Chapter 15

Chapter 15

A Chapter by Katie Wan

Oh I love adventures.


The sound of my feet pacing back and forth echoed through the small room. The dark grey eyes that belonged to Rylan watched me as I walked back and forth. Back and forth. My hand pinched the bridge of my nose as I concentrated to make the confusion float away. Suddenly I stopped at the end of the bed. My hand rested on the plastic end holding his chart, “Why Rylan?” The grey eyes looked down to his feet and then back up to me. My hand pushed off from the plastic bed and I walked to the back wall. The frustration poured out of me loudly, “Why the hell are you on those?”

“You wouldn’t understand,” He finally spoke, quietly but it was words.

My sneakers squeaked as I spun around again, “What the hell won’t I understand. What will be so complicated for my small mind to comprehend?” My hand started to point rudely towards him, “I’ve stuck by your side for over 18 years and this is how you repay me. I make you so unhappy that you need to find happiness in pill you’ve sworn off your whole life?”

“I quit my job!” He suddenly spat out to me. My hand lowered and I looked deep into his sorrowful eyes. “I didn’t know how to tell you. I realize that I am the main support for this family and I didn’t want to take that away.”

“What am I then, Chump change?” I leaned on the plastic base again.

His eyes opened wide, “Shiloh no, not at all.”

“Then what I am to you?”

His body tried to sit up but wasn’t allowed due to chords. “You’re everything, Shiloh you know that.”

“Does it look like I know it?” Again I pushed off the plastic. My hand crossed over my chest and my nostrils flared.

Rylan’s hands grabbed at each wire connected to him and pulled each of them with a swift flick of the wrist. He picked himself up off the bed and walked over to me. His hands were at my shoulders in seconds. I shrugged them off, “don’t touch me.” I hissed. My eyes looked up into his. An alarm started to go off behind us as the computers realized they weren’t connected to anything. “I can’t do this anymore Rylan. I’m tired of living a lie.” He stood perfectly still not moving a bit.

“This isn’t you Shiloh.” His eyes pierced deep into mine as he tried to figure my thinking out. “What’s going on, what’s wrong.”

My hand touched my chest and then his, “This.” Underneath me my feet spun around and headed toward the door.

“Shiloh, do not do this, Shiloh. Collin!” He finally yelled, but I was already gone. As I stepped out into the hall every eye was on me. Nurses and doctors had started running towards Rylan’s room. Megan stood up and watched me.

I walked straight toward her, “Would you mind talking to him for me?” Her head nodded and I turned again and started walking down the hall.

David was sitting across from Phoenix and Justin who had now become attune to the situation. Phoenix slowly stood up from the ground and watched me carefully. My body stopped in front of David, “Let’s go.” He nodded and turned his body with me. A look was shot straight to Phoenix, “We’re going to go find our children.” Phoenix nodded slowly. David and I started walking and I heard Phoenix’s shoes behind me.

“Phoenix what’re you doing?”

Phoenix was right behind me, he spun around and yelled. “Justin, talk to him. You know you’re the only one that can.” We turned a corner and Phoenix’s hand slid into mine. Quickly I pulled it away from him.

Again my face turned up to him, “Thanks for coming Phoenix.”


I followed each emotion that came with my powers, each one pulling me closer towards Zander. We took ourselves in a car for miles. David took in each little thing without question. I knew he would have many more when the time came. We found ourselves in a national park. I wasn’t sure which one but it was obvious that it was one. We pulled up to a shack selling camping and hiking gear. We stocked up and started up a trail.

“I’m not really much into Hiking.” I laughed as David complained.

Phoenix walked up to me as David fell behind, “What’s with the kid Collin?”

“He’s Zander’s best friend. I couldn’t help but take him along. He’s your biggest fan you know.”

“Wonderful.” He sighed

We hiked until we reached a small clearing where a stream could be heard. My feet began to pick up speed, my powers guiding them. Phoenix kept pace with me easily. David huffed loudly behind us. As I reached the water I was slapped with the sudden realization that I was standing in the exact same spot as Zander. My breathing became deeper as the smell of Zander filled my nostrils. “What is it?” David asked when he finally caught up.

“Zander’s right here.” My hand moved around in the space directly in front of me. David’s hand stuck out in front of him.

“Dr. Khorry, this is air.”

“Another realm,” Phoenix whispered to himself, “Damn it.”

Both of us knew exactly what we were looking for, a portal. We spun around and started running around the meadow. David tried to do the same but really he was just wasting energy. We all ran back into the center, “Where could it be?”

“We’ll have to split up. I’m good on my own. I feel that it’s somewhere close.”

My head nodded, “It doesn’t look like we’re getting any sleep tonight.”  David let out a loud sigh and sunk his head.

Phoenix looked over both of us, “Okay I’m leaving. Call me if you get anything.”

Phoenix took off into the trees, “come on David let’s go.”

© 2010 Katie Wan

Author's Note

Katie Wan
I Missed you guys.

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Added on June 2, 2010
Last Updated on June 2, 2010


Katie Wan
Katie Wan

Idaho Falls, ID

My whole life is centered around writing. It was only a few years ago that I discovered my passion for it. I love coming up with stories and new characters. Writing is the most important thing in my l.. more..

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