Chapter 47

Chapter 47

A Chapter by Katie Wan



“No,” I shouted at the top of my lungs. Every eye went to me, even in the bushes. Rylan shifted on his knees in the sand, his eyes hopeful once more. My feet kicked at the ground below me. The dark villain suit was suffocating me underneath the hot sun. Haulani lowered the blade and looked at his mother. Noelani watched as I walked up to Rylan. Her grey eyes looked me over once. “It’s good to see you again your majesty.” She slightly nodded toward me. I took a deep breath as I tried to catch my breath. When the villain spell had finally worn off I ran over the whole island trying to find everyone. Luckily I came when I did, or I would be a widow, again.

I smiled, “I’m sorry Noelani. I know the traditions but I must say they’re a little messed up. Why should you go after these traditions from years past? He’s your son Damn it, and so am I. My hand touched the soft skin of Rylan’s back. His head had sunk back down into his chest. “So, if you’re going to kill him. Then you’re just gonna have to kill me to.” I bent my knees and slammed into the sand next to Rylan.

A smile spread across his face and he held my hand at our sides. “Well, if you kill him then you take me too.” Zander popped out over the bushes and ran over to our side. He kneeled down next to me. I patted his shoulder and kissed him on the cheek.

Madeline stood up after Zander, “I can’t live without my twin.” She wiped some tears away from her face and kneeled next to Rylan. He wrapped his arm around her waist and gave her a tight hug.

Next Phoenix stood up. Without words he kneeled behind us. Abigail walked over and kneeled with Zander’s arms wrapped around her. William of course followed after her. A bright smile crossed his face as he stepped in front of the queen. Atticus was the last to join, but surely not the least. Noelani looked over the whole group.

A young girl stepped out from behind the queen, Haulani’s daughter. She stepped in front of her father and gave him a long harsh look. “I refuse to be a part of old traditions.” She walked onto our side and kneeled next to Phoenix.

Haulani was the only one able to kill us all. It was his job to take care of this. His grey eyes looked down at every single one of us. “Mother,” he whispered.

Noelani sniffed away some tears. “It’s what’s written in the book.”

“Mother, I can’t kill my daughter.  I can’t kill my brother, the brother who raised me. He’s practically my father. You can’t make me.”

Noelani stiffened up, “That’s right. I can’t make you. You’re the king Haulani. This is your choice.”

Haulani lifted the blade and put it on the side of Rylan’s face. Rylan flinched at the cold medal and scooted closer to me. “Rylan, I love you.” Haulani whispered quietly. Rylan’s hand closed tighter around me. We all feared it would be the end. Haulani lifted the sword one more time. This time he didn’t swing. He lifted the blade and dropped it in the sand in front of us. “A book can be translated however we choose.”

Inside my heart rang with joy. Rylan stood up and wrapped his arms around Haulani. They shared an embrace that had been missed for many, many years. Rylan had missed a lot on his life because of the tradition. He had never met his kids, or his wife. Haulani had never met our kids.


We found ourselves in the palace having a meal. Rylan’s hand stayed on my thigh the whole time we ate. He didn’t stop touching me for one second the rest of the day. We soon found out that Haulani had married Fiona. She had forgiven Rylan and me. They had two beautiful children Malu and Anela. There was something in Anela that I saw. I believe it’s a good heart. Something not many people possess. She was bound for greatness. I could see it in her eyes.

Noelani immediately took a liking to Zander. She talked to him for hours. He was hard not to like. He and Abigail together really put icing on the cake for me. It made everything worth it. He was happy and when he was, so was I. Madeline sat proudly next to Haulani and talked to him. She was a special young girl. The months getting to know her have been a great pleasure. My daughter, she’s the most beautiful woman on earth.

As I looked at them all I saw something. They were caged inside. They hadn’t found themselves. They weren’t allowed the same opportunities as Rylan and I. They lived sheltered and protected lives. They needed to get out and discover who they were.

That night as we sat around the bonfire I walked to Noelani. “They’re a little old to be starting hero school.”

I nodded, “I know. That’s our fault.”

Noelani stroked the back of my head. “Of course they can come, Shiloh. They mean everything to me. Anela starts next semester. She can get to know her cousins. That’s something she’s always wanted. We’ll start finding them rooms. Now you’ll just have to convince that husband of yours.”

I laughed loudly, “That will be a chore.”

Rylan caught my eye and I excused myself from Noelani. He was standing away from the fire towards the beach. I followed him as he walked further out. “After being here, I remember why I left.”

I smiled and took my place in his arms. “I love you, Rylan.”

“I love you, Shiloh.” He stroked my back with gentle hands. “You know we have to let them go. They aren’t ours anymore.”

His lungs exhaled loudly. I knew the subject was on his mind. “I know.” That was surprising. Did Rylan actually just agree to something I said? “I’ve known for awhile.” I smiled up at him and he kissed the top of my forehead. “Let’s go home, sweets.” 

© 2010 Katie Wan

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Added on June 4, 2010
Last Updated on June 4, 2010


Katie Wan
Katie Wan

Idaho Falls, ID

My whole life is centered around writing. It was only a few years ago that I discovered my passion for it. I love coming up with stories and new characters. Writing is the most important thing in my l.. more..

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