Chapter 11

Chapter 11

A Chapter by Katie Wan

An unexpected turn of events.


Rylan and I walked down the streets of Paris hand in hand. We passed by café after café. The wonderful thing about Paris and all of France, no one stared. He and I both carried a brown bag full of fresh bread and groceries. “Do you think we made a mistake not telling him?”

“It’s hard to say, we don’t really know what would’ve happened if we had.”

Rylan’s gaze was on the buildings around us, “We could know.”

My hand squeezed his. “Let’s not go there. We raised him how we did and there’s no use in changing that.”

He nodded and looked into my eyes. He smiled slightly and then looked at the buildings again. “The resemblance to me is quite frightening.”

I laughed a little. “I was hoping Zander would get more of your looks than mine.”

“Maybe we shouldn’t have split the genes, just had all of you.”

My head shook without thinking, “She’s beautiful and so are you.”

“We will have to introduce them after this.”

My feet walked steadily beneath me, “We need to tell him everything after this, If he hasn’t figured it all out already. I mean he is with the Oresons, they love to talk about themselves.” Rylan snorted and pulled me into his chest. His arm wrapped around my shoulders and he kissed the side of my face. My arm wrapped around his waist and we walked down the street like that. We opened the door and walked up the stairs again to the apartment.

We were laughing when we walked it. Suddenly every face turned to us. Worry and confusion was in each eye, “What?” I asked suddenly expecting the worst. Megan and Madeline parted to expose a new face that had arrived in France. “David?” I half yelled, “What are you doing here?”

David was Zander’s best friend. They had met when David moved from Texas to Oregon when they were both 14. Every year since then they’ve been in every band and symphony class that any of them have ever taken. Zander and David started a band a few years ago with their other two friends. They’ve played different shows and have grown together as more than best friends. David is constantly at our house, I don’t think there’s a day where he’s not there. David’s in the foster care program and has moved around most of his life. Luckily he’s been able to stay for a few years.

David’s bright smile stood out from his dark skin. It was quite obvious that he was from Indian descent. His dark hair was cut in different layers and hug to about over his ears. Today he wore a grey beanie on the back of his head. His bangs hung across his dark forehead and eye brows. It was obvious that his full heritage wasn’t Indian. The main give away were two bright blue eyes. They were the hardest things to miss. If anyone walked into a room and saw those eyes it would be hard to look away from anything else. His long nose split his face perfectly in half and polishing off the Indian features.

His body type reminds me much of Zander’s. They are both built quite well with broad shoulders. His Pecs were toned perfectly showing off each individual muscle in between them. He always showed them off with low cut v neck t shirts. Today his choice of color was white, paired with tight black pants that curled around his built calves. High top converse sneakers finished off his alternative indie look. A large thick watch sat on his right wrist. He wiped his nose and smiled as widely as he could once more.

I was just amazed at the fact that he was here, “How’d you get here?”

Rylan sat down the groceries, “More importantly what’re you doing here?” Rylan’s tone became serious, much like when he was trying to discipline Zander.

“You don’t actually think I’m going to let my best friend go missing and not help out.  Now Shiloh’s question, I have quite a bit of money in savings in hopes of one day moving out and getting a new life. Plus you left where you were with your secretaries. It was the easiest phone call I’ve ever made.”

“David you can’t be here,” I said and kindly and calmly as I could.  

David’s hands went to his waist, “and why the hell not? I care about Zander just as much, or maybe more, as you. Of all people I should be the one you called and asked for help.”

Madeline snickered next to her mother. Rylan shot her a look that silenced her, “this is a private family matter and we can take care of it.” Rylan’s tone got deeper and more serious.

“Obviously since you didn’t say anything to the police, it must be very private. Actually what it sounds like is a set up.” David tried to match Rylan’s tone.

“It’s nothing like that David, I promise you.” I was the only one in the room keeping my words in check. I tried to speak calmly.

The door opened behind us and Phoenix’s loud voice came chiming in, “Paris is the most beautiful city on the planet.” Justin followed him with their hands intertwined together. They danced their way in until they saw the situation at hand. “What’s this?” Phoenix pointed to David.

There was a look of recognition in David’s eyes and we all knew that we were sunk. David’s mouth gaped open and his bright eyes became huge, “Phoenix Oreson, the Phoenix Oreson?”

Phoenix slowly nodded and his gaze shifted to me, “Should we not be here right now?”

“It’s too late now.” Rylan mumbled.

David walked around the couch and headed straight for Phoenix. He grabbed his hand and started shaking it enthusiastically. Phoenix’s eyes went to me in a sort of plea for explanation. “I can’t believe I’m shaking hands with one of the greatest superheroes alive.” David turned to Justin and grabbed his hand also, “And your husband. I’m totally cool with the fact that you are gay,”
 David’s hand stretched out towards us, “obviously.” Rylan snorted and turned away from David.

David’s hand kept shaking up and down until I could tell Justin was quite uncomfortable, “David.” I hissed loudly and he snapped frozen. He slowly took his hand out of Justin’s and backed up. “David we need to call your parents.”

“Foster parent’s thanks and actually they wanted me out of the house for the weekend, so here I am.” His hands spread out from his body and he smiled as cheesy as he possibly could. His mind seemed to finally click with the situation, “Wait, your kids are missing too aren’t they?” David’s hand pointed towards Phoenix and Justin. “Then Zander is missing,” his mouth gaped open and he gasped loudly, “They’re together aren’t they?”

No one in the room made eye contact with him, which in turn gave him his answer. “I don’t believe it. Zander Khorry gets to hang out with Superheroes. Well I guess I do now, don’t I?”

Rylan answered this one, “No you don’t. We’re sending you on the first plane back. My treat.”

