Chapter 26

Chapter 26

A Chapter by Katie Wan

Someone has a talent.


I sat in the commons with my elbows leaned on the step behind me. My gaze stayed perfectly set on Abigail. She talked with all her girlfriends. Her smile spread wide across her face. The silver gems that were her eyes flicked around the room looking around at each face in the room. The regular, after school hustle was waiting at the door. Her hair was curled across her shoulders today. Each little curl put a bounce in my step. My mouth was gaping open as I stared at her. The smell of lilacs filled my mind. I imagined the touch of her skin against mine. Oh how I wanted her next to me. I wanted to walk up to her, wrap her in my arms, and sink my lips onto hers. A dark rose filled the space over her cheeks.

As she spoke it was as if I was watching her in slow motion. A bright glow filtered around her giving her the presence of an angel, which she was. Almost like it was magic she turned her head slightly. When her eye caught mine I completely froze. The strange part was she did too. Her face softened as she looked over my body. I felt my heart start to race. It jumped to the center of my throat on demand. Slowly I licked my lips in an attempt tell myself I was still alive.  

The corner of her mouth slowly slid up into a smile. My lungs gasped for air and my view was blocked. William, David, Atticus, and Madeline walked in front of me. Someone was complaining about something. Quickly I stood up and pushed William out of the way, but I was too late. Abigail was walking down the hall with her friends. I watched in total defeat as her curls bounced across her shoulders. William walked up to me and followed my gaze. A chuckle bubbled through his chest. “She smiled at me,” I was still hypnotized. Abigail turned and walked into the cafeteria leaving any of sight of her in my mind.

William rubbed my back then spun me around. I looked at the group that had spilled out across the platforms. Atticus was the one complaining, “I just don’t understand how he could just quit in the middle of the semester. What does he expect us to do?”

“He’s not quitting he’s retiring.” William put his hands on his hips as he spoke.

I looked around the depressed group, “Who’s retiring?”

“If you ever went to symphony practice you would know.” Madeline hissed underneath her breath.

I pushed my eyebrows together in a glare, “that old fool has no idea of what he’s talking about.”

David nodded, “I agree.”

William smiled, “Well you’ll be happy to know that Dr. Adams is retiring at the end of the week.”

Madeline wiped away fake tears and fell into Atticus’ chest. “That’s the best thing he ever did for you.” Madeline huffed underneath Atticus, “He was only hurting your ability to play. I could do a better job.”

William’s face lit up, “You could do a better job.” It wasn’t a question at all, more a statement.

I shrugged my shoulders, “Of course I could. I don’t mean to brag but I am a musical genius.”

Atticus laughed, “For being so great I’ve never actually seen you play anything.”

William stepped back, “He’s right.”

“I’ve only seen tapes.” Madeline sat up as the interrogating began.

David smiled at me, “He plays wonderfully.”

“Prove it,” Madeline jumped up and stood in front of me.

I crossed my arms across my chest, “Bring it on.”

Madeline looked down at Atticus who shrugged. He stood up and took her hand, “I have an idea but we have to be sneaky.”

The five of us followed Atticus who led us to the auditorium. “You’re crazy. I can’t believe you’re going to make him do this?”

“What am I doing exactly?” The auditorium was empty. A few lights were lit on the stage. The brightness spread over a large grand piano. It was obviously cherished because every fingerprint had been wiped off. The Burgundy chairs all faced up to the stage.

Atticus pointed to the piano, “The piano belongs to Mrs. Lester.  It is her most prized possession and if she ever finds anyone playing on it without permission she punishes them.” Madeline giggled, “Play something for us Zander.”

I looked over everyone’s eyes. They all smiled and started to find seats in the auditorium. David pulled me aside, “Zander you know you’re great you don’t have to prove it.”

“I know, but having a challenge is quite nice.”

David smiled then froze, he looked behind me. I spun on my heels to see Abigail staring straight at me, “What are you doing in here?”

“Zander’s going to play something for us Abigail, take a seat and listen.” William bit his lower lip and shifted his gaze back and forth between me and her.

Abigail took a few steps down the aisle towards me. My heart pounded louder and louder the closer she got. Soon she was standing inches from me. I could smell the anger rising off of her. “Don’t  `you dare play her piano.”

“Or what?” I raised my eyebrows waiting for a replay.

“Or,” she didn’t have anything did she? “Or I’ll go get her.”

