Chapter 41

Chapter 41

A Chapter by Katie Wan

Zander is awesome..


Abigail stood at my side as we looked down at the three lifeless bodies. “They seem to be in Coma’s.”

“Is there nothing you can do?” I pleaded. Abigail wrapped her arms around my waist.

Rylan shook his head. He was sitting next to Shiloh. Their hands were intertwined. It was nice to see them together, even under the current conditions. Phoenix stood in the corner and stared at Justin.

“Who could be doing this?” I finally asked the question everyone wanted to know.

No one could give an answer. My fingers played with Abigail’s hair that had fallen over her shoulders. I took a deep breath and twisted in her arms. She let go and I quickly stepped out of the room. I practically ran down the stairs of the Oreson’s home. I didn’t stop. I continued to go straight out the front door. Abigail was watchfully following behind me. Her feet pattered against the wood. As I ran out my feet finally touched the gravel. I took a hard right and started running.

I ran and I didn’t stop.  I found my way to the beach. I kicked my shoes off and ran as fast as I could. I flicked my powers on giving me the strength to keep going. As I ran, tears streamed down my face steadily. Abbi couldn’t see me like this. I had to protect her, but right now my life was falling apart. My best friend, my brother, was probably dying back home. My father was facing the exact same fate and nothing was being done.

The sand flicked up and cut at my calves. I ran past young kids flying kites with their parents. I remember the times I could do that. The piece of fabric was flying so high, high above anything else. It looked down on us with sympathy. It has a simple life and we are so complicated. Why can’t we just fly above and look down on everything. Why does everything have to be the way it is?

My fingers tore at my shirt. Finally the fabric came loose and I ripped it in half. I pulled my mask from underneath my suit and wrapped it around me. I unhooked my cape and ripped off my pants. As I passed more kids they looked up at me. “Mommy, it’s a hero.” They called one right after the other. They took time from their busy lives to look at me with great respect. I had done nothing. I was shameful, a fool to wear this.

A song filled my heart, a song of lament and sadness. A young girl’s voice sang over a dark cello. An ooh was all she sang, yet it touched me. This wasn’t a song I’d heard. It was the song of my heart, the song my mind needed to hear. Without realizing it I kicked off of the beach and started to soar through the air. My dark cape whipped behind me loudly. It was truly exhilarating to be up here looking down on everyone and on their problems. From up here everything seemed so simple.  Up here there was no death. There was only life, active life.

I began to respect Rylan a little more. Before finding out I was a hero everything was going perfectly fine. Life was simple and easy. He was right for not telling me. I don’t’ want to tell my kids. But if you don’t know you’re a hero, you don’t get to fly.

My feet landed on the cement and I walked to the front door. After two knocks I heard someone walk towards me. They unlocked the deadbolt and opened the door. Tex looked down at me, “Zander are you alright?”

I nodded, “Is Zach here?”

Tex smiled, “He’s in his bedroom.”

I nodded and walked past him. With my powers I didn’t need to ask where he was. I opened his red door and stepped into the blue room. His little silver eyes looked up from a toy he was playing with. “Zander!” he chimed happily. A smile inevitably crossed my face. My feet carried me over to his bed and I laid down next to him.  “My dad bought this for me.” He showed me a small hero action figure. It was of Tex, ones they had made many years ago when the Oresons were still fighting crime. “He told me that if he’s not here with me that he put his heart inside the doll. That way he’ll always be with me.”

He handed the doll to me and I stroked its cape back. Then I touched the golden O on its chest. “How’s school?”

Zach laughed, “It’s good. They’re teaching me to read.”

“Are they now? I bet you’re great at it.”

He shrugged, “Timmy is faster, but I’m not far behind.”

I put my arm under his head and pulled him into my chest. “Let me tell you something. You don’t always want to be the best at everything. You’ll kill yourself. Just have fun while you can.”

He nodded, “That’s what my dad says.”

I stroked the white hairs that were spread across my arm. “Your dad is a smart man, you know that?”

Zachary put the doll to his chest and curled up in mine. “Zander, you’re my best friend. I love you.”

