Chapter 30

Chapter 30

A Chapter by Katie Wan

Someone likes to show up randomly.


As my eyes started to open again I heard the TV in my room blaring loudly. There was a discomfort in my left side where they had taken my kidney. Carefully I closed my eyes. The room was still a little fuzzy as I tried to focus. My strength felt better than when Rylan had taken my powers. I guess I really took them for granted. I took a deep breath and felt the pain in my left side. My body flinched trying to protect its self. From then on I kept my breaths slow and even.

When the fog around the room finally lifted I looked around. There was no one in the room except David. He was lying with his eyes half slit open looking up to the screen. “David?” I asked quietly enough to get his attention but not wake him.

Carefully his dark brown eyes slid open and looked up at me. “Zander, What are you doing here? What am I doing here?”

My body used all of its strength to sit myself upright. “You were sick, you had a kidney infection.”

The dark brown eyes watched over me carefully. “That doesn’t explain why you’re here.”

I nodded and leaned back against the pillows. “Your kidneys started to fail and you needed a transplant. My blood type was compatible with yours. So I donated my kidney.”

“You did what?” I could tell the fog still hadn’t lifted from his mind. Carefully I sat up. I split open my gown and turned over showing him the large incision. He gasped, “I can’t believe you did that.”

“Why don’t you? We’re brother that’s what we do for each other.” My body returned to its spot against the pillows.

David’s eyes filled with great love and devotion. “Zander, thank you so much. It means everything to me.”

I smiled. “It means we’re blood brothers. You have a part of me floating inside of you.”

David chuckled lightly. “Hug me brother.” He held his hands out. The doctors had told me before that walking really helped with the pain. With great precaution I pushed myself off the bed. David was still hooked up to a few machines but nothing like before. I bent at the waist and put my arms around him. “You’re my best friend and brother. Don’t ever forget that.”

“How could I?” I said and patted the top of his head. “The doctors were right. Walking does help.” The pain had decreased rapidly after the body movements. I explained the whole thing to David as I paced around the whole room. I knew that he still didn’t have enough strength to start walking.

Just about the time I finished the story the door opened. Our parents stood in the door way. They each carried boxes of take out Chinese food. Their eyes looked over me, but something was different. Shiloh’s eyes were a different color. “What happened to your eyes?”

He shrugged lightly as he walked through the door, “I have no idea.”  They sat the food on the table sitting underneath the TV. “How are you feeling?”

David answered right off the back, “I’m feeling a whole lot better.”

“That’s good,” Rylan said quietly and walked over to him. His powers turned on and he looked over David’s whole body. “You look much better inside.”

“Thanks dad.” Rylan smiled when he heard that and kissed the top of his head. Shiloh was staring at me from the corner. There was a strange look in his eyes. I watched them carefully to see the colored part of his eyes moving around. The eyes grabbed a hold of me and didn’t let go. It felt as if he was pulling my mind in trying to read every thought and image ingrained there.

I took a deep breath and the eyes released me. Quickly I looked away and over at Rylan. He and David were talking. Neither of them had seen anything. I didn’t look at Shiloh again for the rest of the night. When it was finally time for them to go Shiloh walked over to me. He put his icy cold lips against my forehead and I shivered. Never had he been that cold. His body was always the warmest I’d ever felt. I knew it was his heart. Something was wrong, something that no one else was seeing.

David fell asleep quickly after they were gone. When I felt it was also time for me to rest I stood up and walked towards the lights in the room. I flicked them off with the switch using my finger. The TV’s light was still on. I walked over to it and found the power off button on the screen. I flicked it off but a light still shone. As I spun around two silver eyes stared at me from the corner. Before I had time to screech a hand covered my mouth. The blood in my body pumped and my powers flicked on. “It’s Zane, shut up.”

One by one his fingers peeled from my mouth. I whispered this time, “Zane what are you doing here?”

“We need to talk.” I nodded. We did. He carefully spread his hand on my back and led me back to my bed. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I guess I just do that.” I situated myself back onto the bed. Zane paced back and forth between David and I. “I know who kidnapped you. Actually I know everything.”

“What? Who was it?”

He sighed, “That I can’t tell you.”

“Why not?” I asked with a rude tone in my words.

Zane’s silver eyes pierced down on me. “What we’re up against is a lot stronger than I thought. They know more than any of us even imagined. We can’t hide what we always thought we could.”

My face twisted, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m really just a little confused.”

“Zander, can you just trust me?”

I thought a moment. Although he was outlawed by his family, Zane had never done anything to me. In fact he saved my life. There wasn’t a reason for me not to trust him. “I can,” I whispered. My back leaned against a soft pillow. The incision along my side pained a little as I moved.

Zane stopped when he looked at David. “Is he doing alright?”

“A lot better now, how’d you�"“I already knew that answer. I quietly sat back and watched as Zane eyed David carefully. Each gem of silver tumbled over the dark skin of David. Not a word came from his mouth as he watched David sleeping. His hand twitched at his side almost wanting to reach out and touch David, but he pulled it away.

“You’re a good friend to do that you know.”

I smiled, “A good brother.”

“That’s right, I forgot.” Zane’s knees bent and landed on the floor. Again his eyes flicked over David studying every movement, every breath.

“Is there something you need?” I finally asked after the room became filled with awkward air.

Zane snapped out of his day dream and returned over to me. “You’re strong Zander, stronger than you know.” I opened my mouth to speak but Zane’s hand went up in protest. “But you aren’t strong enough, not yet. I’ve seen the future and I know what comes. You need to train.”

“Rylan won’t teach me and to hell if I’m going to let that new Shiloh get near me.”

“New Shiloh?” Apparently Zane had been occupied with the David situation more than the Shiloh one.  I saw his mind stare off into the distance, “Well that’s… unexpected.” I nodded and let him pace again back and forth, “How long until you’re healthy again?”

My shoulders lifted to my ears and then dropped again. “The doctors say two to three weeks, but with my powers it shouldn’t be too long at all.”

Zane nodded, “I will find you when I think you’re ready.” Zane pick up his feet and started walking toward my window. He stopped when he was at the edge of the bed. The boots beneath him creaked as he spun on them. “May I, look at him?”

I nodded, “Everyone else has.” Zane’s hand held out over David’s body as he searched through him. “That’s also not expected. I have a lot more I need to look into.” His hand snapped away and within seconds he was gone. My eyes searched out the window only to see a dark figure leaping away across the buildings. I took a deep breath and leaned my head back onto the pillow. Only to be met with a deep and refreshing slumber.

© 2010 Katie Wan

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Added on June 4, 2010
Last Updated on June 4, 2010


Katie Wan
Katie Wan

Idaho Falls, ID

My whole life is centered around writing. It was only a few years ago that I discovered my passion for it. I love coming up with stories and new characters. Writing is the most important thing in my l.. more..

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