Her anger only fueled my excitement. I turned my neck and looked at the piano that was calling me. Again I looked at her, “You better go get her then.”

Her mouth fell open and she glared at me. Atticus cheered and David patted me on the shoulder. He went in the aisle and sat next to William. I spun on my heels and started walking towards the stage. “Zander, don’t you dare.”

I turned around and started walking backwards, “Oh I dare Abigail, I dare.”

I heard her small feet patter off and open the auditorium door. I took a deep breath as I walked up the stairs. My feet carried me to the front of the piano, “and what is it that you’d like to hear?”

They all looked at each other and started whispering. Finally Atticus lifted his head from the group and spoke loudly, “something difficult.”

“That really narrows it down.” I moved in front of the piano and racked my mind for something to play. Finally I found on in my mind, “off the top of my head, I shall play Chopin’s Etude in C minor.” I formally took a bow before taking the bench. The four in the audience clapped loudly. I moved to the bench and pretended to flick out the tails of my coat. My hands lightly stroked the keys for a minute. Again my lungs took in a deep breath. I closed my eyes and imagined the song, letting it play through in my mind.

With a flick of the wrist I took off. The runs ran down the scale perfectly. My fingers flicked over the black and white keys as if they were born to play them. My lungs breathed in and out continually as the swift music filled the auditorium. The continuous song never stopped with flaws. This wasn’t one of the hardest songs I knew, it just happened to be the one that came up in my mind. After a few minutes into the song I heard the back doors of the auditorium swing open. Loud voices were talking an older woman shouted, “What the hell does he think he’s doing?”

David laughed from the audience and I shifted my eyes to Abigail for a slight moment. She stood next to an overweight older lady with purple permed hair. Her bright red lipstick circled her lips in a mess. Her brown eyes watched me play and no words escaped her mouth. She seemed as flabbergasted as the rest. Her hand ran along the backs of the chairs as she walked closer to the group sitting in the center of the auditorium. My attention turned back to the piano. My hands whipped over the keys as if they weren’t playing them at all.

As the end of the song neared I concentrated on sending it home. I played the piano louder and fiercer. I slammed my hands into the keys to end the song. The group erupted in cheers. I stood up and took a bow. David yelled over the screams, “and that was nothing compared to his cello work.”

I smiled at him and nodded my head. He gave me thumbs up and then all of our attention was turned to Mrs. Lester and Abigail. Abigail had her arms crossed over her chest. She stood behind where Mrs. Lester was sitting. “What is your name boy?” Her loud monstrous voice yelled up to the stage.

“Zander Khorry, ma’am” Again I walked to the front of the piano.

She stood up, “How long have you been playing the piano?”

I shrugged and tried to remember, “I think my dad’s got our piano when I was four.”

She nodded, “You do realize no one is allowed to play this piano.” I nodded and my heart started to race as she walked closer to the stage. Abigail had a smug smirk on her face as she followed Mrs. Lester down the aisle. “I’ll make you a deal,” I looked down at the older woman who was now at the foot of the stage. “Look in the bench. Take out that Mozart piece. If you can play it flawlessly then there will be no punishment for you. But if you don’t, you will feel my wrath.”

A laugh busted from David’s lips as the woman threatened me. I spun on my heels and walked to the piano bench. The black painted wood glittered brightly as I opened the lid to the bench. Sitting all alone in the center was a piano piece. The piece was a few pages long. I pulled it out and read the title. Mozart’s piano symphony number 11 in A. I’d never actually played this piece before, but I had heard it many times. I looked out to the crowd, “David do you think you could keep up?”

He nodded and stood up. He was on the stage in a minute. My hands handed him the music, “This is crazy Zander, just take the punishment. You’ve never sight read anything like this.”

I punched him in the shoulder, “Don’t question the genius.” He smiled and took his place next to me on the bench. Again I prepared myself. Letting the tune completely take over in my mind my hands played beautifully.

The crowd seemed almost shocked at my talent. There were a couple gasps and whispering. When the piece was done, perfectly, I lifted my hand from the piano and looked at Mrs. Lester. Her brown eyes looked up into my face and said, “I have a proposition for you, follow me.” 

© 2010 Katie Wan

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Added on June 4, 2010
Last Updated on June 4, 2010


Katie Wan
Katie Wan

Idaho Falls, ID

My whole life is centered around writing. It was only a few years ago that I discovered my passion for it. I love coming up with stories and new characters. Writing is the most important thing in my l.. more..

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