capture, abducted, strange


K.M. Lucero
K.M. Lucero

San Diego, CA

I am officially working on my first book with the hopes of having it completed and publish in the next year or so. Follow all my writing and book reviews on Facebook! more..

Stubborn Stubborn

A Story by K.M. Lucero