Pride & Joy

Pride & Joy

A Chapter by Katherine Lockhart

2. Pride & Joy



The halls of the Court were abuzz with rumors and excited chatter, all on the subject of the now-filled dungeons below the castle and that a leader of the Guild had been captured. It was early evening and it took just that time for the entire Court to pass among its gossip through the servants to the knights whom used it as impressive talk to their Ladies of the Court that were entertained and from there, with the women speaking of the tales, the word spread like wildfire. Everyone who was anyone near the castle knew of the rumors and had done their duty as gossipers to spread it as they could.

The sun's light slipped just below the horizon but its glow saturated the land still in its warm glory, tinting the sky with blazing orange and firey red. The dusk dragonflies took wing over the lake to the west of the castle, hopping from lily pad to lily pad, avoiding the lengthy tongues of hungry frogs. The glimmer of the water gave glimpses of the magical fey that danced between this realm and the next.

Up the gray stones of the castle walls, slithered amongst by lush, green vines and writhing blossom plants with little blue bell flowers, were runes etched into the stone faces. Protection magick woven with the power of select runes meant to protect its kin and harm against those who wished the kin harm. Runes and magick continuously recharged every day by the King's best magick-weilders.

Past the gray-faced stones and into the halls of the palace, there was a buzz of activity. Gossipers spread the word, and there were many, as the servants all whispered with eagerness about the upcoming ceremony yet to be publically announced. The word was that the Guild had been captured almost in its entirety as well as a leader, all by the female guard Kathriana vel Daris. The King had been noticeably more high-spirited all day and was secretively making commands to ready the kingdom decorators for a feast to be had in the palace and a grand display for tomorrow morning to celebrate what he would announce to be one of the greatest moments in the kingdom's history.

No word was directly given about why there was such activity with the palace but those who kept in the circle knew what had come striding in late last night and been delivered to the King with pride.

And no word would until the King had spoken with his Knight-Captain and High Guard on the details of the capture. Not only did the King respect his Knight-Captain's wishes to remain strictly on the night guard schedule, but he busied himself meeting with the decorators and challenging them to astound his senses with such a grand display that could only be surpassed by the Crowning ceremony or a wedding of the Royals.

As dusk settled on the horizon, the two spheres of Dragon Fire burning hotly below the level of the land, the three Sister Moons slowly became more and more visible in the violet sky. Kathriana felt the heat of the suns fading slowly as the cool of the night chilled the blood in her veins and awoke her senses. She buttoned her corset vest with grace and detail as she dressed formally for her meeting with the King. A warrior must be presented in their Formal Suit when presented before the King as was the duty and respect of every knight or guard coming formally before the throne unless drawn straight from their task and asked not to dress as such. The gore of battle and lower tasks was not to be famed before the throne in respect of its duty. Not for a ruler that bathed in blood, but one whom avoided catastrophy as best they could.

With her Formal Suit donned, she strode down the corridor past Nova's bed chambers, knowing full well that he'd already be in the King's throne room awaiting her arrival. She held her sigh tight in her chest as she left the Guard Quarters and crossed the west gardens, mulling over her decisions in her mind once more. Though she'd already done so all evening as she procrastinated with every snap of button on her suit. Her heart still waivered on the injustice she wasn't sure she was about to inflict and the image of the horrors that consequently followed.

Michel vel Tomas was standing erect in his warrior's stance at the mouth of the gardens to the palace entrance. The dark blue of his suit wear brought out the blue in his eyes and made them look almost as though they sparkled when he caught sight of her.

"Procrastinating a bit this evening, Knight-Captain?" he joked, falling into step with her uninterrupted pace. It wasn't formal for any guard to treat their superior this way, to make jokes or act as friends rather than an inferior to a superior officer. But vel Tomas and Kathriana had an alliance that she trusted as a good friendship and when other ears weren't around to catch them, they relaxed into such. It actually brought her cold veins some form of warmth knowing he was making a joke while her insides were twisted in knots over her decision. She could always trust Michel to put her at ease, to make her softer when the rest of her body was always tight and rigid from the intensity she brought to life. Kathriana, never taking anything for light and never allowing herself fun, Michel seemed to be the best balance of responsibility and light-hearted freedom. She admired that in him, that he had what saw as nearly the perfect blend of what she viewed as valuble.

The corner of her mouth quirked ever so slightly, the tell, Michel had learned, that she was smiling. "There's too many buttons on these damn suits, you'd think we were preparing for a battle on its own just attending the throne room."

Michel chuckled and followed her round the corner to the left and up the stair well, the halls growing wider as they neared the master quarters. The pale cream color to the decor was stacked with a glorious gold that complimented the cream so easily. The gold, during the day, would sparkle in the sunlight and shone the stained glass"I would imagine that was the point of the Formal Suit, a lot like how the knights suit differently for a formal chess match."

He was right, and it seemed that High Guards had an entire wardrobe of different formal wear and no one liked changing into them for each seperate occasion. However, the extravagance that the Formal Suit for the palace was just as detailed and overly thought upon as the palace decoration that coated the walls, windows, ceilings and floors. "Eighty-four." She said flatly and at once, Michel was grinning, his white teeth in perfect contrast to his tan skin.

"Number of buttons on the entire suit?"

Her curt nod gave him one final chuckle before he straightened as they paused and stood


© 2013 Katherine Lockhart

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Added on January 3, 2013
Last Updated on January 3, 2013


Katherine Lockhart
Katherine Lockhart

Greenwood, IN

I am a young, creative artist and writer. I love reading my favorite genres, writing fanfictions and original stories, writing with others for fun and inspiration. I love dreaming in other worlds and .. more..
