Chapter 44

Chapter 44

A Chapter by Katie Wan

I like caves.


The six person group stood at the foot of a large cave. Dark wet stone covered each side of the dark tunnel. Anela was the first to step in. She was followed by William, then Madeline, and Atticus.  I looked down at Abigail one last time. She took a deep breath and stroked the side of my arm. “No matter what happens…”

“Don’t say that Zander. We’re both coming out of this and you know it.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me forward. When the light from the opening had finally faded Anela handed back headbands with lights on the top. We thanked her and followed her. William walked in the front and talked with her. We walked two by two down the narrow tunnel. Abigail’s hand held mine tightly and we watched our step. “Look at us, hiking together once more. Does it bring back fond memories?”

My mind went to the first time I met her. We walked for days trying to find safety. Only that time I didn’t have her. My hand brought hers to my lips. “I must say I’ve enjoyed this trip a little more.” She smiled and wrapped her arms around mine. Her head rested on the side of my bicep and she supported her weight onto me.

Through the wet tunnels I noticed the same white rock from before spotted throughout the walls. Anela spoke up, “have you ever noticed your father’s wedding band?” Her head snapped back to me. Her silver eyes illuminated.

I shook my head without saying a word. “It’s made from this rock. It’s rare to find large chunks of the rock all together. The ring belonged to our grandfather. Noelani gave it to him when they were married. It was passed on to Ryszard when his father died.” I would have to check about that next time I saw him… If I saw him again.

Suddenly Anela stopped. We all grouped up behind her and listened carefully to her words. “From this point on there will be no powers. You will be sensed within seconds if the slightest ounce of power is activated.” Each of us nodded and she spun around. My hand let go of Abigail’s and I walked up to the front with William and Anela. When William saw me he walked back with Abigail and helped her through the rocks.

Anela looked up at me and continued to walk. “I’m sorry I didn’t know who you were.”

She smiled, “It isn’t your fault.”

I nodded. “When we get to where we’re headed you’re not expected to stay. Our families created this and we will take care of it.”

Anela sighed, “It’s because I’m a girl isn’t it?”

A laugh bubbled through me. I looked at the group behind us. “It’s not like we don’t allow women.”

“It’s just…Never mind.”

I pushed at her shoulder. “Come on cousin, you can tell me.”

She smiled and looked down at the rock. “Whenever there are important meetings regarding the monarch my father and brother get to go. I have to sit at home with my grandmother.”

“You don’t like her?”

 “No, that’s not it. Malu doesn’t even want the powers when my father passes. Malu wants to go to America and study. He doesn’t want to be stuck on the Island forever. I on the other hand would kill to have those powers. I love the island and would do anything for it.”

I listened carefully as she became upset. “You know, women can have the powers. They just discriminate to the first born son because that’s what Keolamauloa wrote in his journals. It’s the same thing with your father. He could live on the Island, but traditions stick.”

“Sometimes they stick a little too hard.” I whispered and looked ahead towards the black tunnel.

Anela nodded beside me. “I just wish I could prove myself somehow.”

“You think maybe this is your chance, don’t you?”She nodded next to me. “Well, we’re more than happy to oblige.” I rubbed the top of her shoulder and gave a quick wink. I slid back into the group and took Abigail’s hand once more.


We walked for a few more hours. When I could tell everyone had enough I stopped them for the night. We found ourselves in a small cavern enough for everyone to spread out. Abigail kneeled on the ground and rolled out her sleeping bag. My bag slid off my shoulders and fell on the ground next to her. She wiped away a few beads of sweat as I kneeled next to her. “How are you feeling?”

She smiled, “Tired. We must’ve covered about seven miles today.”

I looked around to the cave walls. “It’s quite amazing that these run so deep into the Island.”

Abigail turned her head, “are we really talking about the cave.”

I moved my hand to her back. I spread the fingers and rubbed her whole back. “Justin will be fine.”

A sigh slipped from her lips and she sprawled out onto the bag. I took mine out and started rolling it out. She pulled some food out of her bag and started munching on it. “No he won’t.” I opened my mouth to start talking but she cut me off. “We lost him long ago. It was a process.”

I laid out across my bag and looked up at the dark ceiling. “I know what you mean.”

She took a deep breath and curled up to my side. I wrapped my arm around her back and carefully pulled her into me. As the lights around us began to fade my eyelids slowly shut. As I fell into the darkness of sleep I dreamt of a better time, a better life.

© 2010 Katie Wan

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Added on June 4, 2010
Last Updated on June 4, 2010


Katie Wan
Katie Wan

Idaho Falls, ID

My whole life is centered around writing. It was only a few years ago that I discovered my passion for it. I love coming up with stories and new characters. Writing is the most important thing in my l.. more..

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