Chapter 42

Chapter 42

A Chapter by Katie Wan

Yay Zander!


After two more weeks life really became unbearable. Nothing was happening and nothing was getting done. My home life was starting to affect my life at school.

I sat in the center of the lunch room. The usual friends surrounded me. Madeline was to my left leaning on Atticus, Abbi sat on my right on top of the table, and William was standing on the other side of the table with one of his feet on a chair. “My mom says it’s none of her business and she won’t get involved.” William said as he leaned on his bent leg. “My dad’s not a hero so there’s not much he could do.”

“Phoenix is completely emotionally and physically drained. He can barely eat let alone save anyone.” Abigail was stroking the side of my face with her pale hand.

“My parents don’t know any of your families I doubt they’d even help.” Atticus said solemnly.

William sighed, “It seems we don’t have much choice. We’ll just have to do as they saw.”

“Screw that.” I whispered.

William sat forward, “What was that?”

“Screw that!” I finally shouted. “Why should we always have to do what our parents think?”

“Because they’re our parents,” Atticus chimed in.

I stood up and slammed my hand into the table. “My brother and dad are lying on a hospital bed dying and no one is helping them.” No one said a word. “I’ll be damned if I let them die without lifting a finger.”

“What are we supposed to do?” Madeline sat up and started watching me with enthusiasm.

I smiled brightly, “We do what our parents would’ve done when they were our age. Why should we let them have all the fun and have us pay for it? If they were here they would’ve gone after the culprits weeks ago.  I’m tired of living in their shadows. We are our own heroes.” I picked up my bag and my jacket.

William stood straight up, “What’re you doing?” He asked loudly. The whole cafeteria was staring at me now.

Another smile crossed my face. A smile I could be proud of. “I’m going to save my brother, like a hero would.”

I turned on my heels and started walking out of the cafeteria. “Wait,” William called after me.

Again my body turned and I looked at him. “There’s no way I’m letting you do this on your own.” He picked up his bag and jacket and started walking towards me.

Abigail jumped up off the table and walked the same way as William. She came to my side and wrapped her arm around me. Madeline looked at Atticus and stood up. She walked toward me with a big bright smile on her face. We all looked at Atticus, “we would understand if you didn’t want to go.”

He smiled, “Can I bring my lunch. I’m kind of hungry.”  We all laughed but realized he wasn’t joking. He grabbed his coat and bag along with the sandwich from his lunch. The five of us walked out of the Cafeteria with everyone cheering for us. This is what I was supposed to be doing, it felt right.


After packing different bags we all warped to the Oreson home. Someone was banging around in the Kitchen. I walked around the corner to see Tex doing the dishes. “Tex, what’re you doing here?”

He turned his neck and smiled at us, “Phoenix is useless when he gets depressed.” Tex pointed to the sink full of dishes.

“Half of that are my bad.” Tex smiled and started the water. “I’m glad you’re here actually.”

He sighed, “I know what you want and I know where you’re going. You’re much like me you know?”I lowered my head. “What you’re looking for is not here and it’s somewhere you can’t go.”

My face twisted and Abbi walked up behind me. “Khtulu, isn’t it?” Tex nodded and shut the water off coming from the sink. “That would explain why you couldn’t find them before.”

Tex nodded. My face twisted and I looked at both of them. “Your family is banished from the Island Zander, you and Madeline aren’t allowed in.”

“Tha-” I gasped and stood up straight. “That’s not fair. We didn’t’ do anything wrong.”

Tex nodded, “I know, but those are the laws Zander.”

I slammed my hand into the wall next to me and walked off. Tex turned around and returned to the sink. Abigail caught up with me as I walked up the stairs towards the makeshift hospital room. Rylan and Phoenix were both asleep in their lounge chairs they never moved from. Abigail stopped me before we walked into the room. “We’ll get you there,” she whispered.

“Of course, but I couldn’t let Tex think that.”

She smiled brightly and pushed me through the door. I walked over to Shiloh first. I rubbed my hand across his dark hair. “I love you, dad. I’ll make this better.” There was no movement hinting an understanding, but I knew he heard me.

I scowled down at Justin. He was the real villain here. He ruined David and that’s why he was also lying in this room. Abigail smiled as she kissed the top of David’s head. She passed me and went to her father the traitor.

I kneeled at David’s bedside. I took his hand in mine and held it against my cheek. Despite his condition his skin still held its usual warmth. My lips caressed the top of his knuckles. “David, I know that if you were awake you’d be right alongside me. I love you and I’ll save you. That’s a promise I won’t break.”

I felt the emotions breaking through my built up border. Quickly I stood up and looked at Abigail. She smiled and joined me at my side. We both walked out of the room and let Abigail, William and Atticus say their good bye’s also.

We each looked at each other one last time and walked down the stairs and straight out the front door. We continued to walk down the gravel path. I cleared my throat and looked down to Abigail, “We’re ready. Take us there.” 

© 2010 Katie Wan

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Added on June 4, 2010
Last Updated on June 4, 2010


Katie Wan
Katie Wan

Idaho Falls, ID

My whole life is centered around writing. It was only a few years ago that I discovered my passion for it. I love coming up with stories and new characters. Writing is the most important thing in my l.. more..

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