Chapter 43

Chapter 43

A Chapter by Katie Wan

and we're on the island.. yes!


Sand flicked up into our faces as we warped onto the bright beach. Abigail pulled sunglasses out of a pouch on her bag. The large black lenses shaded the sun from her eyes. She looked up and smiled at me. “I didn’t forget you.” She reached into the pouch again. In her hand was a pair of aviator glasses. “I knew you hadn’t been here before.” She spun around and grabbed another pair for Madeline. I looked to see that William and Atticus had packed their own.

I laughed and slid them on my face. My eyes relaxed behind the tinted glass. Abigail took my hand and started walking along the beach. I could see her silver eyes illuminated underneath the dark shades. “They’re somewhere deep within the caves. I can’t tell exactly where. It looks as if we’ll be doing a lot of walking.”

I nodded and picked up a little speed. There was some rustling in the bushes beside us. All five of us jumped back and crouched, ready to attack. “Who are you?” A young voice called loudly.

“Who are you?” I called back in the same tone.

It was a young boy I was talking to. I could tell by the deepness of his voice. “What’re you doing on my Island?”

Abigail stepped forward, “We’re just visiting. We’re Oresons.”

The boy paused and then there was more rustling, “Oresons?” Finally the boy popped out of the palm leaves lining the beach. His white hair stood straight up on top of his head. Gel held it up in different spikes. A dark tan covered his bare chest. It showed that he spent a lot of time on the beach. Dark grey eyes looked over each and every one of us. “I’m taking you to the Queen.”

“No you don’t need to do that. We’re here to do some hiking.”

The boy looked over us carefully. “Malu, leave them alone.” A girl’s voice came from our right. Every head turned toward her. White hair hung thick down the sides of her shoulders. A white see through sundress covered a white bikini. She had a silver ankle bracelet strapped around her left leg. It glittered with every step she took. The wind whipped at her hair towards us. It gave the scent of rain and ocean. She smiled brightly and looked at the boy. “Please excuse my little brother. He takes his job a little too far sometimes.” She finally reached us. Her hand draped around the young boys shoulder. “Did you say you were Oresons?”

Abigail nodded, “We’re here to do some hiking.”

“I’m Anela Khtulu. I’m Haulani’s daughter.”

Abigail smiled and tightened up a little bit. “I’m Abigail Oreson, Phoenix’s daughter.”

Anela looked at the rest of us. “My grandmother has wanted to see the Oreson’s for quite awhile now.

“We’ve been a little busy.”

“No worries,” Anela smiled. “I’ll take you now.” Before we could protest the ground moved around us and we warped into a large palace. White walls covered each side of us. Large pillars stood on each side of the great hall. Black drapes hung from the ceiling to the floor. A dark black carpet carved a way to the front of the hall. There sat two large and beautiful white stone thrones. There was a group of people standing around towards the front. A very tan woman in a large white gown turned when she saw us approaching.

Her long white hair was pulled up with curls sprawling from the bun down to her shoulders. The large dress had a large collar that covered way above her hair. A white stone crown sat on top of her head. I licked my lips as we walked forward. My heart pounded loudly inside my chest. I tried to sink my chest in to muffle the loud thumping but it hardly helped.

When we finally approached the woman a large man stepped in front of her. His chest was bare and he wore white dress pants. No shoes were covering his feet. His tan skin stood out against the white. White curly hair was pulled back in to a pony tail. His thick jaw told me immediately he was Rylan’s brother. His lips were pursed together and he looked down his long nose toward us.

Anela walked behind him and put her hand on his bicep. He loosened up and stood at her side. “You should go find your mother.”

Anela huffed, “I brought them here I should get to stay.”

Haulani nodded and returned his gaze back to us. Noelani, the queen in the large dress stepped forward into our view. “Abigail Oreson, I haven’t seen you since you were about four.”

Abigail stepped forward and curtseyed. “It’s wonderful to see you again Noelani.” Abigail stepped back and pointed to William. “This is my cousin William. He’s the son of Veronica.”

Noelani stepped forward and William shook her hand. “William, you look much like your mother.”

He laughed, “Thanks I think.”

She smiled and Abigail continued, “I believe you know the James’ from Miami? This is their son Atticus.”

Noelani nodded, “I have met Atticus before.”

She stepped back once more but her eyes fell on me and Madeline. Abigail froze up slightly. “These are friends from school. Za- …” She paused for a moment “Zoram.” She corrected.

“Zoram?” Noelani asked with a deep questioning in her voice.

Abigail nodded, “And his twin sister Mandy.” She paid more attention this time.

