Chapter 27

Chapter 27

A Chapter by Katie Wan

Oh suckage..


“Symphony director, can you imagine that? It’s just until they find a new instructor but still.” Zander was bubbling with excitement at the dinner table. Madeline sat next to him chewing her food with great enthusiasm. I looked over at Rylan who was smiling down the table towards Zander. His hand grabbed mine across the table and he gave me a quick smile. Zander started spouting off talking about all the wonderful things he was going to do for the symphony.

A back door closed and David walked out. His usually dark face was a lighter pale. Sweat doused the top of his brow and his eyes seemed almost glossed over. Slowly he took his spot next to Zander and stared at the food steaming on the plate below.

When Rylan had occupied Madeline and Zander with another story I leaned over to him. “Are you alright David?”

His blue eyes moved from the plate up to me. A nod slowly came over his head. “I’m fine,” he answered as cheerfully as he could. “Just a have stomach ache that’s all.” My hand stroked the back of his dark head and I smiled to try and comfort him. “Can I be excused? I think I need some rest.”

I nodded and he stepped up from the table. I watched him painfully walk to his room and close the door. When he did my powers were on, searching him. I hit a wall, I couldn’t read his mind. I pushed my powers further into his mind only to find some memories and images. The rest were blocked by large dark walls. There was something strange in those walls, something too dark.

Rylan squeezed my hand and I came back to reality. His eyes were looking at me. I shook my head and returned my attention to dinner.

That night I didn’t sleep well. It was as if the darkness I had discovered in David’s mind was watching me. Something had control of him and it was slowly getting closer to me. My body jolted awake making me sit up as fast as I could. The night was still gleaming in through the open windows. Rylan carefully sat up and rubbed the tiredness from his eyes. “What is it,love?” His hand sprawled across my back and he looked up into my fear filled face.

“Just memories,” I lied carefully hoping to not let him catch on.

He yawned and again rubbed his eyes. “Anything I can do?” His head leaned over and sat onto my shoulder. My hands carefully stroke a few strands of his hair.

A deep breath filled my lungs and I let it go. “Just go back to sleep.” Carefully I kicked the blankets off of me and jumped out of our bed.

“Shiloh,” Rylan called behind me, “It’ll be alright.” I smiled slightly and looked back at him. Another quick nod came over me and I walked out of the room.

My fingers flicked over the keyboard of the laptop. I searched through endless web pages about super heroes. I searched through histories and back stories. Nothing seemed to relate to my case. Never had I seen these black walls before. There was a strange evil to them that I didn’t like. Before I knew it the kids walked by the office. They were all dressed and ready to go.

The laptop shut off with a snap and I walked out into the kitchen. The three of them looked up at me with bright smiles. David had regained his color again. His light eyes beamed up brightly towards me. I watched him carefully out of the corner of my eyes. Rylan walked out from the stairs and into the kitchen. He was dressed in a nice suit with a bag hanging off of his side.

“Where are you going?” I asked. The kids all grabbed something to eat and sat at the bar.

Rylan grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl as he walked toward me. “I have a meeting with the dean of Florida State, remember?” He finally got to me and stood inches from my body. His finger rubbed up and down my shirt.

“I don’t want you to go.” I whispered under my breath.

The smile wiped off of Rylan’s face. “This is about a job. I need to be there. It’s lunch, that’s all.”

I scooted a little closer into him. “That’s all?” Rylan grabbed my shoulders and led me more into the front room. We were away from the kids’ hearing range.

Rylan set the apple down and put both his hands on the sides of my arms. “I have to run to the hospital for a few hours. Shiloh, what is wrong with you?”

What was wrong with me? How could I let something so small like this, completely take over me? I was acting foolish. My feet stepped back slightly. “Nothing, I just feel I haven’t seen you for awhile.”

