Chapter 36

Chapter 36

A Chapter by Katie Wan

I smell a plan


Rylan Khtulu

When Kei took Zachary and the rest of the kids’ home every one of us circled around the coffee table. “What’s the plan?”

“He’s not Shiloh I can promise you that.”

Everyone started to use their powers. We were trying to figure something out. “If he’s not Shiloh then he has to be Collin.”

I nodded after Zander’s remark. “That would make sense, but Collin doesn’t have powers.”

Zander scooted closer to the table. “Shiloh and Collin worked together, didn’t they? Collin could be using Shiloh against his will. That was a weird sentence.” David and Zander laughed a minute. “I’m just saying, perhaps Shiloh’s been over taken.”

Phoenix stroked the bottom of his chin, “That would make sense.”

“How can we know?” Tex asked quietly from the corner.

We all sat back on our heels as we tried to think of something. “We need someone who’s completely neutral on both sides; Collin and Shiloh.”

Tex squinted at me, “You mean someone who he respected before and after the transformation?”

My head nodded up and down. Phoenix laughed, “That’s definitely not me. I’m not a fan on either side.”

“I’m not either.” I whispered silently.

Justin put his hands up, “Well don’t look at me.”

Tex sat up as he started figuring things out, “Jazz or Veronica.” We all watched him as his train of thought brought him through different portals of the mind. “He respected both of them when he was human. Jazz was someone he felt close to. When he transformed that bond became even closer. Not so much with Veronica as with Jazz. Phillip he’s the key. Phillip is the one spouse he respects.”

I spoke quickly, “Get Jazz over here.”

We hadn’t realized how late it was. Jazz walked in with dark circles under her eyes. “What do you want? Can’t you see it’s three in the morning?” all of our eyes looked up to her and she could see it was serious. “What’s wrong?”

“Shiloh’s gone and we need your help.” I whispered carefully under my breath. I knew full well that she could hear each word out of my lips.

Her eyes illuminated the dark room around us. She didn’t want to speak the words and no one else wanted to either. Instead we found ourselves kneeled around a table watching her as she dialed Collin’s number. Every eye in the room brightened as she brought the device to her ear. We quietly listened as the phone rang and rang again.

Finally an answer “Jazz,”

“Collin,” her eyes got big as she realized her mistake. “Sounds like you,” she tried to get her confidence back.

He laughed, “What can I do for you?”

The sound of his voice echoed in my mind. I tried to keep my strength but it was too much. I sunk my head and pinched the bridge of my nose. Phoenix’s hand went to the back of my throat and he brought his lips to my ear, “Somehow you get used to it.” He whispered carefully and pulled away. That wasn’t about to happen soon.

“Phillip and I wanted to try out a new restaurant. We were curious if you’d like to join. I feel like we haven’t seen you since you moved back.”

There was a long pause on the other end, “I don’t live in Miami anymore.”

Jazz paused also, “Phillip and I were thinking about a restaurant in Maine. We heard they have some of the best crab on the coast.”

“There’s nothing better than Butters Crab Palace.”

Jazz also laughed, “That was a wonderful time.” They both laughed as they thought about memories the two of them shared. “So what do you say? 5:00 in Portland Maine. You know you want to.” My chest started to heave in and out as the anticipation set in. There was a long pause on the other line.

We all sat on our knees bouncing with fear of rejection. “How could I ever pass up time with you?”

She smiled, “I’m glad to hear it. I will catch you tomorrow then.”

“You sure will.” The line on the other end went dead and Jazz sunk her hand to her legs.

“How will I be able to do this, knowing he isn’t who he is?”

I took a deep breath, “We’ll just have to wait and see.”


The next day Phoenix and I prepared to go to dinner with them. The two of us would be the best to gauge his current situation. We of course would have to go in disguise. I took the approach of well established business man with Phoenix as my lover. I shuddered at the thought but continued getting read. As I walked out I shifted my body to look different. With dark black hair gelled back for a business on the go look. I tightened my tie as I walked down the stairs. Phoenix looked up at me and smiled down to the group sitting on the couch, “My date’s ready.” 

© 2010 Katie Wan

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Added on June 4, 2010
Last Updated on June 4, 2010


Katie Wan
Katie Wan

Idaho Falls, ID

My whole life is centered around writing. It was only a few years ago that I discovered my passion for it. I love coming up with stories and new characters. Writing is the most important thing in my l.. more..

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