Chapter 45

Chapter 45

A Chapter by Katie Wan

Emma.. stupid butt.


Heat ran through my body. Dark eyes peered through my dreams. Heat poured through my body as I felt the eyes getting closer and closer. In my arms I felt Abigail struggle then quickly pull away. My eyes flipped open and I sat up to look for her. A hand slammed my chest back to the hard stone floor. Warm fingers covered my mouth ending all chance for help. My body lurched out as I tried to find strength without my powers. Lips lowered down to me, “Zander, it’s me, it’s okay.” As I began to look in the darkness I saw the grey eyes of Rylan staring down at me. I carried my gaze over to Abigail to see her being held by Phoenix. Rylan let go of my face and sat back on his heels.

“What the hell are you doing?” He snapped at me.

As I sat up I rubbed my back where my spine had hit. “I’m doing what should’ve been done a long time ago. I’m ending this as soon as I possibly can.”

“You don’t understand what you’re up against.”

“I don’t care,” I hissed rudely through my teeth. “If it means saving my dad and my brother I would give up my life. I would do the same for you, you know.”

“You don’t need to do this Zander. Phoenix and I had the situation completely under control.”

People around us started to hear the commotion and wake up. A few head lights were turned on and looked our way. “What exactly did you have under control? You were just sitting in that room, looking for nothing.”

Phoenix hopped in, “Some of these things take time.”

“Time that we don’t have,” my head snapped to him then held my hand out for Abigail. She pushed her dad’s arms away and curled next to me. Her eyes glared back at her father. I lowered my tone as she wrapped in my arms. “I’m only doing what I feel best.”

“And I’m doing what I feel best. We’re going home Zander, right now.” Rylan stood up and grabbed the bicep of my arm.

Quickly I ripped it from his grasp. “Go to hell,” I could tell as both of our memories shot to the day I left. Rylan kneeled next to me and wrapped his arms around my neck. “I’m sorry, I got carried away.”

His tone also softened, “I’m sorry son. I know what you’re feeling right now and I’m being selfish. I love you.”  The room seemed a little confused at the situation. It changed so quickly it gave everyone whiplash.

“I love you too, Dad.”

“What a sweet scene,” A woman’s voice sounded loudly behind us. It was not from our party. “It truly is touching to see a father and son so close together.”

Rylan took a deep breath and whispered, “When I turn around get Abbi and run.”

I nodded forcing our ears to rub together. “Emma, it’s been so long.” He stood up and his eyes flicked on. My forearm tightened and I held Abigail close to my side. Phoenix hopped to his feet and I kicked at the ground below. It was only two steps before I ran into a wall of a man. Abigail and I spilled out onto the floor. Dark glowing eyes began to appear out of the shadows surrounding the walls. A few came from the surrounding tunnels carrying torches which lit the whole cavern.

I picked up Abigail and myself and spun around to see Rylan standing in front of a tall blonde woman. A dark cape hung off her shoulders and fell to the ground. Red streaked through the dark leather like suit. Stiletto boots had her standing inches off the ground. “Rylan, it has been awhile hasn’t it.” I’d seen her before. She was the woman in my dream.

Rylan turned to Phoenix with a glare in his eyes, “I thought she was taken care of.”

Phoenix’s head lowered and he pleaded with his eyes towards Rylan, “so did I.”

Emma laughed loudly. “You see, your boy here didn’t check my broken body before leaving me.”

“Collin was in trouble, he needed me.” Phoenix snapped loudly and took a step towards her. Why was he defending himself from her?

“Collin,” her gaze tilted up as she was looking at memories in her mind. “We’ve become quite good friends these past months.”

Rylan’s fists balled up and a shot of energy flew from them straight towards Emma. She held up her thin hand and absorbed the blue ball. “Still the chivalrous type I see.”

Rylan’s jaw clenched up and he squared his shoulders. “Boy,” Emma’s dark eyes looked towards me. Abigail walked to my side and put her hand on my chest. Emma’s shoes clicked against the rock below. “I underestimated you before. I promise I won’t do it again.” She got inches from me and put her hand on my chest. With her other hand she shoved Abigail down on the ground.

I took a step forward and her hand stopped me. Her nails drove into my shirt and ripped down exposing the suit beneath. “I figured you’d find yourself eventually.” Dark red lipstick was covering her lips. She brought them close to my face. I took a step back and hit the man wall again. She laughed and exposed her bright white teeth. “You all might as well get undressed. There’s no reason to fight in street clothes, they’ll be ripped to shreds in seconds.” Her hand shot out from her side and everyone’s clothes disintegrated around them. “Much better,” she walked to the center of the circle.

Madeline and Atticus walked behind me. William took his spot on the other side of Abigail. She had picked herself up and stood to my right. Rylan carefully, with his eyes on Emma the whole time, walked in front of us. Phoenix took his side like they were ready for battle. “Oh, we’ve only just begun troops. In fact I have a very special surprise for you. Perhaps this one will hit home.”