Rylan’s face twisted. “Sweetheart I was here all day yesterday.” Oh yeah, I forgot. He pulled me in and kissed the top of my forehead. “I have to go now and so do the kids. Don’t get too lonely.” I smiled and tried to laugh, but something was stopping me. He squeezed my arms once more and let go. As he grabbed the apple and the keys the kids filed out into the garage one by one. I listened carefully as the cars pulled out from the cement room. When I could no longer hear the tires on the street I stiffened. Fear ran though me. My head snapped to look behind me. I could’ve sworn someone was there. Quickly I locked myself in the bathroom. A shower was the best thing for me.

The closed in walls gave me a sense of security. I could at least defend this tiny square. The only time I became nervous when I had the whole house to defend. When I walked out of the bathroom there was a pounding at the door. My body tensed up and I froze in the hallway. Again the pounding sounded at the door. My powers took over and I stared at the front door. Before my powers could see who it was the person behind the door spoke. “Shiloh I can hear you breathing. Now open the door.”

Tex’s voice was loud and clear. A sense of relief washed through me. My feet practically ran to the door. I unlocked the dead bolt and swung the large wooden door open. Tex had dark circles underneath his eyes and his hair was a mess on top of his head. “What happened to you?” His face scrunched together and tried to figure out what I was asking. “You really look awful.”

“That could be because I haven’t slept in two days. Really I could say the same for you.” I looked down to see myself in torn up sweats and a large T shirt.

“It’s the new craze,” I said defending myself.  He laughed as the sun shone down on him.

“Can I come in?” I nodded and opened the door wider. I stepped in and walked for the kitchen. Tex closed the door behind him and walked in after me. “Where’s Rylan?”

“He had some meeting or something.” I opened up the fridge and grabbed bottled water. Tex sat at the counter and looked over at me. “Where’s Kei?”

“She is visiting her family. It’s Noelani’s birthday today.” I thought a moment. Rylan didn’t say anything. He hardly ever talked about them. When they were brought up in subject he would either leave the room or change the topic.

My hands leaned against the granite counters. “Did you need something?”

“Not one for small talk, are you?” I smiled and looked over him and knew he had something on his mind. “I’ve looked everywhere for Zane. There’s no trace of him anywhere.”

“No trace? What does that mean?”

Tex sighed and played with his fingers. “Either Zane is hiding his tracks or he’s…” I don’t think any of us wanted to talk about that. “I refuse to believe he’s gone. I would’ve felt something, I know it. So now there is only one option. He’s completely blocked me from his mind and any of his whereabouts. I have to believe that he’s working for the other side.” Tex’s shoulders slumped and he leaned into the counter. I could see the betrayal of Zane running through him again. My mind flooded with images from years ago. Tex was so devastated when Zane became a villain. It was like his whole world was caving in.

I spun on my heels and stood in front of the stove. With my powers I floated a few feet above the ground so that I could see the top of the shelves. There on top of the wood was a glimmering bottle of fine scotch, my secret stash. As I lowered back down to the ground I grabbed two bottles from the cabinets next to me. I sat them both in front of Tex. He looked up at me as I poured the golden liquid into the glasses. The bottle sat on the counter and I grabbed both cups and walked them out to the front room. Tex sat next to me on the couch and took his own glass. Together we sat silently for a few minutes. The alcohol soothed my aching nerves as it slipped down my throat. Tex’s silver eyes flicked over the wall sitting behind the television. His lips pursed over the cup and he took another sip. “Did you ever imagine life being like this?”

“Normal life isn’t like this Tex.”

He hit me in the shoulder. “I know that. I meant our lives. Of course it would be more dramatic more full of action, but not near as bad as this. When I was younger I saw it completely differently.”

I tried to look back on my human life but those memories were becoming faded. I couldn’t remember what I thought about life. I just nodded in agreement with Tex. Life did seem to bring a lot of pain.  Tex continued, “What do you think life would’ve been like if you never met Phoenix?”

“Boring,” I said with a smile and took a sip of my scotch.

Tex looked at me with a strange look. “I’m being serious here.”

I nodded, “I know. I’m sure I would’ve gotten married. Possibly I would’ve had kids. Like I said, life would be boring.”

Tex nodded. “What if Rylan never came back?”

