![]() Mica Arc Chapter 1A Chapter by K.M. LuceroWhat could she do but sit there and stare as the beautiful boy in front of her slipped and fell to his knees. His chubby little legs awkward below him failed to navigate around the otherwise harmless branch. She knew it was coming before she actually witnessed the furrow of his brown and the distinct curl of his lips as he looked up to his mother in anger. There it was, of course when she least wanted it, the empty black pits of her terror. The boy’s eyes revealed his true nature that only Mica could see. Packing up her half-finished sketch of the once beautiful child she had, up until this moment, enjoyed watching, Mica slummed off the stone wall of the park and made her way pass the family. The mother sniffed the air like the ravished animal she was and let out a very nasty hiss. “Yeah, yeah, you ruined my day too, you know?” Mica said without even a glance back in their general direction. She hadn’t asked for this curse of sight, she had quite proudly labeled her inept talent of seeing the strange and unusual. Normally it came to her in less favorable places such as the subway stations closer to home, the less than desirable areas of town that the locals nicknamed the tomb. Mica never imagined she would find the dark eyes in the classy up town park of Drover Drive. Life was funny that way, kicking her when she was already down. She winced as she remembered that she had just been suspended from school today. “Mom, I asked her to stop. I can’t be blamed if she didn’t.” Mica whined. “Mica Marie Arc, I … don’t… care. You can’t go about hitting everyone you get angry with like a common thug. You’ll end up in the same place as your good for nothing father.” Man oh man, Mica knew she was in for a good one tonight. Her mother never talked about her father unless she was boiling angry. Kicking a can she continued on her way not really looking where she walked. Life just wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair that her mother had to work two jobs just to keep their crappy apartment and food on the table. It wasn’t fair that her father was sitting in jail for life. A sentence that probable would have only been two years if he had been born on the other side of town. Deep in thought Mica began to cross the road leading to the subway when she was violently thrown back hitting her head on the edge of the sidewalk. She saw black around the edge of her vision as she struggled to pull herself up. She frowned as she realized she was being held down by something long and heavy. Kind of like a man’s hand but too darn long to be one. Opening her eyes Mica freaked. A long snake like appendage was lying over her abdomen. Following the strange sight she found what it was attached to, a large man in jeans and a dark leather jacket. There it was, coming from the region where his jeans and jacket met, holding her down and away from a loud commotion that was just in front of him. Jura began to flail her arms and legs around trying to free herself. “Will you please stay still,” yelled the man without looking back towards her. Another man peered around the man with the tail and Mica gasped as her eyes met with his. The man had a normal frame, a bit smaller than the man with a tail, but normal by any other man’s standard, but the thing that startled her was his eyes. They took up each side of his head like a flys would, just oh a thousand times larger. What was even more crazy was he had a normal human nose and mouth that was turned down in a deep frown. “See man, I told you she wasn’t okay. Look at her she is freaked out. You can’t stop fate for the dead. She will end up dead another day any way.” The smaller man squeaked his words out with a hint of disgust in his tone. “Larry, you know where I stand. Just move on and let me take care of it.” The man with the tail said with authority in his voice and Mica clearly knew who was in charge. “Oh man, Magnus, she sees. You stopped the fate of a seeker. This is mess up and I am outta here before you bring the gods down on my head.” The man with the eye scurried from Mica’s view and she heard a car speed off. The man with the tail turned around finally to face her, his tail elegantly sliding off her. Now freed and able to get up Mica quickly stood up and faced the man with the tail bracing herself for something hideous. She was quite surprised to find herself staring into the beautiful green eyes of a very handsome older man. His deep brown hair barely began to show signs of gray and his smile produced perfect white teeth. Mica looked around the man for his tail and was startled when she could no longer see it. The blood finally caught up to her brain when she looked back into the man’s eyes and her own rolled back as she found herself slipping into blackness. “No… not… now…” * * * * * * Magnus caught the girl before she managed to hit her head for the second time. “Why the hell did I save this,” he asked himself out loud. It wasn’t like him to raise a finger to help any human ever. In fact he could not recall a time that he ever interfered with the life of a mundane in his three hundred years. “Next thing I know I will be saving them by the hundreds,” he grumbled as his lifted the girl from the floor. Walking over to his yellow Jetta he placed her in the back seat and jumped behind the wheel. He needed to get away from the scene he had just caused. He took a final look at his handiwork. People were beginning to flock around the black passenger van that he had just crushed. The frame had bent around his fist as he had held it out to prevent it from crushing the girl. The man that was driving was sitting beside the mangled vehicle grabbing his head. There didn’t seem to be any signs of blood and that helped Magnus feel a little better about destroying the man’s vehicle. “I wonder how he is going to explain that to the police,” laughed Magnus. He loved causing a little mischief in the lives of the mundane when ever he could. He felt it gave them a little flavor to life. After all, those stories were all they would have to look forward to in their later years when the wasted away and were powerless to stop the ravishes of time. © 2014 K.M. LuceroAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on January 10, 2014 Last Updated on January 10, 2014 Author![]() K.M. LuceroSan Diego, CAAboutI am officially working on my first book with the hopes of having it completed and publish in the next year or so. Follow all my writing and book reviews on Facebook! more..Writing