Chapter 18

Chapter 18

A Chapter by Katie Wan

Hey looks who's in the hospital again.


A dark fog covered my eyes. I searched for a way out of it. When I saw a small light I ran for it. Voices began to fill my head. I listened to them carefully. “He should be coming out of it soon.” The voice belonged to my dad Rylan.

“Will he be alright after that?” That was David. From where I was lying I could tell he was sitting in the corner. S oft hand s stroked the top of my head and the side of my arm.

Rylan spoke again, “I relieved all the pressure from his brain quickly enough. He should be fine.” My dad had operated on me.

“Rylan how are you feeling,” David asked again from the corner?

“I’m a little sore especially when I use my powers or walk up stairs. Other than that I’m doing great, thanks David.”

“You’re welcome.”

Suddenly I found my way out of the fog. Bright lights scorched at my eyes as they finally opened. I let out a whimper but took a moment for them to adjust. When finally I could pick out figures and colors I looked up to my parents. They both smiled down at me, but all my attention went to Rylan. “Dad?” He had sacrificed everything for me and I wasn’t about to forget that.


David sat in my room silently. My parents were finally taking their long deserved rest. “Hey man,” I said with a raspy voice.

“Hey,” David smiled and stood up. He walked over to the chair by me. I carefully sat my body up.

“Where are we?”

He laughed, “We’re back in Lincoln City.”

A deep sigh came from the center of my lungs, “Is Abigail okay?”

He nodded slightly, “The moment I saw her I knew somehow you’d fallen for her.” We both shared a laugh. David knew me the best and I was rather grateful for him. “How are you feeling?”

“Fine,” Suddenly in front of me a bright flash of light appeared. My hand covered my eyes from the bright light and I waited until it was over.

“Zander?” My hand returned back to my side. David was looking towards the end of my bed. I followed his gaze. Abigail stood at the end of my bed with two men.

“Abigail, you’re alright.” As I quickly sat up I felt a sudden wave of vertigo. My head pounded with pain and slowly I returned to my lying position. 

“Thanks to you,” her sweet voice again filled my ears. The hair on my arms stood up as she looked up and down my body. “I’m sorry about your head.”

“It’s nothing, I’ve had broken bones before.” I smiled to try and comfort her sad face. She stood in front of the two men. I looked to the right of her a tall man with dark black hair stood with his hands on his hips. His silver eyes peered under swollen eye lids. His long hair was brushed back out of his face. He looked as if he didn’t want to be there. There was a somewhat evil set in the back of his eyes, although by the color of his eyes I could see that he was fine.

The next man stood a few inches taller than the other. He was obviously Abigail’s dad. She looked very much like him. Brown hair, silver eyes, and strong attractive features were just a few that were obvious. He was smiling a proud smile with his hand on Abigail’s shoulder. “Phoenix,” I pointed to him and looked at Abigail?

She nodded and smiled, “you remembered?”

“I didn’t lose my memory Abigail,” I said a little too harshly.

Phoenix nudged her forward. She looked up at him and rolled her eyes, “I’m supposed to say thank you.”

“Abigail,” Phoenix hissed her name under his breath. “What she’s trying to say is thank you very much for saving her life. She is indebted to you and same as us.”

“You’re very welcome Abbi,” I said taunting her. With her parents standing behind her there wasn’t much she could do. “It was my pleasure.”

Her eyes narrowed tightly down towards me. Phoenix looked over to my right to see David, “David good to see you. It’s always a pleasure.”

He shifted nervously, “and you sir.”

Phoenix smiled to him and then back down to me, “We’ll get out of your way. Please tell your parents we stopped by and said hello.” I nodded for an answer and before they left he said, “Please don’t be strangers.”

When the light in the room had disappeared I looked over at David, “when’d you meet him?”

“Oh Zan, you’ve missed out on oh so very much.”

He smiled brightly showing off a little bit, “Well would you mind explaining please?”

“Oh if you insist,” David told me every little detail about meeting Phoenix, and my dad’s heart attack. He told me all the history that he was taught while I was gone. I began to see my parents in a different light. Perhaps maybe I had misjudged them. They were my parents after all. Even with super powers they aren’t perfect. I guess I was just expecting a little too much from them.

© 2010 Katie Wan

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Added on June 2, 2010
Last Updated on June 2, 2010


Katie Wan
Katie Wan

Idaho Falls, ID

My whole life is centered around writing. It was only a few years ago that I discovered my passion for it. I love coming up with stories and new characters. Writing is the most important thing in my l.. more..

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