This was a harder question to answer. Those memories were always fresh in my mind. Constantly throughout my life I felt that pain in back of my mind. Every day I lived in fear that again I would lose him. Every time his eyes flicked easily over me I wondered if perhaps that would be the last time they would. Dreams were constantly reoccurring in my mind. I remembered his body lying limp in my arms. His cold skin touching mine…  My hand tilted and I swallowed the rest of the alcohol. Tex realized he had gone a little too far. “I would like to know.”

I took a deep breath and played with the few droplets left in the cup. “I guess eventually I would have moved on.  Perhaps somehow I would’ve had kids. Knowing Zander I can’t imagine a life without him.” I took a deep breath and looked within my soul to see what I didn’t want to. “I would’ve ended up with Phoenix.”

“What?” Tex practically screamed.

“Eventually I know he would’ve broken down my shell. My loneliness would’ve finally gotten to me. “

Tex sat forward a little more, “You can’t really be serious, Shiloh.”

“Collin would’ve broken through. He’s stronger than I am sometimes.”

Tex stopped and this time his face really twisted in confusion. “You’ve completely lost me.”

“I know.” A smirk crossed my face and I pursed my lips together.

Tex shifted and licked his lips. I could see him trying to figure this out in his mind. Finally he gave in and asked a simple question. “So you aren’t Collin?”

“It’s complicated,” I returned back to him.

He sighed, “That’s obvious.”

I laughed. “I’m not very good at explaining it and in fact I’m confused myself. Basically I am still Collin, although my mind is Shiloh. Shiloh is in control almost all of the time. He’s a new person that has taken over. You’ve heard Rylan explain that if he hadn’t taught me how to control my powers the virus would’ve taken over?” Tex’s head nodded as he tried to follow me. “The virus is still taking over, just at a slower rate. The virus is Shiloh. He holds the powers that I use.”

“So slowly Collin is going away?”

My head nodded. “I can hardly remember my childhood. The only things I remember are things I chose to during my transformation. I pretty much just saved the good things.”

Tex leaned back. “So when does Collin leave?”

A smile spread on my face. “You don’t talk to Collin, Tex. You are talking to Shiloh. The only person who still can talk to Collin is Phoenix.” Again his face twisted. I sighed and tried to explain. “Didn’t you think it was strange that after my transformation I lost complete interest in Jo?” Tex nodded. He was following this tangent that I was going off on. “When I was human I hated you. You and Zane were the enemies. The two of you didn’t want Phoenix and I together. In fact you both fought actively to keep us apart.” Tex’s face turned red and held back a laugh. “In a million years did you ever think that you and I would be friends?”

“Not in a billion years.” He answered truthfully.

I nodded and rubbed the top of his hand that was leaned against the back of the couch. “You’re my best friend Tex. I hope you know that?”

He smiled and looked up under his eye brows, “Besides Rylan of course.” I nodded and gave him a smile. “Well you’re mine, besides Kei.” We both smiled at each other. I took a deep breath, “so you and Jo?”

“Collin still has a pull for her. When she’s around his heart warms, but me. I can’t stand her. She’s lied to me and betrayed me. That’s something I don’t put up with.”

Tex sighed, “I’m all different sorts of confused now on who you are.”

“I’m Shiloh. Just think of me as someone new who moved into the neighborhood. My old life means nothing now, all except Phoenix. He changed me that won’t ever go away.”

“So, Shiloh loves Rylan…”

“And Collin loves Phoenix. There’s a part of Collin who’s appreciative of Rylan, I mean he saved us.”

“So basically you have a split personality?” I nodded and we both laughed. “But wait, what about Justin?”

“He’s the same as me.” I was getting into things I could talk about more easily.

Tex thought a moment, “But he still goes by Justin.”

I nodded, “Try calling him Wyatt sometime. Once you do he’s under your spell.”

“I’d rather not, thanks. Phoenix hates me enough already.”

I stood up and offered my hand for his glass. He carefully set it in my palm, “what is with that?”

“He’s knows I’m better than him.” I laughed as I walked into to the kitchen. I had completely forgotten about the eerie feeling from the morning. I’m sure that I had also lifted Tex’s spirits. “I think it’s because of you. He knows that you prefer me over him.”

