Chapter 46

Chapter 46

A Chapter by Katie Wan

Oh professor snape.


Bodies lurched forward towards me. A few villains wrapped their arms around my limbs. As I fought them off I watched. The minute the battle commenced Justin wrapped his hand around Shiloh’s throat. Rylan and Phoenix bounded for both of them. Before he grabbed anyone he untied Tex below him. Zane leapt for David. All the outside villains attacked us. Abigail fought of two girls as I fought off now three men.

Emma tried to shut off our powers as she laughed and floated above the scene. Her hands rose out to her sides and she notched her head back. The laugh sounded loudly in the echoing room.  I saw Anela taking out more Villains than the rest of us. Just as she finished with one she grabbed another off someone else. Her hands punched and her feet kicked with remarkable speed. She fought like it was a dance. Every movement was perfectly choreographed.

I felt my powers slowly trickling away behind Emma’s mind work. As men leapt for me and blows slammed into my face I felt myself fully giving out. As I was about to give out I heard Abigail’s voice in my head. “I love you,” she whispered. My powers came back to their fullest, this time with a song playing behind them. A beautiful lullaby sounded loudly deep within my ears. My movements became more relaxed and more controlled. With one hit I would take out guys. One kick to the groin would completely paralyze them on the ground.

One by one I felt each villain falling closer and closer to nothingness. Men fell to the ground useless to Emma’s plan. Everyone struggled around me and it was obvious this was going into our favor when suddenly everything seemed to almost stop. The laughing from Emma’s chest stopped and her eyes flicked down a tunnel. Villains began to pick themselves off the ground and run out any hole they could find. The screeched and bellowed as they ran off on pained legs and feet.

Slowly one by one the villains were leaving. Justin quit fighting with Phoenix. Emma returned to the ground. They both took each other’s hands and ran off down a tunnel. Shiloh shoved Rylan away and followed them. Rylan’s exhausted body leaned up against the cave walls. His head sunk deep into the sadness of his heart.

Phoenix kneeled on the ground and beat his fists into the stone below. Anela’s eyes stayed illuminated as she looked the same way Emma did. “It’s my father and grandmother. They’ve realized their mistake in letting you in.” She looked at me. “I’ll go distract them.” I nodded and she ran off down the hall.  Tex followed her down the tunnel.

Abigail was still in defense mode but with a smile on her face. Sobs suddenly caught my attention. It seemed to catch everyone’s attention. We all looked over to the dramatic scene being played out.

Zane had David pinned to the floor. While kneeling he had David’s body strattled. Their hands were slamming into each other’s and David kicked at Zane’s back.  Blood was running from David’s hands and face. Zane would cup David’s face between blows. Rylan leapt forward, “Zane don’t he’s HIV positive.”

Zane didn’t listen. He continued to fight David. Tears streamed down his face. Sobs pumped his chest loudly. “David, you can’t do this. This isn’t you, David.”

Everyone seemed baffled by the situation playing out. No one had any idea what to do, except me. My feet picked up from their frozen stance and kneeled next to David’s head. With the help from Zane I got control of his hands. I kneeled on them to keep them under my power and away from my skin. David’s dark eyes fought underneath the surface. They flicked back and forth looking for a way out. His long dark hair was rustled all over his forehead. Sweat had beaded at his brow and I could see tears streaming down his cheeks.

Zane put his hands on the side of David’s face. He wasn’t scared of the blood he let it run over his hands. He put their faces close together and tried to talk to him. “David, we figured this out long ago. You can do this, you’re strong. You’re strong David, David.” Zane’s eyes flicked up to me then back down to David. His lips pressed tightly with the fighting man beneath him. He pushed harder into him as David tried to resist. When he pulled them apart his hands ran through David’s hair. “Button, please.”

Button, what? That was the trigger. David’s eyes snapped silver almost instantaneously. With great force his hands pulled out from under my knees and wrapped around Zane’s neck. Zane sighed as his sobs got even louder. Zane pulled David in as tight as he could. They both cried into each other’s shoulder. “I knew you could do it.” Zane whispered over and over between the gasps for air. David pulled at Zane’s cape trying to get closer to him. Zane kissed the back of David’s neck as much as he possibly could. I rolled back and sat on the ground. I leaned my back against the cavern walls.

Phoenix stepped forward and touched Zane’s shoulder. “We have to get out of here Zane, sorry.”

Zane pulled away from David and they carefully stood up. Zane wiped some tears from his face and looked at Rylan. Rylan’s face was stunned and shocked. “We can explain everything later. Now, I have to get him out of her. Can I take him?”