I bowed slightly and I felt Madeline curtsey behind me. “Zoram and Mandy it’s wonderful to meet you.” My eyes dodged her gaze and tried not to make my resemblance to Rylan stand out. I tried to look as much like Shiloh as possible.  Noelani smiled, “What brings you to the island?”

William spoke up, “Just some hiking and camping.”

“We’ve never seen the Island,” Madeline chimed behind me. My neck snapped and I gave her a glaring look shutting her up. She looked the most like Rylan. My eyes looked up to see Anela staring at me. She was figuring something out, it wasn’t hard to tell.

“While you’re here you must see the school.”

Abigail protested, “We really are here only for the weekend and we’re excited to get going, your highness. So if you please excuse us we’ll get out of your way.”

Noelani’s hands went up, “An hour is all I ask. Anela will take you and show you around the new dorms. Perhaps you could squeeze into your father’s old room.”

Anela walked out from behind her father. Malu took her place and he and Haulani walked off. Noelani smiled over us once more. “I hope you find our Island most pleasant.”

We all nodded and turned around. Again the earth shifted underneath us and we were in a different place. A long hallway stretched on either side of us. Dark wood lined the two walls all the way to a large glass window. The walls were painted a dark rusty orange. Anela stepped in front of us and smiled. “I know you’re in a hurry. I will just show you the dorms.”

She started talking and walking forward. I completely zoned out as I looked at the beautiful art on the walls. They were all originals from students of the school, Anela told us. The atmosphere of this whole place began to calm me. I could live here, I could live here forever. Abigail tugged at my wrist and pulled me past each and every door. Anela opened a door. Madeline, Atticus, and William walked in. Anela smiled at Abigail and me, “I will show you something special.”

Anela opened the door on her right and stepped in. We walked in after her to look at a dark room. A flannel comforter covered the large mattress. Chairs and couches sat up around the room with the same fabric from the comforter sprawled across them. Abigail walked to the bed and rubbed the blanket. “Can you imagine my father was young enough to come here once?” I smiled at her and walked over to the couch. I sat down and watched as Abigail explored. I could see her mind imagining her father in the very room. She ran her hands over every inch of the walls, exploring everything that she could.

I watched her as she swayed her hips from wall to wall. The scent of Lilacs filled the air. Anela watched us both with careful eyes. I tensed up when I noticed she was watching very carefully. “I know who you are.” She finally whispered. Abigail froze and spun around. Anela stared at us both. I stood up and walked over to Abigail and shut the door behind her. “I know what you’re doing here.”

“How do you know that?”

Anela smiled, “Don’t think I’m going to tell on you. It’s actually quite the opposite. I want to help you.”

“Help us?” I asked carefully and wrapped my arm around Abigail’s waist.

Anela whipped her hair back behind her shoulders. “I know those caves better than anyone else on the Island. I could navigate you through them.”

“We wouldn’t want to get you involved.” Abigail looked down at her feet as she spoke.

Anela stepped forward, inches from us. “Zander we’re family. Just because our parents and grandparents go by tradition doesn’t mean that we have to also.”

My silver eyes looked up into the dark grey spheres of hers. “It’s quite ridiculous isn’t it?” I asked and Anela smiled. My neck twisted and I looked down to Abigail. “I think she would be useful, if you think so.”

Abigail smiled brightly, “Having a Khtulu on our side is always useful.”

Anela started jumping up and down. “Let me get my stuff and we’ll head out on our way.”

I nodded and she ran out the door. Abigail hugged my side tightly then stepped out from under me. She kneeled on the bed and gradually fell onto her back. She cupped her hands over her stomach and looked up to the ceiling. “He used to do this,” She smiled brightly and I followed her to the bed. My arms wrapped around her tightly. My nose pressed into the side of her neck and I breathed into her soft skin.

She stroked my forearm that was over her torso. “This could be us you know?”

“Hmm?” My nose smelled her sweet aroma.

“If you could hide under Noelani for as long as you did, then there’s no need to be afraid of this place. You and I could come here. We could learn how to use our powers. We could learn about our people. Zander, we could finally figure out who and what we are.”

I sat up on my elbow and looked down on her. I stroked the side of her cheek with my balled up fist. “All I need to know is that at the end of the day I’ll have you in my arms.” Her silver eyes gleamed and poured into my soul. She sat up and planted her lips right on mine. We sunk back down onto the bed and held each other. 

© 2010 Katie Wan

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Added on June 4, 2010
Last Updated on June 4, 2010


Katie Wan
Katie Wan

Idaho Falls, ID

My whole life is centered around writing. It was only a few years ago that I discovered my passion for it. I love coming up with stories and new characters. Writing is the most important thing in my l.. more..

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