Emma’s eyes flicked to the left. From the tunnel we had explored earlier came Zane. His dark suit matched Emma’s. Dark shiny leather covered each inch of his body. A dark cape hung from his shoulders. Its collar stood up high around Zane’s neck. His dark hair was brushed into fohawk on top of his head.  What hit me though were his eyes. The usual bright silver was turned to utter darkness. The hollowness of them surprised me. Not him too, if anyone, not him.

Zane walked out with his usual proud gait. His chest held high and his chin straight out. His eyes immediately went to Phoenix. “Zane not again,” he whispered quietly. My feet stepped forward as I tried to get a better picture of this.

All of a sudden the black circles fell on me. He turned his shoulder so Emma couldn’t see past his collar. A slight smile twitched at the corner of his mouth. His eyes slightly gleamed and a wink came to one. His shoulders spun again and he stopped to look at Emma.  Zane had been working from the inside the whole time. That’s how he knew so much. He figured everything out before anyone could even think about it. I smiled slightly knowing he’d done it to protect us.

Zane crossed his hand across his chest and looked over the whole group. “Less than we planned.” His head turned to Emma.

She smiled brightly, “Less for us to deal with.”

Rylan watched me out of the corner of his eyes. My hand wrapped around his bicep as I looked past his shoulder towards the scene playing out. “They didn’t find them,” He whispered.

“On the contrary, Doctor.  They found us, they pleaded to help. They want to see your destruction just as much as we do.” Emma looked over to one of her dark men. He stood in front of one of the tunnels leading off into the darkness. He stepped aside and three new people stepped forward, the first being Justin. Both Phoenix and Rylan tightened up. I saw the pain soar through him as Justin’s black eyes looked over us. The coldness of his look sent chills down my spine. Abigail shifted uncomfortably behind me. My hand held out behind my back and she took it.

He took his place next to Emma. His arm wrapped around her waist and he pulled her close. She rubbed the top of his chest and looked dreamily up into his eyes. Abigail’s fingers squeezed tighter around mine. Phoenix stepped forward one tiny step, “Justin you’re better than this.” Justin’s cold expression hardened on Phoenix. I could see he was now fighting back tears. “I never loved you like I should’ve, that’s obvious. If you just come back with me we’ll start again. I swear Justin… Wyatt.”

Emma laughed, “He’s no longer your Justin or Wyatt. In fact he is now my Pierce.”  Justin lowered his head and planted his lips right on Emma’s. They shared a passionate kiss for a few minutes. The mood in the room turned uncomfortable and tense. Tears ran down Abigail’s cheeks as she watched her father slipping away. Rylan grabbed Phoenix’s shoulder and pulled him back into ranks. They shared a look and turned back to Emma.

“You won’t get away with this Emma.”

Her hand went into Justin’s hair and twirled each strand lovingly. “Oh, this is far from over Rylan. Pierce honey, will you get the other three.” Justin kissed her once more and walked off. His black cape whipped loudly behind him. Emma put her hands on her hips and stared smugly at us. When Justin reappeared it was with Tex in his hands. He threw Tex down on the ground with great force. His head slammed into the rock and he rolled over in pain.

Phoenix jumped forward but was stopped by Rylan’s hand. “Tex,” he shouted loudly. The word reverberated of the dark walls. Tex looked up with silver eyes telling us it was okay.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Zane bite his lip. His shoulders sunk slightly as he looked down at his brother.

My attention was turned as I saw two other people walking from the tunnel. I gasped when I saw Shiloh and David walking from the blackness. Rylan froze completely and I could hear his breathing stop completely. Black once again covered Shiloh’s eyes. The same black covered the once light parts of David’s eyes. Now the darkness had taken over him too. My heart snapped in two when I saw his body walk out with a dark suit covering every inch of him. There was no sign of happiness on his face. Everything was harsh and hard. It wasn’t David, not my David.

“David,” Zane hissed under his teeth. “Emma you promised.” Well this was strange. Zane squared up and bent his legs in a defensive position.

Emma whipped her hair and looked over at the now pissed off Zane. “I swore allegiance to you just as you swore allegiance to me. I knew you were double dealing under the table. The minute I found out, all promises were off. You can go join your hero scum if you’d like.”

His thighs twitched and he lurched forward. Justin flashed and was on him in a second. Zane’s body flew backwards and landed in front of me. My eyes stared down at him as his eyes slowly turned back to the silver I knew.  Phoenix jumped over him and kneeled down. Zane’s eyes didn’t leave David. He laid on the cold floor with pain running down his face. Phoenix helped pull Zane up and he stood next to me. His arm hit my elbow and he looked back at the kids he’d been teaching.

Rylan switched places with Phoenix to be closer to Shiloh. His eyes never left him. He was searching for the good in him, trying to find even the slightest ounce of hope. I felt Zane shaking in anger next to me. This situation was turning worse as the minutes rolled on.

Luckily Emma sighed, “Should we just start with it already. I’m really tired of waiting.”

William shouted from the back, “Bring it on sister.” 

© 2010 Katie Wan

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Added on June 4, 2010
Last Updated on June 4, 2010


Katie Wan
Katie Wan

Idaho Falls, ID

My whole life is centered around writing. It was only a few years ago that I discovered my passion for it. I love coming up with stories and new characters. Writing is the most important thing in my l.. more..

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