“I would totally hate you for that.” I put the bottle of Scotch back where it was hidden. Carefully I put the glasses in the dishwasher and started the load already in there. Tex walked into the kitchen and leaned on the counter. “We’ll figure this all out won’t we?”

“We always do.” I held my arms out from my body and looked at him, “how about it?” Tex laughed and pushed off the counter. He walked over to me and leaned into my chest. I tightly wrapped my arms around him. “I may not be Zane but I will always be here and sometimes I think that’s just enough to get by on.”

His hands sprawled on my back and hugged me tighter. We sat there a moment until the phone rang breaking our embrace. I jumped for the phone and got it on the second ring. “Hello?”


I sighed, “Zander what’re you doing on the phone. Aren’t you supposed to be in class?”

“Dad, something’s happened.”

My face went white and I knew it. Tex quickly flicked his powers on. We both felt the emotion in the room change. “What’s going on?”

“I’m not sure,” there were loud yells in the background. “We were sitting in the cafeteria when David stood up and said he didn’t feel well. His face got really pale and he passed out. When he fell he smashed his head into the ground and somewhere his head is bleeding.”

“Bleeding?” My mind went off immediately, “Don’t touch it Zander.”


“Don’t touch his blood. Is he awake?”

I could hear the panic turning into fright in Zander’s voice, “A little yes.”

“Take off your shirt and have him hold it against where he’s bleeding. Zander,” I said and waited for a reply.

“I’m here.”

“I’ll call your father. Don’t touch his blood, and Zander? “He paused which let me know he was listening. “Don’t let any of the Oresons’ near him.” I heard the other line shut off.

Quickly I grabbed Tex’s arm and pulled him towards the garage. “What do you have against our kids?” He asked quickly.

“Nothing,” I answered. “David is HIV positive.”

Tex understood. I flipped my phone out as I grabbed some keys off of the key rack. I took a moment to look and see what keys I had actually taken. The red Porsche is what I had taken. I dialed Rylan’s number. He answered during the first ring. “I’m already on my way.” He hung up and I continued into the garage.

Tex and I drove silently down the road towards the school. After about two minutes of driving I pulled over. “This is taking too long.” Without thinking I grabbed Tex’s wrist and warped us into the parking lot of the school. Tex caught my eye and gave me a smile.

“I’ll tell them this was my doing.” I nodded and we both got out. We ran as fast as we could to the cafeteria. It was strange walking into that familiar room. As I looked around Collin’s eyes saw great memories. This is where he and Phoenix grew so close. I shut my eyes and continued forward. A large group of people were surrounded together in the center of the lunch room. That’s obviously where the scene was playing out. A few teachers were trying to get kids back into their classrooms. When they saw me they stepped back. My arms shoved a few kids out of the way and I kneeled down next to David. Zander was sitting on the ground with his legs curled into his chest. His sad eyes looked up at me. David was holding Zander’s shirt to his head. A pool of blood had poured out from the cut along his scalp.

“David,” I whispered and he tried to smile.

Tex walked up behind me. “Let me see.”

A young voice came from the back of the crowd, “Uncle Tex? What are you doing here?” Abigail walked forward to look at the scene. She gasped and kneeled down beside. “David? Is there something I can do?” Her eyes flicked on indicating her use of powers.

“It’s alright Abigail. I can handle this.” I said quietly under my breath. The teachers began directing kids towards their classrooms. Madeline ran up with Atticus attached to her hand. She gasped and put her hand up to her mouth. “Tex I need you to heal him.”

His face twisted, “You know I don’t have.”

I put my lips to the side of his face. “Play along, please.” He nodded. My fingers wrapped around his wrist and he flipped on his ‘powers’. Slowly I closed my eyes and let my powers run through me. I looked through David’s body trying to find any source of pain. It wasn’t hard to follow the dark trail cruising through him straight to his kidneys. As I looked through the tissue and muscle I saw a dark power taking over each organ inside his torso. My powers tried to work and heal the darkness but to my surprise nothing was happening. I pushed them harder into his body which in turn made David give out a tiny yell. My eyelids flew open to look up at Tex. His silver eyes shut off and fear ran through me. I whispered, “I can’t heal him.”