Rylan was still frozen. He looked over the two of them. David pleaded with Rylan using his eyes. “Dad, please.”

Rylan slightly nodded and Zane smiled. Phoenix nodded at Zane who spun around and smiled at me. He rubbed my shoulder and stepped past. David kissed the side of my cheek, “I’ll tell you everything, promise.”  He grabbed onto Zane’s hand and they ran off down a tunnel.

Phoenix spun on his heels and walked over to Rylan. “Rylan we have to go. You’re the only one who knows the way out.”

Rylan’s paralyzed body somehow shifted. His eyes looked over to me then to Madeline. “We aren’t out of the storm yet.”



The fabric of my cape whipped loudly behind me. Water dripped from the different cave structures. Rylan lead us through the never ending tunnels out towards the beach. Every step I could feel the queen getting closer. I was sure Anela had done her best. But it wouldn’t have held them for long. Abigail ran next to me with her hand still in mine. She would need to talk when we got home I could feel it. The sadness was radiating off of her. She grudgingly trudged along, the same as Phoenix. I knew that they had lost a piece of their heart back in the cave. Somewhere deep inside of me I still had hope for Shiloh. He would come back I just knew it.

Rylan took a hard right down a tunnel and a light appeared. It was the end. As everyone saw the light they picked up speed and ran as hard as they could. Our feet touched mud once more and the light blinded us. “Keep moving,” Rylan said loud enough for all to hear.

Having earth underneath us was quite refreshing. The sun poured down on me and I soaked it in. Natives stared at us as we ran past, but my eyes stayed forward.

They stayed forward until we reached the beach. Rylan walked to the edge next to the water and shouted. “They’re locking us in. I have to find a break in the barrier.”

Locking us in? What exactly were they planning for us? Was coming here really this bad of a thing?”  

We walked friskily along the beach. Our knees picked up and kicked sand all around. We got to a small rock covered part of the beach. Large grasses stood between the rocks. Rylan stopped his eyes lit brightly. “Get in the bushes.”

“What?” we all asked at the same time.

Rylan didn’t have time for questions. I began to pull Abigail towards the tall grasses. Rylan looked at Phoenix, “Make sure they all stay there, no matter what.” Phoenix nodded and started herding us into the rocks.

We pushed our eyes through the grass to watch as Rylan turned around. From the other end of the beach we heard someone call. “Ryszard, stop right there.” Noelani was walking with a large group of people. Anela was grabbing onto her father’s arm and crying.  A large sword hung at his side. The white rock from the caves covered the hand piece. I swallowed hard looking at the evil thing.

Rylan’s eyes looked up to them. He waited until they reached him. “What are you doing here?”

“Getting my children,” he answered truthfully to Noelani’s question.

“You do realize the consequence for coming here don’t you?”

He nodded, “Full well, your highness. My best interest was in my son and not foolish traditions.” Malu stepped forward and spit at the ground below him. Rylan lifted his chest and stood proudly. My hand gripped the rock below me so hard I felt the skin start to tear away. Abigail clutched at my elbow trying to make me relax. I saw that Madeline was doing almost the exact same thing.

She looked over at me and tried to be strong in her smile, it didn’t work.

“Haulani do what you need to do.” I could tell that Noelani had trouble with this sentence. No matter what Rylan was her son and she was his mother. This couldn’t be any easier for her than it was for me. We had to do something, but what? What could a bunch of teenagers do to save a prince? Nothing.

Haulani stepped forward and drew the sword from his pouch. The silver gleamed brightly under the scorching sun. Malu stood with pride in his chest. Anela turned around in one of the servants arms and covered her eyes. Madeline sunk into Atticus’ arms and started crying as Haulani raised the sword. My feet shifted under me ready to pounce. If that sword moved any closer to my father I would make sure Haulani would regret it.

The sword lifted brightly in the air. Haulani held it like a baseball bat ready to hit a homerun. His hips cocked and Rylan kneeled in the sand. His head lowered giving him a better landing platform for the blade. Haulani cocked his arms and just about when he was going to swing, a shout. “No…”

© 2010 Katie Wan

Author's Note

Katie Wan
I feel like this needs more.. please tell me if you think so also..

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Added on June 4, 2010
Last Updated on June 4, 2010


Katie Wan
Katie Wan

Idaho Falls, ID

My whole life is centered around writing. It was only a few years ago that I discovered my passion for it. I love coming up with stories and new characters. Writing is the most important thing in my l.. more..

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