Chapter 49

Chapter 49

A Chapter by Katie Wan

Symphony Concert.


The music I led poured through my soul. It was a compilation of all my favorite Mozart pieces. This would be my last performance with the symphony. A new conductor had been found and I was leaving.  As the last song played I looked over the people I loved.

Madeline, my twin sister, she and I shared a connection no one could ever mess with. She understood me better than anyone else. Her genes were the same as mine and nothing could change that. Her bow whipped quickly over the strings of her Violin. You could see her mother’s talent completely surrounding her.

David stood in the back slamming the mallets into the tympani. He smiled brightly up toward me. He was as proud of this moment as I was. He and I had been in symphony for all the years I knew him. This was his last high school performance ever. He would move away with Zane back to L.A. He and I would hardly see each other.

As the last few notes sounded in my ears I held my arms up making them hold it out longer. When I lowered my hand the crowd erupted in cheers behind me. I spun on my heels and bowed into the lights. I stood the orchestra up and pointed my hand toward them.  A sense of pride filled my chest as the crowd stood on their feet. There were whistles and woops for minutes afterwards.

When the crowd died down and the curtains closed I turned around and then thanked the symphony. A few players came up and congratulated me. Hugs were thrown all around. Madeline finally reached me. She held her beautiful Violin in her hands. She wrapped her arms around me tightly, “you did so wonderful.”

“Oh no, you did. All I did was, wave my arms around.” She smiled and hit me in the shoulder. David walked up behind us. Parents began to fill the stage collecting their kids. I saw Zane walk up and David caught his eye.

David wrapped his arms around me. “We had better get going home.” I kissed David’s cheek and held onto him tighter. “Good luck, Zander. Feel free to call whenever you want, or perhaps visit.” It was hard letting David go but I knew he was in good hands. He pulled from my body and took Zane’s hand. Zane gave me a wave and a thumb up. I waved back and he left with David.

I took a deep breath and looked at Madeline. Atticus walked up behind us, “Nice work chief.” I smiled.

“You played wonderfully.”

“Nah,” he smiled and patted me on the shoulder. He looked over at Madeline, “We need to get our things. We’ll see you at Phoenix’s.” I nodded and they walked off. A couple cellists walked up to me and started talking. A large hand touched my shoulder. I looked up to see William. His bright smile was spread across his face.

“You did great tonight Zander,” he patted my back. “Thank you for teaching us so well.”

I laughed. “No William, thank you. You’ve done more than I could ask for.” 

His large arms wrapped around me. “I’ll see you at my uncle’s.”

The night began to die down and Abigail walked up behind me. “I must say the most enjoyable part was staring at your cute little bottom all night.” Heat rose in my cheeks as she laughed. “You were so wonderful.” She kissed my cheek and put her hand in mine. “Let’s go,” it was time.

I changed at Phoenix’s. I grabbed my bags and put them in the middle of the front room with everyone else. People were hugging and saying their good byes. A few people hugged me and then I got to my parents. They both stood with their hands on their hips. “You had better be careful.”

“Of course.”

“And you better call every single day.”

I laughed, “Of course.”

Rylan hugged me first. His tan arms wrapped around my neck and pulled me in tight. “I love you son. Don’t you dare forget that.”

I rubbed his back and let him go. Shiloh walked up and held me even tighter. “It’s going to be hard to let you go.”

“Just think of it as a vacation. It’s just like college dad. This would’ve happened sooner or later.”

Shiloh laughed. “That still doesn’t make it easy. You better be good to your grandmother and uncle or else you’ll be hearing from us.” Behind his laughter you could hear his tears. He rubbed my back and let me go. “I love you Zander.”

I took a deep breath and grabbed my bags. Abigail smiled at me from across the room. She picked up her bags and I walked over to her. “Are you ready to start our life together?”

She smiled, “you make it sound like we’re getting married, Zander.”

“Well we are aren’t we? I mean, you would marry me right.”

She dropped her bags, “What’re you asking.” I warped the ground beneath us so we were alone. We stood on the dark beach.

“I’m asking you to marry me Abigail.”

Her mouth gaped open as I kneeled down on the ground. My hand grabbed the small ring box from my pocket and I popped it open. “There’s nothing more that I want in the world. I want to be able to wake up every morning next to you and smell the sweet scent of lilacs. I want to be able to look into your eyes and know that you belong to me.”

“Aren’t we a little young?”

I smiled, “We’re eighteen Abigail. We have forever to be sensible. You know this will happen eventually, why not sooner than later?” I smiled brightly to help my case. “I love you Abigail and I will do everything in my power to give you a great life. ”

Her silver eyes glimmered beneath the moonlight. “You’re right Zander. I love you too. Let’s get married.”

My heart pounded loudly and I jumped up onto my feet. I picked up her small body from the ground and spun her around. “On one condition,” She said when I sat her back down. My face twisted. “We don’t ever hide who we are from our kids.”

“We’re already talking about kids?” She slapped my shoulder and I laughed. “I can promise that.”

“That’s why when we’re married we’re changing our names to Khtulu.”

I smiled brightly and pulled her waist into mine. Our lips pressed together tightly. The waves roared in behind us and a cool breeze blew across us. “I can’t believe you’re finally mine.” I whispered. That was the truth. I couldn’t believe it. 

© 2010 Katie Wan

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Added on June 4, 2010
Last Updated on June 4, 2010


Katie Wan
Katie Wan

Idaho Falls, ID

My whole life is centered around writing. It was only a few years ago that I discovered my passion for it. I love coming up with stories and new characters. Writing is the most important thing in my l.. more..

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