“What?” He asked for me to repeat myself.

I cleared my throat, “I can’t heal him.”

He shook his head. “I heard you, it’s just… Impossible.”

There were a few straggling kids still watching the scene play out. A teacher walked over and grabbed their shoulders. “Come along Ms. Oreson and Mr. James. I’m sure David doesn’t want you gawking at him.”

“They’re fine.” David pushed air from his pained lungs. The teacher looked down at me and I gave her a nod. She walked off with the group of other children. Finally we were alone. Again I flicked my powers on and held them over David’s body, nothing. “That actually does hurt you know?”

“It hurts?” Tex snapped loudly. David’s head nodded. “Shiloh, get your hand away.” I did what he said immediately. Tex’s hand floated over David’s body. He watched David’s face as he searched for something. “It shouldn’t hurt.”

“Seriously, let me try.” Abigail stood impatiently behind me.

I nodded and let her kneel down next to me. Zander scooted a little closer as she became more on his level. Just as she stretched her hands out someone shouted behind her. “Don’t touch him.” Rylan walked up us and started slapping on some medical gloves.

Tex stood up and let Rylan take his spot next to me. Abigail huffed and stood up also. Zander took the chance to stand next to her. Atticus had Madeline wrapped in his arms. Rylan put his hands on the side of David’s head. “Is the room spinning?”

“Like a tornado.” David answered with slurring words. I could see the consciousness slowly slipping from him.

“Where’s the pain?”

David closed his eyes and tried to think. “Besides in my head there’s pain in my hips.”

Rylan nodded and lowered his hands down David’s body. When he got to about David’s kidneys his hands stopped. I knew that he was seeing what I had seen. His eyes lifted and looked up into my face. “We can’t heal him.” That’s when I saw panic feel his body. Only to make things better that’s when David lost consciousness.

Luckily the siren from the ambulance became closer. Rylan stared straight down to David’s face as he held the T shirt to his head. The EMT’s burst through the door with a gurney being drug behind them. They walked over to us and started looking over David. “He’s HIV positive,” Rylan said to the EMT’s. They both nodded and pulled out an extra pair of medical gloves. When they were finished looking him over Rylan lifted his limp body onto the gurney.

The EMT’s started to take him away and the group of us followed. We followed them clear out to the parking lot where the ambulance was. They lifted him up into the back of the truck and started hooking him up to machines. The drive over the two looked back, “We have room for one parent.”

Rylan turned around and looked at me. “You go,” I said loudly. “You’ll be more useful than me. I’ll meet you there.” Rylan nodded and pulled himself into the back of the truck. When the doors closed the wagon quickly drove off with their lights and sirens blaring. The rest of us stood helpless in the middle of the parking lot. My eyes strained as I watched the ambulance drive down the street.

A hand touched my back, “Shiloh.” Tex whispered into my ear. It shook me out of my day dreaming. “I’ll get the car.” I nodded and he was gone. I spun on my heels to look at the kids standing behind me. Madeline had sweet tears rolling down her cheeks. Atticus was trying to comfort her as best he could. Zander seemed to be staring the same way I was. Abigail stood behind them looking down towards the pavement. I heard Tex pull the car up behind me.

Madeline kissed Atticus and pulled away from him. He walked off towards the school. Zander continued to stare down the road. His body was hardly moving. I carried my feet over to him. “Zander he’ll be fine.” His silver eyes lifted up to me. Carefully I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. “It’ll be just fine.”

I started to pull him to the car when Abigail stepped forward. “Zander?” without thinking he spun around to look at her. “Do you want me to take you?”

No words came out of Zander’s mouth. His eyes just looked up at me in a pleading manner. I nodded my head and he stepped away from me. 

© 2010 Katie Wan

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Added on June 4, 2010
Last Updated on June 4, 2010


Katie Wan
Katie Wan

Idaho Falls, ID

My whole life is centered around writing. It was only a few years ago that I discovered my passion for it. I love coming up with stories and new characters. Writing is the most important thing in my l.. more..

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