Rylan’s hand grabbed the back of David’s shirt and started leading him to the door, “Wait.” David pulled back and caught onto my arm. “Dr. Shiloh, you won’t make me go will you?” His eyes looked up into mine and he seemed to finally understand, “You’re heroes aren’t you?” My gaze shifted to the floor and then back up to his. “I can’t believe it. I’ve known heroes all this long. Please Dr. Shiloh, don’t make me go.” He paused and Rylan loosened his grip so that David could squarely stand in front of me. “You guys and Zander are all I have, and if I lose him I’m pretty sure I lose the rest of you. Please don’t make me.”

My eyelids closed and I moved over to Rylan. One hand was on the door knob the other pulling David’s shirt. Before I could speak Rylan said, “It’s up to you.”

My lips parted and I looked over at Phoenix whose silver eyes were dead set on me.  I found every answer in those eyes, “David. You can stay.”


David sat silently on the couch next to us. Phoenix and Justin were at the table eating something they had picked up from a café below. Madeline sat on the couch Phoenix and Justin were on earlier. Her silver eyes looked at the three of us sunken into the leather couch. Her mother was in the kitchen cooking something that smelt sweet and delicious. My eyes were looking around the room, David was fiddling with his watch, and Rylan’s hand was running up and down my thigh. My eyes went to the large entertainment set that was perched in the corner. DVD’s and VHS’ lined the sides of the wooden shelves. Suddenly my eyes caught on a familiar name. A black box that contained a VHS had written on the side in silver lettering ‘Zander’s cello recital.’ Every year we sent a home video out to the Bellamont’s I never actually thought that they would keep them. “No way,” I gasped and stood up.

“What’s that?” Megan asked from the kitchen.

“You still have these?” My hands went to the glass doors and opened them up. I grabbed the stack of home videos.

Madeline looked over my shoulder. “I thought we couldn’t watch these, mom.”

Megan’s brown eyes looked at me as she smiled.  My face lifted up to her and then I turned around to look at Rylan who was smiling at me. I lifted the tape in my hand up and Madeline took it. I took my place back on the couch between Rylan and David. I leaned over to David and whispered, “I believe you were in this.” He nodded and we watched the shaky video camera do its work.

The symphony sat behind a very young Zander. His cello sat between his legs like it was born there. His hand stayed perfectly firm on the neck as he watched the conductor give him the go. Over his right shoulder you could see David sitting behind three large timpani’s. Every eye in the room and the symphony were on Zander. The lights dimmed on the rest of the people sitting behind him and a single spotlight shone brightly over him. He slid his chair a few more inches forward and handed his music stand to his conductor.  The bow pulled over the strings as he started his most treasured song.

It’s a song that most everyone has heard. Bach’s cello suite is one of the most famous cello songs around. Zander learned it when he was very young, probably about eight. When he was 14 in this video his conductor made him first chair in the combined high school and middle school symphony. He’s been there ever since. At the end of the year on this tape he received an all around award for his works in the symphony. He’s loved it even more since then.

Zander’s head lowered as he played the song. Each ear in the room was open and each eye was facing the TV. The camera tilted a little to get a better view of David, “That’s me!” He pointed towards the screen, “the one with the ridiculous haircut.”

The cello played beautifully. Zander’s fingers moved up and down the neck as if it was nothing. His eyes slowly closed and he tilted his head back so that he would be able to hear the music himself. The bow flicked back and forth over and over again. The reaction from the crowd was pure astonishment. Behind me I heard Phoenix’s breathing stop and he leaned on the back of the couch.

The song began to pick up speed. David spoke loudly this time, “I think this is when I fell in love with him.” There was a soft chuckle throughout the room. Rylan and I both knew he was kidding but the rest had no idea. The song began to move faster and faster when suddenly the hairs on my arm stood up, something wasn’t right.

It happened in only a second. Rylan grabbed his chest and started to breath hard. My eyes snapped to his and I could see he was in immense pain. Suddenly his eyes rolled back into his head. David stood up and leapt away from me as I jumped for him. Rylan’s body slid off the couch onto the wood floor. Immediately my powers turned on. I looked through his body trying to find the main source of the pain. Everything led to his heart. My hands went to the buttoned shirt that was covering his chest. I ripped it open sending buttons flying every direction. David had run over to Madeline. They both gasped when they saw the scar on Rylan’s torso. It was the scar that Larsen had caused with the discus, the time when I almost lost him for good.  “Call an ambulance.” Megan ran over to the kitchen to get the phone.

My ear went to his chest. The large muscle was beating out of rhythm. My ear left the warm flesh and my hands went to where the pain was centered. My healing powers shot out from everywhere. I began to notice that the powers weren’t working. His body wasn’t responding. As I listened I heard his heart beginning to slow, slower, slower. Panic rushed through me. Sweat began to bead up on my forehead. My eyes looked around for anything to help, when finally I caught the silver eyes staring straight at me. “Phoenix please,” I pleaded with him. He was around the couch in seconds. I moved to the side of Rylan. Phoenix’s thick legs straddled over Rylan’s limp body on the ground.

His hands went to Rylan’s chest also. This didn’t bother me like it should’ve. He laced his hands together and placed them on his chest, “CPR Collin, I’ll pump him three times you give him two breaths.” My head nodded slightly. Before he started he looked straight at me, “It’ll be alright.” He whispered and his hands pumped into Rylan’s chest.

© 2010 Katie Wan

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Added on June 2, 2010
Last Updated on June 2, 2010


Katie Wan
Katie Wan

Idaho Falls, ID

My whole life is centered around writing. It was only a few years ago that I discovered my passion for it. I love coming up with stories and new characters. Writing is the most important thing in my l.. more..

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