I pulled the little guy tighter into my arms. When he fell asleep I closed my eyes and relaxed. This little boy loved me unconditionally and would for the rest of his life. It was a relief knowing I didn’t have to be brave or strong for at least one person. As my eyes closed they became heavier and heavier until I also had fallen asleep.


It was a few hours later when I woke up. The sun was gone and the moonlight shone into the room. I had a strange feeling that I was being watched. With gentle arms I slid Zachary down onto the bed. Stealthily I walked over to the window and my eyes lit up. I could’ve sworn something moved in the bushes.

The door opened behind me and I leapt for Zachary. I crouched next to the bed waiting to see who it was. Tex stepped in and shut the door. He kept the light off and illuminated his eyes. “Abigail’s outside.”

I sunk to the side of the bed and rested my arms on my bent knees. Tex walked further into the room and sat next to me. He let out a loud sigh and looked up over my shoulder at Zachary. “He loves you, you know.”

I nodded, “He let me know. I love him too.”

Tex smiled, “That’s good.” I never realized before how much he and Zane really did look alike. The biggest difference was the way they held themselves. Tex put his arm around me and started to play with my hair. Much like a father would do to a son. “Rylan will figure something out.”

“But at what cost? They’re dying and he’s just sitting there.”

Tex nodded, “Someday you’ll have enough faith in him that you can just trust that he’s making the right decision. I promise. But now you have a very worried girlfriend sitting in my living room.”

He hit my knee and stood up. I looked at Zach and then back to him. He nodded and walked out of the room. I picked Zachary up in my arms and walked out into the hall. Abigail stood up when she found me. “I looked everywhere for you.”

“I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I needed to be alone.”

She put her hands on her hips, “You could’ve said something.”

I nodded, “You’re right.” I walked over to her with Zachary still curled into my chest. Abbi smiled up at me when I came close and she wiped a hair out of Zach’s face.

Her hand rested on my forearm and she looked down on the little boy. Kei walked around the corner with plates of food. “Please stay for dinner you two.”

I looked down at Abigail who gave me her answer with an excited smile. “We’d love to thank you.”

Zachary’s silver eyes popped open and looked up towards me. He smiled when he saw I was still there. He shifted his head and saw Abigail. “Abigail, you’re here now?” She nodded and kissed the top of his temple.

He shifted out of my hand and I set him down on the ground. He helped Kei set the table. The two girls came from their rooms and joined us at the dinner table. Abigail talked to them like they were her best friends. Tex and Kei laughed as Zachary told them a story from school. I reached over the table and grabbed for Abigail’s hand. She didn’t stop her conversation but she twisted her hands with mine. I shoveled food into my face like I hadn’t eaten in months. When the night was over Abigail and I said good bye and walked out the door to her car.

I held her hand and tugged at her to get closer. “That was a nice dinner.”

“I’ll say,” She smiled up at me and started to let go of my hand so she could drive. I pinched my fingers tighter and pulled her into my body. I held her waist and pulled her tighter into me. I smelt the beautiful floral lilac scent coming from her hair. “I can’t believe you’re mine.”

“I’ve been yours our whole lives.”

I grabbed her hair and pulled it all together into a pony tail. She stepped back and looked up at my face. “Zander, you’re something special.”

I laughed as our lives were turning to some romance novel. I stroked her pink cheek with my thumb. Her soft skin was warm to the touch. Her warm heart radiated throughout her. I sat my hand on the side of her face and pushed our lips into together. I pulled away and held her body still close to mine. “Abigail, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” She giggled underneath my arm. I laughed also, “You know it’s the truth.”

“And you know that I feel the same. We also both know that it will end up that way whether we like it or not.” Her lips pressed in between my Pecs.

I took a deep breath, “after this let’s get out of this town. We’ll find somewhere new to go. We’ll start a new life.”

“We’ll start our life.” I nodded and kissed the top of her head. “I love you Zander.” She whispered and hugged me tighter.

“I love you Abbi.” 

© 2010 Katie Wan

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Added on June 4, 2010
Last Updated on June 4, 2010


Katie Wan
Katie Wan

Idaho Falls, ID

My whole life is centered around writing. It was only a few years ago that I discovered my passion for it. I love coming up with stories and new characters. Writing is the most important thing in my l.. more..

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